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NY Walmart employee trampled to death in store

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    That`s some greedy peeps..


      This thread is useful to me... Cause if I had a concealed weps permit for my 45, I would have to use it on those morons.

      Yet another reason why I cant carry a gun.... To Many Stupid People, So Few Bullets...


        Happens every year

        The Holidays bring out the best in some people, and the worst in many. I agree with Dougbob about the worst-case use of guns...rubber shot in my new police shotgun meant have left a lasting impression on their tiny minds (certainly their bodies).

        Anyway, the rants about Walmart: it's a double edged sword. The guy that was working there did not deserve to die. The employees have little or nothing to do with their policies: they are just trying to eek out a living on a relatively low paying job (it's better than sucking welfare up). The store's policies and power are terrible in many ways, true; however, as a bus driver, and having shopped there a number of times, I see how folks with little income can go to the place and buy a few more things for the cash they lay out. How can we measure the negatives versus the positives impartially?

        And, back to the story, it would be nice to see the cattle who trampled these folks be put in a coliseum of sorts, and made to fight each other for their meager, less than adequate allotment of food each day...making the winner give their food to the rest. Skud has spoken!


          Everyone in here lives in their own bubble, the place where you believe you understand what manners are and etc.

          The truth is, after I just drove 2000+ miles back from Memphis TN recently, most people have no foundation- and most of America is poor by my own calculation of what I saw.

          You all have a nice house to live in, nice by many people's standards. And these holidays put pressure on those who do not have, to take advantage of these windows of opportunity to buy something for Themselves that they will never be able to afford normally (nor should they ever- considering they are just getting by).

          But these small moments, they have a certain weight in opportunity for the have nots. Can you imagine not being able to afford a new TV, and not realizing that you don't need to buy a new one in order to get the new TV standard? I mean if TV is your only affordable source of entertainment, and you barely make rent, buying a $1500 HD TV may be a challenge.

          Alas- I am not being ignorant. There are another group of people. They are the fat (not physically, but in mentality) douche bags that are the epitome of greed. These people deserve every bit of misery they bring on themselves, real and imagined. These people are so ugly inside that they have to hurt people, and they live their entire life from one possession to the next. They cant be happy, so they fill the void with cars, TVs, and etc.

          All you can do is observe, take mental notes, and take the experience and adjust yourself.

          It's not worth being angry about friends. Seriously- the best you can do is check yourself and make sure you aren't the unaware participant. This holiday season is about thankfulness, family, and friends. This is the moment in time where you can actually give more than you receive, and your heart will fill up with happiness knowing that you made someone's day (not like Dirty Harry though- because his version of "Make your day" is where you get shot - lol ).

          Anyways- that is my two cents on this scene.


            Originally posted by Hammy View Post
            There are another group of people. They are the fat (not physically, but in mentality) douche bags that are the epitome of greed.
            So, we can say douchebag now?


              Phantom your pic is hott we should meet up


                The sad thing is this has happened before. About three or four years ago a woman was trampled at a walmart around xmas time although she survived. Walmart is bad enough but really it's people who are so incited into a murderous mob by the simple fact of a cheap DVD player.....

                I will never ever shop at Walmart


                  Originally posted by [BOS]2_Wycked View Post
                  Phantom your pic is hott we should meet up
                  It appears that Phantom, too, has hopped on the boobie bandwagon! Huzzah!


                    Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                    But the TV's were half off!
                    lol they may have been 1/2 off but ill bet that if you look @ the prices over the last year on the TV's that they would have doubled so prices could be "slashed"


                      Originally posted by Fitty-Six K View Post
                      It appears that Phantom, too, has hopped on the boobie bandwagon! Huzzah!
                      I, for one, feel that there are not enough boobs here


                        that depends on how you define boob, if u mean what i think you mean then yes, but if you mean "complete idiot" i would say you count as at least 10, pushing us up to a grand total of.......10


                          Originally posted by Gimmie2 View Post
                          that depends on how you define boob, if u mean what i think you mean then yes, but if you mean "complete idiot" i would say you count as at least 10, pushing us up to a grand total of.......10
                          At least you got it


                            Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                            At least you got it
                            lol and yet again you prove my point about your magic ability to make any thread become off topic


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                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Sirex
                              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                              Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                              7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                              2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                              by Apache Warrior
                              Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                            • Reply to hey yall!
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                              :O hey Pidgeot!

                              Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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