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Windows Vista Heading the way of Windows ME

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    Windows Vista Heading the way of Windows ME

    Again my opinion. seems like the idustry yelled enough and M$ listened, but put the nail in the coffin of Vista.

    With intel's advent and intro of the new silverthorn series and Atom based low cost/powered pcs, the industry has been a buzz. these PC's can't handle a majority of the basic functions of Vista, such as Aero. they simply don't have the specs required. and likely won't for a while. this got the indistry into a funk. What are they going to do with the June 30th EOL of XP?

    Considering there are alot of linux distro being put on the new low cost PC's such as Intel's Classmate and Asus Eee pc, and the other new products entering the market from companies like MSI, whats going to happen? Asus just announced that the next gen Eee PC willl support and come with a flavor variant of XP on it and near if not the same cost of the linux powered unit. M$ listened, and IMO, put the nail in the coffin for Vista.

    Like Wm ME, Vista has its place, but is riddled with bugs, and not yet fully accepted by wither the software, or hardware community. Today, that changed. Intel has officially announced they ill continue to Sell XP "At least through 2010 for "low cost" machines. it also said they will continue XP on the market until 1 year after the next release of windows, code named 7.

    Again, Like ME & 98, they are following the same course that ultimately KILLED ME. Those of you XP-hugging people will continue to be able to get it. i use the term lightly, as i still love XP myself. vista has its place. like ME did. What do you think? is this the final nail in the coffin for Vista? will this bring Vista into the same path of ME?



    I know for a fact that Silverthorne runs Vista just fine. One of my coworkers is working on the BIOS for the Poulsbo CRB, and pretty much everything he does is on Vista. As far as I know, Intel is not testing any other OSes on this platform.


      Silverthorne might, but the amount of ram and video processing power of the chipset they are planning doesn't sound like it'll support the Aero interface that m$ is now requiring for the Vista Logo program. Below is intel's new partner for silverthorne & atom based processors.

      They are being looked at heavily for use in the upcoming "Eee PC" killers to run in combination with the new processors for the laptop.


        Actually the IGD in Poulsbo can enable Aero, although I don't know how badly it will affect performance. The Windows Experience Index test only gives it a 1.0, though.


          Average home user running $399 Vista WalMart special = Vista dissatisfaction
          Cains Lair typical gamer running his $1500 Vista assembled rig = Vista indifference.

          It either works (and you don't care to know more) or it DOESN'T work, and you don't know how to fix it !! I'm happy with it, but its become such a argumentative issue that everyone focuses on the media negativity (nawww, they wouldn't write negative things about anything, would they ??) that no one hears the voices of the people that have no problems !!

          I don't post everywhere on the web that Vista works for me. But when someone starts an anti-Vista thread, every person that agrees has to chime in too. It is what it is. It is only marginally better than XP. If it were better by the amount that XP was over Win98, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

          Win98 - 65% satisfaction of OS rating (I'm guessing here)
          Win XP - 85% satisfaction (guess)
          Vista - ???

          20% from 98 to XP is HUGE !! There is no way Vista can surpass XP, therefore it is tainted as a 'bad' OS, when in fact in might score 80%. There is room for improvement, so altho I feel OS 7 sounds better based on early previews, I think its modular design (and piecemeal purchase of add-ons) is a P.I.T.A. that may not be such a wonderful design in the long run.
          Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


            Hopefully this will convince them to put out DX10 for Windows XP although I'm not holding my breath.


              IMO ME never had a place. It was just a mutated 98 build with a few XP features bolted on to warrant the purchase. It was never completely stable, and many of the new features they shoehorned into the old code were quite unstable. ME was an abortion from start to finish, and soon after they EOLed it MS admitted as much.

              While I don't think Vista is that bad, it certainly shares some similarities. Hopefully MS OS 7 will remedy Vista's nagging issues in the same way XP usurped ME


                Originally posted by CarbonFire View Post
                IMO ME never had a place. It was just a mutated 98 build with a few XP features bolted on to warrant the purchase. It was never completely stable, and many of the new features they shoehorned into the old code were quite unstable. ME was an abortion from start to finish, and soon after they EOLed it MS admitted as much.

                While I don't think Vista is that bad, it certainly shares some similarities. Hopefully MS OS 7 will remedy Vista's nagging issues in the same way XP usurped ME
                I have to chime in here and reflect upon Carbon's theory. ME was a complete disaster. As a technician and owner/operater of a computer business, I would receive phone calls from people explaining a problem and I would know right away and say "You're running ME aren't you!" and most of the time I was right (sometimes they confuse ME with 2000...some didn't even know what OS they're running). The operating system was "OK" but if you upgraded from 98 you could bet there were more problems than if you did a complete install. I can't count the number of machines that I have nightmares about simply because of ME. Thank GOD that it is almost 100% phased out but once in a while I'll get a machine that the customer wants an upgrade and it has ME on it, which is the ipidomy of hell.

                I don't have any problems with vista. I don't have any problems with XP. I like both. Sure XP is more flexible to the advanced user, but comparing 98 to XP, when I was an ADSL technician for a phone company, XP was like a nightmare until the OS was learned and turned out to be easier to work with but in the beginning it was Greek. The reason I say this is because the dsl modems that were first released were either USB or they were Internal and looked like a 56k modem. (nightmares both) It was troublesome to try to get these things to work with XP when all we had were drivers for 2k, 95, 98, ME, and NT.

                Surprisingly, there are still DSL technicians out there that give up on getting DSL working for customers and I get phone calls all the time saying "The AT&T guy told me to call you." (which is grounds for termination)... regardless, there are still a number of USB modems out there (Alcatel Stingray) that are a nightmare and consumers aren't going to be happy about having to spend the 100-150 dollars just because their dsl modem isn't compatible with their new computer.


                  Originally posted by CarbonFire View Post
                  IMO ME never had a place.

                  Oh, I can think of a few places for it...


                    Originally posted by ThisElfRocksHard View Post
                    Oh, I can think of a few places for it...
                    You got that right... without lube.


                      I agree WT. I am running Vista x64, and I like it. UAC can be a pain, but you can always disable it or turn off the annoying messages. I have had very few problems with apps or drivers, especially now. You can find Vista x64 drivers for pretty much everything.

                      RE ME: yeah it was a total POS.


                        I hope MS and Co get the driver support properly working this time round. Imo it's one of the major things that killed Vista.






                              i wishthey'd make vista cheaper. I wont be getting it cause its too frickin expensive!!!!!!!!!!


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