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Calling WT....

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    Calling WT....


    Anyone, Please feel free to conrtibute.

    Here's the story.

    It's been a long time since i undertook a heavy integration of my home, into my PC lifestyle. as such, over the years, things have gotten, well, cobbled together. It's annoyed me to no end, and its finally time to "rebuild" as one problem always sems to be caused by another, and another, and another, resulting in a "deal with it attitude".

    The latest "Issue" has cause me to decide its time to reconstruct, and i want opinions/solutions, based on the limited hardware complement i have. Some if this i have been unable to find decent solutions too, others, its easier if another pair of eyes looks at it.

    First off, here's a hardware list.

    PC 1
    Hardwired 24 port 10/100 switch
    OS: Ubuntu 7.1 (yes, its old....)

    PC 2
    Dell GX-280
    OS: XP Pro

    PC 3
    Dell GX 50
    OS: XP Pro

    PC 4
    Dell GX 50
    OS: 2000

    PC 5
    Dell GX 260
    OS: XP Pro

    PC 6
    Dell GX 260
    OS: XP Pro

    PC 7
    Gateway LT-2104
    OS: Win7

    PC 8
    Gateway fx-6831
    OS: Vista

    PC 9:
    Custom built E6800
    OS: Vista

    PC 10:
    Custom Built AMD 3200+
    OS: None(m$ stopped supporting the prerelease XP versions from trade shows some time ago)

    PC 11:
    IBM R31
    OS: XP Pro

    PC 12:
    IBM R31
    Os: XP Pro

    PC 13:
    OLD sony viao, P233, operating at speeds able to BURN you after 15 minutes of usage if your not careful.
    OS: XP Pro/98SE

    Now, i can get more specifics on the hardware operating each, as while i have service tags for each of the dells, they have been altered with regards to the ram, OS, video, etc.

    PC 1: Not sure anymore, it used to provide firewall services, but its headless, and i've been too lazy to fix it. It's built into an old stereo case(some of you may remember this!) with a 40g HD and slot load CD rom.
    PC 2: File Server
    PC 3: Kids PC
    PC 4: Kids PC
    PC 5: Media PC - More on this later.
    PC 6: Not sure, it just sits there running.
    PC 7: Wife's Netbook. Also used for all Video transcoding/backing up of my movie collection.
    PC 8: Gaming Laptop. Has a 8800GTS 512 video card, but wife uses it to play Pogo..... i use it for mobile gaming when we leave town.
    PC 9: Main Rig, i do all my gaming from this box.
    PC 10: Since M$'s decision, its been borked. Has a 6800GS, this is my old gaming rig.
    PC 11: Laptop - Used for repairing other's of its kind
    PC 12: Laptop - Used for repairing other people's PC's, and a laptop for the kids when we go away.
    PC 13: COMPLETELY USELESS, except for FUN. It operated my car entertainment system, back when i had the car.

    Now, i do have a plethora of old PC cases and parts, including a 486SX Server FUll tower(back when full tower meant 3 ft tall, not this new crappy 4 slot business), SATA PCI controller, So chances are i may have a random assorment of additional pieces that can be used.

    There is also a Gigabit Wireless N router, a firmware hacked PCX2200 Cable Modem(to stop ISP's from bandwith throttling on my router's end) and an interesting assorment of wiring and cables connecting a majority of the house.

    I will mention I have Charter for an ISP, simply because without telling you, they block CERTAIN ports that are needed to accomplish important tasks, such as running a webserver on standard ports.

    Cost is a tad bit of a concern as i don't exactly have money growing out of my ears. So if i need to buy something, it needs to be inexpensive. and by that, REAL cheap.

    Now for the fun part. Given the materials above, the budget, or lack there of, Help me solve the problems, or optomize the setup, and make current use of what i have accordingly. Also, i gotta be able to ask you for HELP if i get clueless in it. lol.

    No Warez. I've reached the age where legitimacy is important. This is a hypocratic statement depending on the entent which you wish to take it.

    Problem 1.

    This kind of ties into a large portion of everything at this point.

    Streaming Video.

    By this i mean, both streaming video Internally AND Externally. Inside my home, AND outside. More on this later.

    I've tried using VLC for on the fly transcoding, But to be honest, i don't like its current implementation. This is because I am COMPLETELY lost on their streaming directions, or, maybe i am misinterpreting them. And secondly, because even though i HATE it, WMP11 provides a much better UI for playlists, file catagorization, etc.

    By this, i mean to stream video to both a media Pc, if its not doing the streaming itself, as well as to laptops etc.

    My initial means for communicating this externally was via a program to create a VPN, like Hamachi, Wiggen, or Neorouter, So its accessable via a computer anywhere it can connect to the private network.

