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HP WebOS Pads

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    HP WebOS Pads

    Just received 6 of these at work yesterday. After playing with one of these for day, my only advice is to avoid them for now.

    These devices are far from anything polished...
    • For starters my 1st gen iPad runs circles around this device in viewing PDFs.
    • QuickOffice which is comes with by default doesn't have the ability to edit or create documents. That feature isn't available yet in the current version.
    • There is no camera app by default for the built in camera on the device...

    RIP WebOS TouchPad, your time was short lived...

    HP Killing webOS Devices


      Oops, can anyone say "fail"?

      Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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        On a side note, its been reported that retailers are letting them go for $100 now.


          Originally posted by plaztic.dagger View Post
          On a side note, its been reported that retailers are letting them go for $100 now.
          Yep, 99 bucks. Called my local best buy and they're sold out already. Said the all of the ones here in KC sold out in minutes.
          Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


            I've been trying to get one for $99 all day. At that price I don't care how sluggish it is, it's an absolute steal. Right now I'm waiting for HP to throw up a button/link to get in line for the remaining stock they have in warehouses (and there's a 50/50 chance Best Buy returned at least half their stock to HP, which will show up later this week).

            I usually check several shopping sites each day but I've been getting lax lately. I would have known about this Saturday and already had one if I had been paying more attention.


            Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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              $99.00 is a good deal. If anything this shows that tablets are desired, just not at $500.00 +

              And for people who did get one, this looks promising: "And if new owners of the TouchPad find that webOS is not to their liking, a workaround to make the HP device run Google's (GOOG) Android operating system could be according to Reuters."


              I wouldn't be surprised if you see other tablet manufactures lower their price a bit after this.
              Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                Yup, if anything it will make for a super decent eBook reader!


                  The X-Factor and gorilla in the room is Amazon. One of the worst kept tech secrets this year is they're eyeing Q4 for a tablet. If Bezos is paying attention, he'll price them at under $200--as far under as possible for the first couple of weeks--and take the loss per unit for awhile. Their big thing is content anyway.

                  Apple can't hope to compete with that level of pricing, though they already have a big mass of fanboys and fangirls who have already paid through the nose for one or more iPads, so they probably don't care much.


                  Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
                  Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                    Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                    The X-Factor and gorilla in the room is Amazon. One of the worst kept tech secrets this year is they're eyeing Q4 for a tablet. If Bezos is paying attention, he'll price them at under $200--as far under as possible for the first couple of weeks--and take the loss per unit for awhile. Their big thing is content anyway.

                    Apple can't hope to compete with that level of pricing, though they already have a big mass of fanboys and fangirls who have already paid through the nose for one or more iPads, so they probably don't care much.

                    Barnes and Noble's Nook Color makes a great Tablet, if you root it. I have done mine and will post pics of it later. I still use it more for a ereader than a tablet though.
                    They cost $249.00 although mine was free with my Am Ex Points.

                    Where do you put the Bayonet?
                    Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                    I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                    Frank Lloyd Wright


                      My quest for a Touchpad begins tomorrow !! Best Buy has a large quantity and rather than firesale them, they started a promo to get a 32gb version for $150 with the purchase of an HP laptop or desktop.

                      My stepmom called to say her sister was looking to buy a new desktop, so I asked if I could pay her $200 and have her include the Touchpad in her purchase.

                      The deal went live online 11/1 and will go live in-store 11/4, so I have off Friday and the plan is to see if I can get one. She will net $50 and I will have a TP to play around with. For $200, it will be my Xmas gift to myself. I'm hoping to be able to run Win8 on it next year when (if) HP comes thru on the promised Win8 Touchpad version.
                      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                        Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                        My quest for a Touchpad begins tomorrow !! Best Buy has a large quantity and rather than firesale them, they started a promo to get a 32gb version for $150 with the purchase of an HP laptop or desktop.

                        My stepmom called to say her sister was looking to buy a new desktop, so I asked if I could pay her $200 and have her include the Touchpad in her purchase.

                        The deal went live online 11/1 and will go live in-store 11/4, so I have off Friday and the plan is to see if I can get one. She will net $50 and I will have a TP to play around with. For $200, it will be my Xmas gift to myself. I'm hoping to be able to run Win8 on it next year when (if) HP comes thru on the promised Win8 Touchpad version.
                        I did end up finding one for 99 bucks and I think its awesome. I use it mainly as a book reader and to surf the web before bed and its great. There is an android install available for it if you cant stand the OS, but its still currently in beta and there are still lots bugs in it.

                        The sound on it is surprisingly good, I can crank up pandora on the touchpad and still hear the music clearly in the shower. Its not as polished as the ipads, but well worth the 99 bucks (or 150 for the 32gb version).
                        Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                          Bacon, thanks a lot for the update !! I was curious to see if anyone here had gotten one. Your mini-review echoes what other buyers have found with it, and your usage of it mirrors what I wanted to do - at my age, the eyes are going fast, so this will replace my Ipod Touch as a web reader.

                          I'm holding off on Android if I get one, and will definitely be overclocking it from 1.2 to 1.5. It seems the update to webOS 3.04 has also fixed the nagging lag in launching apps, so post back if you've updated to 3.04 and see a noticeable increase in performance.
                          Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                            Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                            Bacon, thanks a lot for the update !! I was curious to see if anyone here had gotten one. Your mini-review echoes what other buyers have found with it, and your usage of it mirrors what I wanted to do - at my age, the eyes are going fast, so this will replace my Ipod Touch as a web reader.

                            I'm holding off on Android if I get one, and will definitely be overclocking it from 1.2 to 1.5. It seems the update to webOS 3.04 has also fixed the nagging lag in launching apps, so post back if you've updated to 3.04 and see a noticeable increase in performance.
                            I'm on 3.0.4 now and I can notice some improvement. Things seem to respond a bit faster to touch now.
                            Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


                              SCORE !!! Got my TP from BB and installing the updates now. Manual is skimpy, but there really isn't much to explain either.

                              I put a carrying case and a Touchstone charging cradle on the Xmas list, so waiting on the case will be a chore, as I HATE fingerprints on stuff, and this thing shows 'em like nothing I have ever laid my grubby paws on.
                              Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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