If your into security protocols you might find this article interesting. It's in the European credit card security protocol known as CAP that some British banks have already rolled out. Some guy's used FPGA's to reverse engineer the protocol. They critic it and suggest some changes. One of the more interesting areas they discuss is the fact that the card reader will state if a PIN entry is wrong or not. So now we have muggers that kidnap people and torture them to get the pin and they can find out if the victim is lying.
Don't think I'm making this up
I have never had to design a security protocol (just test em) but, man having to design something with the thought of muggers and kidnappers in mind....whoa
Anyways interesting read
Previously, muggers marched a victim to an ATM to ensure he gave them the right PIN. Now, with CAP, criminals have a portable device that will tell them if their victim is lying. While the EMV protocol always permitted such a device to be built, that requires technical skill, and wasn’t in practice done. CAP has made the capability ubiquitous. It reduces the risk to muggers, as now they can keep their victims in a quiet place, and not risk being caught or seen by CCTV by going near an ATM. It would have been easy enough for the banks to design CAP without revealing the result of the PIN verification, but they failed to foresee the risk.
Don't think I'm making this up
In July 2008 two French students were tortured to death in their London residence six days after it was broken into and a computer stolen. Days after the murders the police revealed that the attackers were after the students’ card PINs [6]. In February 2007, two Manchester men murdered a 62 year old security guard after he refused to reveal his card’s PIN
I have never had to design a security protocol (just test em) but, man having to design something with the thought of muggers and kidnappers in mind....whoa
Anyways interesting read