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LOL! Mac hacked in 2 minutes!

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    LOL! Mac hacked in 2 minutes!

    In the contest in a post near here, mac loses again, but only this time, in 2 minutes! LOL!
    [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=]
    You will donate to Cain's. Now.[/url]

    Ouchies for Mac. I love the people who like to claim that they're the most secure computers in the world. Mainly because it's not worth it for people to write viruses for them due to percentages :P


      I use a Crapintosh every day for 8-10 hours. They suck. I'm no fan of Windows, but OSX is so unstable it's laughable.


        What can I say other than "I told you so". Poor Poor mac users. Oh well, all those taunting mac users will be suckling on hind teet for the next year.


          The was not performed remotely. He was allowed on the machine and allowed to open web pages and email. It was probably safari that was vulnerable. It actually took more than two minutes since the first day was setup for remote hacks.


            yet again proving OSX is only more "secure" than any other operating system because no one really has the need to attack it.

            although considering everything else, it wouldn't surprise me if thats why it was gone after first, as opposed to the linux or the windows based machine. people are trying to trounce the mac, and did it. they should keep the contest going, as i'd like to see what happens with the vista & ubuntu machine.


              Well To be honest all the Mac users I know use Firefox....


                Originally posted by mapes View Post
                The was not performed remotely. He was allowed on the machine and allowed to open web pages and email. It was probably safari that was vulnerable. It actually took more than two minutes since the first day was setup for remote hacks.
                Also note that the parameters of the contest included a restriction against using already documented exploits. The guy who won the contest using the mac is already involved in researching Mac security, and was allowed to setup the site before the contest had even begun. So the whole "hack in two minutes" is a bit misleading. There's no doubt that Safari has security issues, but I would suggest throwing the baby out with the bathwater. For the non-savvy computer users out there (who outnumber us here 1,000 to 1), the Mac is a fairly smart choice considering how easy it is to lose control of a Windows machine and how stupidly obtuse Linux is.

                and as Mapes stated elsewhere, Firefox FTW


                  My highest level understanding (opinion for some of you know it alls) on this entire Apple vs Microsoft saga is as a few people said in bits and pieces:

                  #1 Tomato Toemahtoe

                  #2 Why do people rob liquor stores instead of petshops? It's because the higher transaction rates at a liquor store make them more attractive to criminals. Same thing goes with this Apple versus Microsoft and this "Apple most secure" assertion.

                  #3 Contest environments have unique controls that make them unworthy of representing the complete scientific value of this subject.

                  #4 Ease of use is not the same thing as scalable functionality.

                  #5 Some people will go against the grain because they need another badge of honor to wear.

                  #6 Steve Jobs is a genius no matter how you feel about Macs, and aside from that, has enough wealth and influence to make you look like an ant or a slug.

                  #7 People should buy exactly what they find useful and comfortable- it saves all of us from the endless chains of "Help" emails.

                  #8 What is Apple to Microsoft is Microsoft to Linux- Let your melon simmer on that one for awhile and then get back to me.

                  #9 I dont know what I was going to say here.

                  #10 <- the evolution of technology adoption in a game-changing market economy driven by innovative ideas.


                    Originally posted by CarbonFire View Post
                    the Mac is a fairly smart choice considering how easy it is to lose control of a Windows machine and how stupidly obtuse Linux is.
                    Hey there are no stupid computers....only stupid computer users. Granted Linux or any Unix has a steep learning curve this is not intentional though. The reason is to give the user more power in order to do anything with the system. Obviously this is at odds with user friendliness... For example with SED and AWK utilities you can do amazing things that windows will never be able to do....unless you install Cygwin which is sort of an Unix emulated environment...


                      Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
                      My highest level understanding (opinion for some of you know it alls) on this entire Apple vs Microsoft saga is as a few people said in bits and pieces:

                      #4 Ease of use is not the same thing as scalable functionality.
                      This goes for windows too I might add

                      #8 What is Apple to Microsoft is Microsoft to Linux- Let your melon simmer on that one for awhile and then get back to me.
                      Well yes and no. apple is based off BSD which in my mind is better than Linux. You see in Linux you have licensing taint. Meaning if you take the Linux code and use it for something else you must release that code GNU licensed too.

                      BSD which is probably a better OS anyway....The code is owned by the Regents of the University of California. The BSD license says do what ever they hell you want to do with this software. In fact most TCP/IP implementations have been ripped off from BSD.


                        Originally posted by mapes View Post
                        This goes for windows too I might add

                        Well yes and no. apple is based off BSD which in my mind is better than Linux. You see in Linux you have licensing taint. Meaning if you take the Linux code and use it for something else you must release that code GNU licensed too.

                        BSD which is probably a better OS anyway....The code is owned by the Regents of the University of California. The BSD license says do what ever they hell you want to do with this software. In fact most TCP/IP implementations have been ripped off from BSD.
                        Dude- you are way to focused on one upping my posts. Anyone else notice Mapes throwing one down everytime I put something in? Where's all the Wiki Referencing that usually happens? Where are the census polls and links to Infoworld?

                        Lets help you out here since you like clarity in all things I write:

                        For my #4 that you so graciously bucketed for me: I didnt specify to which I assigned that statement, I just made it because it does apply in both directions for all platforms. Thats what makes it a true statement.

                        For #8, So you dont have to struggle with what I said, I meant that owning and using a Mac doesnt make sense to Windows people for one reason in one context of perception.

                        For that same reason, Windows doesnt make sense to the Linux community.

                        So you can spout TCP/IP, EULA, and EU codification all you like, but the nut here is that what you like is what you like, and everything else will be foreign and limiting. That brings us back to #6 and #7, but unfortunately your indirect flame-job also puts you into bucket #5.

                        I still dont know what you were saying...


                          FLAME ON!

                          [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=]
                          You will donate to Cain's. Now.[/url]


                            Originally posted by mapes View Post
                            Hey there are no stupid computers....only stupid computer users. Granted Linux or any Unix has a steep learning curve this is not intentional though. The reason is to give the user more power in order to do anything with the system. Obviously this is at odds with user friendliness... For example with SED and AWK utilities you can do amazing things that windows will never be able to do....unless you install Cygwin which is sort of an Unix emulated environment...
                            Cygwin FTW, I do network security and am familiar with Windows, OSX, and several flavors of *nix and have found that Windows with Cygwin tops the boat. It is compatible with almost all hardware is relatively easy to use and with cygwin and programming skills (C++, and others) can perform low-level (Advanced) functions extremely well.


                              Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
                              Dude- you are way to focused on one upping my posts. Anyone else notice Mapes throwing one down everytime I put something in? Where's all the Wiki Referencing that usually happens? Where are the census polls and links to Infoworld?

                              Lets help you out here since you like clarity in all things I write:

                              For my #4 that you so graciously bucketed for me: I didnt specify to which I assigned that statement, I just made it because it does apply in both directions for all platforms. Thats what makes it a true statement.

                              For #8, So you dont have to struggle with what I said, I meant that owning and using a Mac doesnt make sense to Windows people for one reason in one context of perception.

                              For that same reason, Windows doesnt make sense to the Linux community.

                              So you can spout TCP/IP, EULA, and EU codification all you like, but the nut here is that what you like is what you like, and everything else will be foreign and limiting. That brings us back to #6 and #7, but unfortunately your indirect flame-job also puts you into bucket #5.

                              I still dont know what you were saying...
                              Whoa sorry man I wan't throwing down on you...Honestly I was putting in my 2 cents. I only mentioned those two bullets because the other SEVEN I agreed with..... Man sorry


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