    In my initial theory, I should be able to use something like VLC to connect to the streaming source via the VPN's IP, and watch the stream that way, even if im at a hotel, campground, wifi hotspot, etc.

    Call it DNTV.

    I don't like the setup, and i need to know what the best transcoding specs are as well. Remember, there's a limited ~90KB upload speed via cable, until they get around to double it for me to a whopping 180.... I am assuming, in theory, that its very possible(i've "kind of" tried watching a video via the VPN already). I'm assuming i need to trascode the source to properly get the signal through at a decent complresion rate.

    Now, it also needs to be able to be sent internally to the media pc.


    Problem 2.

    The media PC. I am slightly annoyed by this machine at this point. Some if it's software related, some hardware, and some is DEFINATELY me.

    I have an ATI Remote Wonder, which is an RF based remote control "Mouse". It does have functioning media keys, but not all work like they are supposed to, and i am having trouble setting it properly, to function with any application, and of course ATI provides next to no support for "legacy" devices. lol. I love the remote though! I don't want to part with it, just make it workwith the solution.

    Its an older P4 2.0 Ghz machine, with a Encore Wireless Draft-N and PCI(yes, PCI, not PCI-E) ATI 7x00 VE class video card. The case is a slimline Optiplex GX-260 case, offering 2 full height half length PCI slots, and 1 2x/4x AGP half height half length slot. It has 2GB of Performance DDR-400 Ram, a DVD Drive, a 20GB Hard Drive, and a 3.5" Floppy drive. Video out is handled by the ATI card Via S-Video, and does not have a monitor attached. It's Running XP Pro, and currently has Media Portal RC2 for the 10ft GUI.

    Problem is the current Relase of MP is CRAP for video selections due to lack of optomizations in this area, making navigation of my video collection nearly impossible. its very bad trying to use a mouse to navigate, and impossible using the ATI remote.

    I you know a good 10ft GUI for this, i'm all ears. MP uses WMP11 for playing video, so at the time, i've defaulted to using WMP11 for the AVI files, and VLC for the DVD's. I'd love to be able to get one that I can access the video stream from Problem 1.

    This leads into...

    Problem 3.

    All of the movies are currently on a 750gb Mybook attached to my main rig, as its the only PC with a gigabit port tied int othe main router thats working. some are also loaded onto the file server, but its not quite wired into the rest of the network for functionality. its not to say it can't be, just isnt right now. think, data repository. Also serves as the host for Command & Conquer Renegade or StarSeige Lan fights with the kids.

    I hate windows due to the lack of customization thats available, but the playlist and mdeia management is a must have without a keyboard, and a decent functioning 10ft GUI.

    The problem is the videos i do have are encoded into DivX format currently for portability and the AVI container. Awesome right? no, not really.... Currently, if i let a video run its full course, even in a playlist, from start to finish, on full screen, it locks WMP up HARD.

    No keyboard = no taskmanager to kill the process. And its alot of work get it so i can kill the process, and start wmp11 over again, just to watch another movie. if i skip to the next item at the play list, its fine, but running its course causes a full lock. like when i fall asleep....

    The DVD's aren't without issue either. Periodically, while playing them via VLC, one of two things will happen, and it doesn't matter if its either of the gateways, or the media pc.

    a. It'll Pause while playing, hanging for a little bit, and then get going. It does it in spurts.
    b. It'll ling like in A, but, instead of resuming playing, the movie unloads itself.

    At first i thought it was the video, then, i thought it was the PC, then i thought a connection issue, etc, but even loaded locally it does it.


    Problem 4.

    This one is more.... Fun. I need to build a portalable Wireless Router. I have a spare unit should it be as easy as to connect it direct to a battery pack? Will a 15v 1A input be able to run off a quad 6.5v 6AH pair of sealed lead Acid batteries wired in series and parallel?

    One of my other ambitious projects invloves an aluminum breifcase hardwired with a charging system, 12v internal and external Automobile female socket, originally designed to house my EPIA M-1000 computer, with a mini LCD Screen and speakers. Now, i want to beaf the beast up, and replace components, since the EPIA-M10000 is hardwired, unattachable, from the switch.

    Any electrical whizzes able to help me out here?

    Problem 5.

    I've grown tired of Flipping light switches, turning off TV's ETC. I think its time to start the transition movie some of the electrical equipment in my home over to PC control. Since XP SP2 and later have locked down, and out the Parallel and Serial ports from being *easily* accessable i'll be moving to something else.

    Has anyone done this, without using X10?

    Problem 6.

    The VPN. Hamachi is great. So long as its working perfect. But things rarely do.... i've looked at wiggen, and neorouter, but does anyone have another other suggestions, or better yet personal experiences with something they'd be able to assist in provided the variety of Operating systems that I currently run?

