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Help me with a new mid-range build?

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    Help me with a new mid-range build?

    Looks like I'm finally getting around to a new build. My current gaming PC was built in 2007 around a LGA775, Core 2 Duo @3.0 ghz originally running Vista, but upgraded to Windows 7. It's been an excellent, dependable machine, and the only thing I've had to replace was the video card. It can even run Battlefield 3 fairly good, although load times are long.

    The primary uses for this new rig will be web surfing, Netflix viewing, and DVD watching. I realize my build is overkill for that, but I want it to be able to handle major new games as well. I'm not particularly concerned with it being the fastest rig around with the newest technology. I really want to strike a good balance between value and performance.

    I've already purchased a case and a PSU, which I got on Black Friday deals. I'll probably pick up the rest after Christmas, hopefully on after Christmas sales.


    I've not yet purchased the rest, but here's my current plan:

    * Mobo: probably and Intel Z77 LGA1155 board with at least two USB 3.0 ports (Do I need PCIe 3.0?);
    * CPU: probably an Ivy bridge quad core i5 processor:
    * HDD: I wanted to go with a SSD and a HDD, and run the OS from the SSD, but need some opinions on that; I'll probably end up just buying a good 1TB HDD that gets good reviews;
    * RAM: whatever; it's cheap, but I'll go 8GB (2 x 4GB) to start
    * DVD: whatever; they are cheap; I don't think I'll go Blu Ray unless there is a compelling reason to do so; we do own a BR player and a couple BR discs, but for the most part our DVD collection is plain vanilla.
    * Video: I'm thinking of salvaging the GTX550Ti out of my current build to save the bucks:

    First, I'd like your thoughts on that build. Any conflicts, or ways you'd do it better? What do you think about SSD vs. HDD?

    Thanks in advance.

    I have been out of the loop for awhile but I recently bought a laptop in which I added a SSD in the primary slot and use the 750 Gb HDD for storage. It is the best jump in everyday performance that I can remember. Pick up a SSD in the 250 Gb range and read up on how to store your data on another drive and you will be very happy.

    The last three builds I have done I used Asrock Mobos, they are the best bang for the buck out there and I have had no issues.

    I would stick with your 550 for the video for a while because that is an easy fix down the road and the money you save on not buying a new video card could be used for a SSD.

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      - Intel i5-3570 -

      - ASRock Z77 Pro3 Motherboard -

      - Samsung 830 120MB SSD -

      - G.SKILL Ripjaws 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 1600 - now off sale, so no great price on these anymore

      - Seagate 2TB 7200rpm HDD -

      I added this cheaper H77 board instead of the one I linked. That frees up over $50 to go with the 256mb version of that SSD, found here ->
      Last edited by WalkinTarget; 3 Dec 2012, 05:01 PM.
      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


        Good list WT. The only difference I would make is on SSD size. Like Duke said, I would go with 250GB or so. I have a 120GB, and it really limits what you can install on the primary HDD.


          Checkout, CPU + MOBO combo deals beat NewEgg, go for a 256GB SSD they outperform a 128GB, I was actually disapointed in the Samsung SSD it seems to be a 'benchmark queen' when it comes to real world usuage its a slouch, I have used a lot of SSD's my favorite is the SanDisk Extreme series (I have owned both Samgsung and SanDisk plus many types of Vertex's), I hardly ever see it making any sort of headlines, its a real sleeper.

          Get the BluRay only because it won't break your budget and to me it seems like they put cheaper and cheaper parts in the DVD drives to beat the cost down.

          I used the Asrock Extreme4 (WARNING Do not use the Install All button when installing the drivers) works great


            I have an Intel Series 520 SSD, and I have been happy with it. MaximumPC recommends the Samsung 830 series in their best of the best.


              I updated my list with a larger SSD and a lower end board with the H77 chipset instead of the Z77. I wouldn't anticipate getting a huge overclock on that board compared to the Z77, but I'm trying to keep the upgrade cost reasonable as well.

              I don't load my games on my OS drive, so I can get by with a 120gb SSD and a 3TB storage drive. I won't see the benefits of the SSD with games, but I see it using the OS any other time, so its a wash in my book.
              Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                So H77 instead of Z77?

                And for the record, I won't be overclocking. I want a reasonably fast machine, but stock speeds will be fine with me.


                  Actually, the 3570 will do the OC for you using its 'Turbo' mode, which bumps its speed from 3.4 to 3.8 during heavy tasks, ie: gaming. I don't know a lot about the x77 chipset, so if anyone cares to elaborate on whether its worth it to skimp on the board and go with the H77 please chime in.

