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what is the difference betwen these two?

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    what is the difference betwen these two? - AMD Six Core Power. Relentless performance.

    Sorry, was a long link. The only thing i see different is the speed. Is the black edition just an over clocked version of the "normal" one? whats the difference between these two?

    the black edition isnt even overclocked, its just a better processor for more money. I however caution you in buying this because with X6 cores coming out X8 has to be coming right around the corner. Im going to post a link with the benchmarks also if you navigate around a little bit, the site will also give the best processor bang for your buck type of thing.

    The main site

    Ranking is about 26th which is already alot lower then expected. All were tested the same way, same games.

    This page you can click on all the CPUs to get some information on them.

    And lastly this is a page of the X6 core, gives a bunch of info
    Hope this helps

    Also for common interest im going to link the video card page as well.


      AMD Black Editions have an unlocked multiplier, so that you can overclock but still keep cheaper, budget RAM within its rated specs.

      I'm using a 5000+ B.E. (default of 2.6ghz) and it bumps up to 3.1 ghz just by changing the multiplier in the BIOS. Not that I have ever used budget RAM, but I don't buy the high end stuff either.

      Assume that any AMD Black Edition will make your overclock easier to achieve.
      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


        Wow, looks like Intel has quite an advantage


          I have to say my Am3 1055t runs most thing better than my I7 920


            If your gaming 6 cores is a waste, 4 fast cores will beat out 6 slower cores anyday gaming. Most games only use 2 cores, ive seen very few that require 4 cores. 6 cores will do better in apps.

            Newegg carries black edition phenom x4's for under $170.

            If AMD revises there chips like Intel im sure there x4's will OC easy enough without eating alot of extra power.

            Not to impressed with , they say my CPU (intel e8500) stock should be 2404, im getting 3500+ when I run the bench at 4 ghz (stock speed 3.16).
            So im getting a 40% increase from a 25% OC? That sounds a little off to me.


              Originally posted by Nico View Post
              Wow, looks like Intel has quite an advantage
              Ya, in the cost of their CPUs !!!!

              Best bang for the buck is an AMD chip. We are the minority around here as gamers, so when you factor in that 85%* of the PC users are using it for email/internet access, an i7 920 is just a bit of overkill.

              Note: 72% of statistics are made up on the spot.
              Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                right on, i wasnt looking to buy or upgrade, i just didnt really see any difference other than price.
                i wouldnt actually buy this 6 core as its just an odd number( i realize 6 is an even number) but by odd, i mean its just a double triple core processor, and triple cores seemed stupid, go ahead and add a 4th to make it more "even"

                i am bummed to hear that it only ranks as a 26th place, it seems and sounds bad ass, but i guess that is why you dont judge books by their covers.


                  dont worry i believe that the AMD X8 core will be out prolly at the end of the year or early spring imo


                    Originally posted by Sir Psycho Sexy View Post
                    dont worry i believe that the AMD X8 core will be out prolly at the end of the year or early spring imo
                    Oh hellz ya !! If you want to see how AMD can compete against Intel, wait until Bulldozer comes out later this year. From all appearances that thing is an absolute beast. The architecture is truly an elegant multi-core setup.

                    Unfortunately, its now about 2 years late coming out, but if it had been on time, Intel would not be taking AMDs lunchmoney from them.
                    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                      I've got the six core 1090T, and it rocks. A big bump from my quad core phenom II 940. At stock 3.2 ghz, I don't even bother with OCing the thing, as it doesn't have to work as it is. Runs cool, does the job well...I'm expecting it'll be able to run anything for quite some time.


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                        :O hey Pidgeot!

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