To the surprise of perhaps nobody, Sapphire is getting me to work with their third party return monkeys for an RMA of the card. That's fine, won't hurt to at least try it; I just hope they'll take it when I have already cut off the frigging UPC code for the mail-in rebate.
The annoying thing about this is they just tell me to send the invoice via email of all things to their tech email address for the return company (althonmicro or some such), without any additional detail on how to conduct the RMA process. Nice.
In other news, my power supply tester is on the way, maybe here tomorrow knowing how fast Newegg is on shipping.
![Twisted Evil](
The annoying thing about this is they just tell me to send the invoice via email of all things to their tech email address for the return company (althonmicro or some such), without any additional detail on how to conduct the RMA process. Nice.
In other news, my power supply tester is on the way, maybe here tomorrow knowing how fast Newegg is on shipping.