                  That 550ti now becomes your bottleneck, but it certainly won't be terrible, it will just drop FPS with a loaded 32 man server and lots of them onscreen. Even so, if it drops from 50 to 32 FPS< do you even notice it ?? Just depends on the game in question. CS:GO seems to not hit the GPU as hard as it hits the CPU, so in that case you are fine.

                  Do you need USB 3.0 ?? Not at all, since almost everyone I know that HAS it doesn't have any USB 3.0 devices to plug into it, like thumb drives. But it future-proofs your PC just a bit, and if you have an external HD USB 3.0 backup setup, it certainly pays dividends.
                  Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                    Microcenter has th Samsung 830 256MB SSD for $159


                    The Z77 will allow you to increase the Turbo mode of the CPU in Setup. For instance, for my 2500K, I increased turbo mode from 3.7GHz to 4.4.GHz. You will also need the Z77 to support SLI I think.

                    If you don't need either of those, then you can go with the H77 and the non-K version of the CPU.


                      Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                      Actually, the 3570 will do the OC for you using its 'Turbo' mode, which bumps its speed from 3.4 to 3.8 during heavy tasks, ie: gaming. I don't know a lot about the x77 chipset, so if anyone cares to elaborate on whether its worth it to skimp on the board and go with the H77 please chime in.

                      That 550ti now becomes your bottleneck, but it certainly won't be terrible, it will just drop FPS with a loaded 32 man server and lots of them onscreen. Even so, if it drops from 50 to 32 FPS< do you even notice it ?? Just depends on the game in question. CS:GO seems to not hit the GPU as hard as it hits the CPU, so in that case you are fine.

                      Do you need USB 3.0 ?? Not at all, since almost everyone I know that HAS it doesn't have any USB 3.0 devices to plug into it, like thumb drives. But it future-proofs your PC just a bit, and if you have an external HD USB 3.0 backup setup, it certainly pays dividends.
                      I may upgrade the video card in a year or two. But right now I can save about 20% by salvaging the existing card.


                        i5-3570K is good as well as your 550ti unless you can find a good deal on a 660 ti or better. Personally I'm waiting for the 7xx series to drop so I can pick up the 6xx series cheaper (Still rocking a GTX 470 overclocked). As for the motherboard, my current build in progress is with an Asus Sabertooth Z77 and all my friends who have it have nothing but great things to say. RAM is dirt cheap so if you really want to go balls to the wall and get 16GB+, it'll be no biggie though you'll never probably use more than 8GB unless you wanna use a RAM Disk or something. I'd get an SSD for your boot drive and since they're about $1 per gig, I'd also get one for your main games and a mechanical drive for everything else (apps, music, movies, pr0n, etc). You can save on not getting a GPU and get a sound card instead if you wanna be a bit more fancy. Also don't forget CPU coolers, if you wanna go air, sealed water loop, or custom waterloop; just don't use the stock cooler. >.<

                        Just for kicks, my current build which should be done this weekend I hope is: i7-3770K, custom watercooled on a Asus Sabertooth Z77, Corsair AX750 PSU, Corsair Vengeance 4x4GB DDR3 RAM, Asus Xonar DX (to be ordered), and rocking my old GTX 470. Recycling the HDDs since I have an SSD for boot and mechanical drives for everything else. Game loading speed doesn't bother me.

                        Feel free to ask me questions and I'll try my best to give informed answers.


                          Originally posted by xeks View Post
                          RAM is dirt cheap so if you really want to go balls to the wall and get 16GB+, it'll be no biggie though you'll never probably use more than 8GB unless you wanna use a RAM Disk or something. I'd get an SSD for your boot drive and since they're about $1 per gig,
                          32GB, At one point I had multiple VMs open, 2GB ramdisk, Alibre 3D Cad, Gimp and about 50 open browser windows, doesn't break a sweat I think I used about half... I remember buying 4 x 1GB sticks at $600 a piece when I had a lot more disposable income


                            I just picked up a a Crucial 256GB SSD for $160.

                            Still need;
                            * mobo
                            * CPU
                            * RAM
                            * HDD
                            * DVD
                            * OS


                              Originally posted by Tuck View Post
                              I just picked up a a Crucial 256GB SSD for $160.

                              Still need;
                              * mobo
                              * CPU
                              * RAM
                              * HDD
                              * DVD
                              * OS

                              Mobo: Asus Sabertooth Z77
                              CPU: i5-3570k or i7-3770k
                              RAM: 8GB+ of anything will usually work. G.Skill, Kingston, Corsair, etc.
                              HDD: Anything will work as well, what ever is on sale.
                              DVD: Dirt cheap so anything too
                              OS: Windows 8 or 7 doesn't matter. 8 is more snappy and you can add the classic start button.

                              I assume you already have a GPU and PSU?


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