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Gettin itchy

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    Gettin itchy

    I hate you people. No. I really do. All this talk about new system this.. upgrading that. I cant take it anymore. I'm going crazy trying to keep from parting a new system out. I'm dying here. And nobody cares.

    So I thought I'd try my hand at building an AMD system this time around. Seems that ATI is gonna do better with BF3 than Nvidia so I thought I'd stick with AMD all the way around.

    So, with that being said, should I wait for the Bulldozers to come out mid Sept. Cause the game wont be here for a while. Or will the Phenom IIx4 965-BLack be sufficient. Was gonna couple that with the Gigabyte UD3. And an ATI 5970.
    [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]

    If you have a system that will run BC2 ok (which I think you do) and you want to go AMD, I would wait to see if Bulldozer comes out before BF3. Otherwise I would go with Sandy Bridge.


      Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
      If you have a system that will run BC2 ok (which I think you do) and you want to go AMD, I would wait to see if Bulldozer comes out before BF3. Otherwise I would go with Sandy Bridge.
      Sandy bridge FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      The sentence below is true.
      The sentence above is false.


        Maybe ill sell you my SCAR instead, Cobs.


          Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
          I hate you people. No. I really do. All this talk about new system this.. upgrading that. I cant take it anymore. I'm going crazy trying to keep from parting a new system out. I'm dying here. And nobody cares.
          Oh we care. We care enough to spend your hard earned money like its paying off a national debt.

          So I thought I'd try my hand at building an AMD system this time around. Seems that ATI is gonna do better with BF3 than Nvidia so I thought I'd stick with AMD all the way around.
          I'd LOVE to wait for BD,. but I just don't think I can wait any longer. You can't wait more than 3 months, as something else will pop up and be promised in 6 months. What happens if BD hits another delay ?

          I think the GPU will be more important than the CPU for BF3, but that we can't tell til the game is out and benchmarked. A Ph II 965 should be fine for the game, but don't expect a 5850 to run it at 30 fps at all times.
          Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


            I know your pain. My pc is still semi new (appx 1 year old). Newegg had a sale on monitors and I'm using a 6 yr old 17 in lcd. Cant wait for the new 23 in one to arrive.
            Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


              but don't expect a 5850 to run it at 30 fps at all times.
              I was gonna get a 6970. Should do the trick.
              [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                I been lookin around for said 6970 and cant seem to find any HIS IceQ Turbo brands out there. Most places put it "out of stock". Everyone seems to be gearing up for BF3. If anyone sees one around at a decent price let me know.
                [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                  Don't forget nVidia is one of the game's biggest sponsors so you can be sure BF3 will run as good or probably much better on an nvidia cARD.


                    Originally posted by Cain View Post
                    Don't forget nVidia is one of the game's biggest sponsors so you can be sure BF3 will run as good or probably much better on an nvidia cARD.
                    Pffft.. I aint buyin it. Some of these guys in here runnin ATI cards are dang good and never have a hitch. That and when the Alpha testers were in game the ATI guys where wide open, whereas I play maybe 1 hr. and couldnt even get back in game with an NVidia card.

                    Dont get me wrong. I havent run ATI cards since they sold out the first time. I think the last ATI card I had was an All-In-Wonder 32mb AGP. Been Nvidia ever since. But the last couple of series they came out with they've had prolems.

                    This is all my opinion of course, but I wanted to give that 6970 a shot. It's about the same speed as the 570. But I'm afraid of the 570 from what I've been reading. That, and I know the ATI cards didnt seem to have the problems with BF3. I just wanted to get it right the first time and not have to be sending stuff back and all that.
                    [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                      thats ONE more reason you should wait to build your rig my brother when the new stuff from amd comes out and im sure your card selection my get on the $$$ savings too the more time goes by


                        Originally posted by FrOgM View Post
                        thats ONE more reason you should wait to build your rig my brother when the new stuff from amd comes out and im sure your card selection my get on the $$$ savings too the more time goes by
                        You are correct. I've been holding out for a while. I did build the one I'm on now when I got back from Iraq almost a year ago. Just because my machine I brought with me back from Thailand didnt work when it got here. So I ended up with this one.

                        It's not a bad machine at all I-7 oc'd to 3.4 with 6gb of ram.But the card Dukie Duke sold me has about run it's coarse. GTX 275. Dont get me wrong. It scalded Black OPs. And MW2. But with all the stuff goin on in BC2, I have to run everything on medium at 1920x1080 to get 50-60 fps.

                        I like to be over 45 fps playing any game. If I go to high with the settings when things get intense, it bogs down a bit. So I'm waiting on the vid cards to come down a bit more in price maybe by then. I still may just use this machine but not sure yet.
                        [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


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                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Sirex
                          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                          Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Pidgeot_Girl
                          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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                          by Apache Warrior
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                          Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                          :O hey Pidgeot!

                          Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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