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    Originally posted by lilfoo
    pay for anything + linux = against ideals.
    This isn't exactly right. Its not ideals per say. It a matter of licensing. There are really three license models out there. Closed Propritery License, GNU and BSD.

    Closed is normal license agreement.

    1.You can't freely distribute.
    2. You cannot modify

    The linux kernel and lots of utilities are released uder the GNU license. Which says

    1. You can freely use this code.
    2. You must make any derivative works freely availible.

    So businesses are a little standoffish about using code they can't sell (this is called GNU taint) However many many many businesses make software to run ontop of linux and they sell it. Because they wrote it for linux is inconsequential. Basicly as long as they didn't use any GNU code they can sell it. Most of these companies are in the server or large corp enterprise markets. But a couple of quick ones are vmware, wine, sourcefire, Checkpoint, ximian

    I personally like the BSD license which says.

    1. Do wtf you want with this code just keep this license with it.

    By the way most of the implementations of TCP/IP are based on the BSD source because it's so open. You could take this free product and make something from it and then patent it and sell it. I actually worked for a company that did. Thank you regents of california universities!


      Originally posted by L_Mo
      Originally posted by lilfoo
      -Edit: after about 20 min. of digging though the site i found a way to access the source (ads for pay us now everywhere). did you get it from source and compile it yourself L_Mo? if you did can you PM how or direct me to the site that told you how. i was never good at building stuff from source only getting what i wanted done done.
      TransGaming wants you to pay for a "subscription" to their site, which gives you a few perks I guess... However, Cedega itself is still (mostly) free. I've compiled the CVS version a few times, it should be just:

      make depend

      If you're on ubuntu make sure you have the linux headers package, the compilation packages (build-essential) and whatnot. See for a how-to on setting up your system to compile things...

      However, the easiest method is to get a compiled version on mininova. This is a gray area since the version on mininova is the one you get for paying, not the one on CVS... Which route you go depends on how you feel about it. The version on mininova has worked for me, it has instructions on how to install.
      ********************linux newbie here.

      where the heck do i get it without paying for it. i.e. the said CVS version?

      Yes, i am running ubuntu. step by step is the best since its a new world to me.

      make it as dumb as possible for starters.


        for dummy's link:

        takes you right to the license agreements and then to the CVS to download it. i swear they hid it so well....

        thanks a lot L_Mo for showing what great steps have been taken forward in gaming for linux. i will prolly be going back soon now once i get a new HD b/c i dont wana have to stop and redo this one if i mess up. thanks ^^


          Ouch, sorry, I forgot to post the link to the CVS download. Here's the step-by-step to get you started:

          1) Open up a console, type "mkdir ~/Cedega/" to make a Cedega directory in your home directory
          2) Go to
          3) "Read" the various licensing agreement. You probably agree, so click "I agree"
          4) Type the 3 commands under "To checkout a new CVS repository"
          5) "cd" into your Cedega directory, read the README file carefully
          6) Type "./configure" "make depend" and "make" in that directory

          Now, you'll need to make sure you have build-essential installed. Check out or specifically here for more information on that.

          My final warning is it might not work, I don't want to mislead you by saying Cedega is super easy to use. From the command line, it's really not. For newer Linux users I would honestly suggest going to and downloading Cedega 6.0 (specifically you want this and this).

          If you download the file from mininova you'll see a .deb file
          1) Install the .deb file using the packaging system using "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" (replace filename with the real filename...)
          2) Run cedega (just type 'cedega' in console)
          3) Install the engine by clicking the TransGaming menu and clicking "install local update" and select the engine file

          Good luck!


            Originally posted by lilfoo
            for dummy's link:

            takes you right to the license agreements and then to the CVS to download it. i swear they hid it so well....

            thanks a lot L_Mo for showing what great steps have been taken forward in gaming for linux. i will prolly be going back soon now once i get a new HD b/c i dont wana have to stop and redo this one if i mess up. thanks ^^

            I as I was trying to say transgaming dosn't have to release they're software for free. they only have to do that if it's released under the GNU license. They can make software that runs on linux and charge you for it. Now if they release it under GNU they HAVE to make it freely availible period.


              thanks again L_Mo, i should be partitioning my drive and booting up gentoo again in the next couple of days to have a look at this.

              @mapes: i wish the GNU license said you had to put it in an easy to find space. and as L_Mo said you have to pay to get a link to the nicely packaged version.


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