    Geez, Darth ... you have too many PCs !! I guess you didn't get the memo, but I have pretty much abandoned any PC stuff (including hardware upgrades or just generally fiddling around with them) for almost a year now.

    After doing this for 20 years I needed a change .. call it a mid-life crisis or something similar, but I eventually gassed out on doing this day and night. Over many of those 20 years I would pour 2 hours every evening into the worst malware infested PCs you can imagine, and the benefits of doing it ($40 flatrate for upwards of 7 hours of work in some cases) convinced me to give it up for the most part.

    I passed my PC repair guru helmet onto Juneau last year, so I hope he can help you on the video end of things. What I use is quite bulletproof, but I don't deal with DiVX at all. I have it all stored on my HTPC to be viewed exclusively on that.

    Vista MCE
    WMP 11

    I use DVD Library Manager to fill in the content and DVD covers and on the hardware side, an AMD Maui based board with integrated D2 5.1 100w/channel surround audio. Very impressive audio !!! Its amazing to crank it up and melt away the stress from a days work.

    I can't imagine what your electrical bill looks like. My best guess was about $20-25 a month for each PC I was running back when I had 10+ (I sold 4 of them to finance the ATV).

    I would rebuild the HTPC and base it on an AMD low power chip, something like a 5050e and a 790 board. Could you then try Media Center on that one or is that OS not an option ? What you have is definitely in need of a refresh.

    Sorry I can't offer more, so I'll have more info for you tonight.
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


      I don't really have time to look through the post thoroughly. However i can point out my HTPC usage which i finalised out of trial and error from various software.

      I use Vista MCE. I moved from XP as it limited the refresh rates available with the Ati drivers. 24hz isn't 23.976hz.

      In MCE i use an app called Media Browser. It's a addon for MCE that makes it more useful and visually appealing. Media Browser combined with Meta Browser is a very powerful setup. I'll take a screenshot tomorrow.

      Codec wise i use FFDshow and AC3filter. FFDShow does all my video and audio decoding minus AC3 and DTS of which i use AC3filters passthrough abilty and let my amp decode it. FFDShow also performs my minimal subtitle duties.

      I used to use CoreAVC as it's very light on CPU usage for .264 decoding however i started to get issues with video blocking which i was tired of waiting for an update for it to be fixed.

      If you watch .264 in the mkv container you'll also be needing Haali splitter.

      When i watch videos externally from MCE i look no further that MPC-HC. It is by far the best video player available today. I even use it on this Win7 machine.

      The latest builds can be found here.

      Media Player Classic Home Cinema (x86/x64) - XvidVideo.RU


        I would recommend using the Shark007 codecs.


          Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
          I would recommend using the Shark007 codecs.
          Nooooooo Codec packs are teh suck!


            Originally posted by juneau View Post
            nooooooo Codec Packs Are Teh Suck! :d


              Media player classic... mmm . i loved that program since day one. i didn't know the work continued on it! i'll give it a whiel and see if it fixes the oddity problems...

              sadly, i dont't have a spare copy of vista to load a a test copy of mce on for it, as the 2 gaming pc's are the only machines with it. i'll i'll give it a whirl.

              no mkv yet, no need as i am still running 30+ inch CRT's for TV's. too poor to upgrade TV's, and wife is afraid that if i get a new TV, i'll use it as a monitor instead o letting her watch TV on it...


                wife is afraid that if i get a new TV, i'll use it as a monitor instead o letting her watch TV on it...


                Where do you put the Bayonet?
                Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                Frank Lloyd Wright


                  Originally posted by darth_nevus View Post
                  and wife is afraid that if i get a new TV, i'll use it as a monitor instead o letting her watch TV on it...
                  Oh dear.

                  Let me know how MPC-HC goes.


                    well, there mauy be SOME truth in her concern.... after all... a 50+ inch monitor....m...m.m.m.m.m.


                      Yea, I don't need glasses! I need a bigger monitor!
                      I'm here to kill friends. Do you want to be my friend?


                        Darth, What in the heck does your Electric Bill look like? The power company is going to red flag you as a possible Indoor Drug grower.
                        I'm here to kill friends. Do you want to be my friend?


                          Originally posted by pigworthy View Post
                          Darth, What in the heck does your Electric Bill look like? The power company is going to red flag you as a possible Indoor Drug grower.


                          Where do you put the Bayonet?
                          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                          Frank Lloyd Wright


                            well, bear in mind. i live in the country, so we have Propane. which means, electric stove, dryer, water heater, well pump, yada yada yada. only the furnace runs on propane.

                            last month it was $102.


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                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Sirex
                              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                              Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                              7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                              2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Apache Warrior
                              Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                              1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
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                              by Sirex
                              :O hey Pidgeot!

                              Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                              Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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