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Water cooling??

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    I'm aiming for the H110. On some websites it is stated that these shouldn't be transported because of "the weight" of the cooler?

    Still not sure if I should stick with air cooling for my next build. Water and PC makes me nervous...
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      Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
      For the self contained units like the H100, they are not meant to be opened. I don' think you need to change it...
      That was my next question actually and you answered it.


        I have the H100 and it is secure in my case. The pump/cold plate is securely attached to the CPU. The radiator is securely attached to the inside top of my NXZT Phantom case. Neither weigh very much and transporting them does not seem to be a problem If I do need to remove the H100 from my case it is very easy. The Phantom has a cut out behind the CPU that allows me to remove the cooler with out removing the MB.

        Where do you put the Bayonet?
        Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
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        Frank Lloyd Wright


          Originally posted by Grisu View Post
          I'm aiming for the H110. On some websites it is stated that these shouldn't be transported because of "the weight" of the cooler?

          Still not sure if I should stick with air cooling for my next build. Water and PC makes me nervous...
          Define transport, bud. Because there is transport from one house to another in a car, or another room. If you are talking about transporting via shipping it then... it's still the same for H100 or any closed circuit cooling. Although shipping a PC is terrible idea, no matter what kind of parts you have. The H100 does transport better than air coolers. Air coolers are only mounted on the motherboard at one side, where the H100 is mounted with a small bracket on the mobo and the radiator has to be fastened quite securely on the top or side of the case.


            I'd actually feel safer transporting my PC around with my H100 attached than any of these stupidly huge air coolers that are the current norm.


              Thanks for all the informations.

              I'm talking about transporting the PC from shop to home by car. Once it's there I won't move it around anymore. It should be ok if I drive slowly...
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                Be aware that the H100 is the older design, recently replaced by the H100i. The H100i offers a thicker hose and a slightly different housing and mounting bracket:


                Make sure your case can properly fit the thing too !! I replaced the stock fans in my H80 with Gentle Typhoon 1850s, but it is not NECESSARY to replace the stockers, just my way of customizing it for slightly better airflow/less fan noise.
                Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                  Originally posted by Grisu View Post
                  I'm aiming for the H110.

                  Still not sure if I should stick with air cooling for my next build. Water and PC makes me nervous...
                  Me too!!!!


                    Oh c'mon you pansies !!! What part of 'sealed unit' did you ignore ?? I think Corsair even offers a damaged hardware guarantee if they do in fact leak. The liquid inside these units is also non-conductive and if it fails the PC should just power off.

                    No more air coolers for me. I even have a 'noisy' H80 that they approved an RMA for due to the pump cavitation issue, but I couldn't go without my PC for 2 weeks so I bought a resistor to plug in and drop the pump's power header voltage 1/10 of a volt, which eliminates the pump noise.

                    You guys and your H20 paranoia .... Join the water brigade !!! Its FUN, its WET, its SILENT !! Its like gettin' some in a library !!
                    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                      Originally posted by WalkinTarget View Post
                      Oh c'mon you pansies !!! What part of 'sealed unit' did you ignore ?? I think Corsair even offers a damaged hardware guarantee if they do in fact leak. The liquid inside these units is also non-conductive and if it fails the PC should just power off.

                      No more air coolers for me. I even have a 'noisy' H80 that they approved an RMA for due to the pump cavitation issue, but I couldn't go without my PC for 2 weeks so I bought a resistor to plug in and drop the pump's power header voltage 1/10 of a volt, which eliminates the pump noise.

                      You guys and your H20 paranoia .... Join the water brigade !!! Its FUN, its WET, its SILENT !! Its like gettin' some in a library !!
                      The liquid is conductive. It's a topic we covered in another thread around here somewhere.

                      But yeah! Get on the water bandwagon pansies!


                        If is water cooling why do I need fans to keep it cool?

                        Air flow water cool
                        Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                          The air flows through a radiator just like the one in a car.

                          Where do you put the Bayonet?
                          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                          Frank Lloyd Wright


                            Yup. The fluid moves the heat away from hot spots better than air, but the heat still needs to be radiated into the room somehow.


                              And those fans run at lower speeds while giving you better temperatures.


                                OK, Question.

                                Should I pull fresh air down into my cased through the radiator, or push the air inside the case out through the top and radiator???

                                This guys says Pull is better than Push, but there is still a question about into the case or out of the case.



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                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

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