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Aftermarked GPU cooling

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    Aftermarked GPU cooling

    I have this video card: ZOTAC AMP! ZT-50204-10M GeForce GTX 570

    I have automatic fan control set up through EVGA Precision. It sounds like a freight train when under load, and I can feel the heat coming out of the computer from it. (My older card, a GTX275 was much quieter and cooler).

    Would it be worth it to get an aftermarket cooler for this card?

    Seems like Zotac had some issues with the voltage adjustment on the 570 series (cripes, they did this on the 580 as well ... ask me how I know)

    Examples 1:

    Example 2:

    Now what you have is clearly not a crash that pertains to low voltage, its overheating, so at the very least try and blow the dust out of the fan to see if something isn't obstructing its movement.

    What are your fan speeds and card temps ?? I'm sure you've seen the Zalman coolers with triple fans, so that would probably be your best air cooled option. If you want to go wild, I saw a guy mod his Corsair H50 to fit onto his Zotac Amp card. Looked totally trick.
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


      I think the issue is that it is recycling air inside the case instead of blowing it out the back.

      What kind of case fans are you running? What is your layout.

      Most aftermarket units will recycle the air just like the one you have now, the only differene is there is more fans on the HS so it will keep the HS cooler and heat the rest of your rig up more.


        #4 - ZALMAN VF3000F VGA Cooler with dual 92mm fans, Fan Mate 2, Super Thermal Grease, IHD technology, Nvidia Fermi GTX470 and GTX 465

        That zalman lowers idle temps by 15C and full burn by 30C on high. 20C on low fan speed. It's also 15dB quieter than stock cooling.


          Thats the wrong model Kphant....

          He would need this ZALMAN VF3000F(GTX580/570) EBR Bearing Dual 92mm Fans, FanMate 2, IHD Technology for Nvidia Fermi GTX580/570 VGA Cooler

          They make a few variations for different chips.


            Crap, I read 70 and I assumed it's the 500 series. Apologies.


              It isn't overheating. I think it is getting up in the 70s, which probably isn't that high, but it is just really loud and I can feel the hot air blowing out the top of my case.

              I looked at that Zalman cooler. Looks like it would do the trick, but it is UUUGGGLLLYYY.

              If I were to go with an aftermarket cooler, will I lose the automatic fan control?

              I'll recheck my temps tonight.


                You won't hear that noisy 570 fan over the sound of the battlefield. Just turn up the in game sounds some more.


                  Originally posted by juneau View Post
                  You won't hear that noisy 570 fan over the sound of the battlefield. Just turn up the in game sounds some more.


                    Originally posted by juneau View Post
                    You won't hear that noisy 570 fan over the sound of the battlefield. Just turn up the in game sounds some more.
                    True, the only way you hear all those animal and crazy sounds in game is when you're in there by yourself. Much less in the room you're in. With all the explosions and gunfire going on, I cant even hear the tv on in the same room.
                    [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                      Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
                      True, the only way you hear all those animal and crazy sounds in game is when you're in there by yourself. Much less in the room you're in. With all the explosions and gunfire going on, I cant even hear the tv on in the same room.
                      I have a semi-shotgun style house and there is no door on our study/computer room and it is attached to our kitchen so my wife gets to hear everything, lol.

                      I've learned how to yell, scream, and talk in low tones pretty well, lol. You guys should see my wife imitate me. I use to play WoW mostly so she loves to throw WoW words together (especially the acronyms) that make absolutely no sense to someone who doesn't know the game, lol. The best is her "heal me" imitation.

                      Needless to say, my wife is not a gamer. She can always tell when I'm playing with my brother and my cousin (Jeffro) because all the low tones and keeping quiet go right out the window and bloody murder screams start.


                        Well, I ordered the Zalman cooler as well as some aftermarket 120MM fans to replace the ones on my H70.


                          Originally posted by Nauticas View Post
                          I have a semi-shotgun style house and there is no door on our study/computer room and it is attached to our kitchen so my wife gets to hear everything, lol.

                          I've learned how to yell, scream, and talk in low tones pretty well, lol. You guys should see my wife imitate me. I use to play WoW mostly so she loves to throw WoW words together (especially the acronyms) that make absolutely no sense to someone who doesn't know the game, lol. The best is her "heal me" imitation.

                          Needless to say, my wife is not a gamer. She can always tell when I'm playing with my brother and my cousin (Jeffro) because all the low tones and keeping quiet go right out the window and bloody murder screams start.
                          Yeah, I get busted pretty much every time I play...even with doors closed and me trying to be a quiet boy...well, apparently nothing can stop the tide.


                            Well, I got some good news and some bad news. I replaced the two fans on my H70, and my CPU temp has dropped 5C at full load. It also seems to have dropped the ambient temperature in the case, and the video card seems to be running a little cooler as a result. Need to do further testing to confirm this.

                            As for the GPU cooler, it was made specifically for the 570 and 580 Reference cards, so the memory heat spreader does not fit correctly on my Zotac card. I am considering leaving the existing heat spreader and just replacing the GPU heatsink and fan with the new Zalman one. Any ideas on how well that would work? I am concerned that the memory and caps on the board won't be sufficiently cooled.


                              I checked last night, and my GPU is only getting up to 70C now. I am thinking of just returning the aftermarket cooler...


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