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Watching TV on a PC

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    Watching TV on a PC

    I have never used a PC for a TV before. I was hoping to set up my stepdaughters new PC to do so. this would save space in her room. Here is the Monitor and Video card that will be in her PC.

    Hanns G 19" widescreen.
    EVGA 8600GT

    Will this monitor and Video card work to show TV?

    Other then a TV tuner what would be needed?

    Would a standard TV tuner work with he satellite receiver that she currently uses?


    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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    same question for me i have a geforce 8800 gt


      I can't really answer your question fully, but on my old PC that was built my gateway it had a TV tuner card. The graphics card that went with it was a 5200 geforce, so I don't think you would really have problems with that graphics card lol

      Anyways, we had cable, so we just plugged it into the s-video.

      The computer came with Windows Media Center XP, and the media center application that came with it had a wizard and the TV feed went through it.

      I don't know what program you were planning on using to watch TV, but the only problem that could on the PC we had the Media Center application.

      Hope it helps
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        Going to have to put a TV Tuner card in the PC. Not sure how exactly it works, but you basically run a cable in to the back of the PC, it creates the interface, and displays the TV output through your graphics card. Should come with all the software and hardware that you need included with the TV Tuner card. Don't think you'll be able to run HD television in to it, and not sure how digital cable works with it. Unfortunately, I'm not real up to date on TV Tuner technology.


          ok i'm stupid when it comes to this and i'm trying to do it at home also... i can't just run my cable to the back of my pc? do i need like an s video adaptor or something to hook up to my geforce 8800 gt? what do i need? newegg links please


            TV Tuner cards.


            Basically they allow you to run a cable in to the back of your PC like you would run one in to your TV. Video cards are configured to output video, TV tuner cards are configured to take input from a standard RJ11 cable and then typically pass it through some kind of software to output the TV display through your video card to your monitor, like you were watching it on your TV.


              ok can i use this with my geforce 8800gt? or do i already have a tv tuner built in? ugg confused



                Have you ever tried making your T.V. into a PC?


                  no i have a tube tv no flat panel i have 22 inch widescreen computer monitor though, so thats where the love is gonna be


                    OK it seems to me that If I were to put in one of these all I would need to do is plug in the satellite box and she would be good to go. It alos looks like she could record stuff with the software included. I found this one wit some good reviews.


                    Any thoughts on this card? Also is there some preferred software that is out there?

                    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                      You won't have an s-video in on your graphics card jeffro. Thats why you need a TV tuner. You may have an s-video out, but you need an input from the cablebox/ satellite
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                        All I know is that hauppage is a good brand. Reviews aren't great, but most of there stuff should be solid. Looks like that card has just about everything
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                          Originally posted by BenKenobi View Post
                          You won't have an s-video in on your graphics card jeffro. Thats why you need a TV tuner. You may have an s-video out, but you need an input from the cablebox/ satellite
                          Check out the LCD monitor. Mines a dell and it has a svideo input. If yours has the same you could plug the cable box directly into the svideo in and just select the monitors input setting.


                            Your #1 problem will be if you currently have a satellite signal instead of cable, as Media Center does not accommodate a TV guide that is programmed for satellite .. it only works with cable TV.

                            I have semi-retired my HTPC after we switched from Comcast's exorbitant $74 a month bill to Dish $55 a month bill. We have the 200 channel package, but I can no longer route my cable directly into the HTPC tuner and search the guide. Hell, I cant even VIEW TV on it, as the wiring setup is entirely confusing to me.

                            I have two choices as I see it .. use my HTPC exclusively for HD:OTA (High Def, Over The Air) and watch or record any local Hi Def TV, or just scrap it and formally retire the HTPC.

                            If you don't plan on using MCE2005, then you may want to check out MythTV, a Linux distro specifically tailored to match MCE in functionality.
                            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                              Hmm so you're saying that I wouldn't be able to plug in that Sat receiver into the TV card to even view the channels or would the problem be in just using the menus?

                              Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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