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    I am looking to get a new camera.
    I don't know much about them, and I don't really know what is top of the line/cheap/all that good stuff.

    If you have any expertise in them I'de like your opinion.

    I'm looking for a camera with high quality video/picture capabilities.. for under $200.

    Any help or pointing in the right direction would help.

    Thanks guys,

    Great camera under 200 hard to find I'd say. Even for a point and shoot.

    I'd look at a Nikon Coolpix or Canon PowerShot
    Nikon | Coolpix S630 Digital Camera (Jet Black) | 26156 | B&H

    Canon | PowerShot SD780 IS Digital Camera (Black) | 3590B001

    I'd get the canon namely because I'm a canon fan but the one on the bottom shoots 720p HD movies as well.


      That was my dilema.
      thanks for the ideas.

      You guys come through like always



        I'd say go for the SD780 as well.

        At the point-and-shoot level there's nothing better than a Canon.


          The coolpixs are great. I got my wife one Christmas 2008. Been a great little camera... only downside is it doesn't have a view finder so you alwasy have to use LCD screen which sucks the batteries dry fairly quickly.
          [SIZE=1][B]"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." ~President James Garfield[/B][/SIZE]
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            Personal experience that i've got involves the Cannon SX110is. 10x optical zoom, can go full manual as well. Not the best at movies though and I haven't looked at the Cannon listed above, but I would say it will do better than mine.


              Nikon make amazing dSLR cameras, but I would stay away from their Point and Shoots.

              Reason is image stabilization. Both Canon and Nikon advertise that their cameras have IS, however they do it in 2 different ways.

              Canon does it by physically adding in components that stabilize the lens when you are moving your hands.

              Nikon (and other suppliers) go the cheaper way and add some software / logic in the camera that, when confronted with lower light conditions, up the ISO on the camera to increase the shutter speed. But upping the ISO on a P&S camera makes for a horrible looking image, grainy and so on.

              So I'd stick to Canon if you are looking for image stabilization.

              But other than this, don't get fooled by megapixels. At a certain point, more megapixels actually makes for a worse image, again when shootign low light. Alot of people assume that high MP means better... it doesn't.

              My camera has 12 megapix, and its more than enough. So getting a P&S camera, I'd look at 8-10 megapix. If it has 12, fine, but really, its a waste unless you plan on making large prints.

              Digital zoom is pointless, but some like to advertise this. A digital zoom is the same thing as cropping and zooming in a program after..its not a true zoom. Look for the Optical zoom difference.

              I can go into more detail if you need me to, but really, don't get fooled by all the gimics and so on. I'd stick to name brands like Canon, Nikon, Sony and Olympus, keeping in mind that Canon does the real IS.
              [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
              So all you get is this crappy text]


                I've got the SD780 and absolutely LOVE IT! The picture quality is good, it has an optical view finder as well as the LCD screen, and it has a bunch of cool features and shooting modes.

                I originally liked the camera because of its small size and for such a small camera it is really great. HD video is nice too!


                  Originally posted by Colonel_Tighlon View Post
                  I'd say go for the SD780 as well.

                  At the point-and-shoot level there's nothing better than a Canon.
                  I concur.


                    A lot of good comments on here already. I would also suggest the Canon. One additional suggestion: pick up a few extra batteries. My current Canon is great but doesn't give you any warning when the battery is low. the battery indicator will start flashing, then in no time ask for a new battery pack. I have 4 batteries now (picked up some OEM batteries off Amazon for cheap) and keep them all charged. that way you always have a full one.


                      Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                      I'd stick to name brands like Canon, Nikon, Sony and Olympus, keeping in mind that Canon does the real IS.
                      You didn't mention Pentax BT. What's wrong with them? I love this little 10Mp OptioW60. It has a decent 5x optical zoom, is water and dust proof and takes nice pictures and HD video.
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                        Nothing wrong with Pentax at all. They can make good cameras and actually make some great entry level dSLR cameras.

                        I just named the bigger 4 when it comes to dSLRs. But many manufacturers can make great cameras. I'm sure there are good Samsung and GE cameras out there.
                        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                        So all you get is this crappy text]



                          I tend to do lots of research until I have enough money. In case you have some specific criteria (due to experience & intended use), here are my two favorite sites for studying cameras.

                          ConsumerSearch compiles reviews from multiple sites -
                          Search Results for |

                          Digital Photography Review has lots of details -
                          Digital Camera Reviews and News: Digital Photography Review: Forums, Glossary, FAQ


                            This is the one I have at the moment and its pretty nice. Has a smile detector, the pictures look very sharp and it performs well in a variety of settings.
                            X...Noob Slasher...X


                              I also favor Canon's. Overall I just like Canons. Incidentally there is some cool stuff you can do with a Canon. Check this out

                              CHDK Wiki

                              What is CHDK?
                              Canon Hack Development Kit;
                              Temporary ? No permanent changes are made to the camera.
                              Experimental - No warranty. Read about the risks in the FAQ
                              Free ? free to use and modify, released under the GPL.
                              Professional control - RAW files, bracketing, full manual control over exposure, Zebra-Mode, Live histogram, Grids, etc.
                              Motion detection - Trigger exposure in response to motion, fast enough to catch lightning.
                              USB remote - Simple DIY remote allows you to control your camera remotely.
                              Scripting - Control CHDK and camera features using ubasic and Lua scripts. Enables time lapse, motion detection, advanced bracketing, and much more.
                              More - read the Manual & explore this wiki.


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