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Started my new PC.....

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    Originally posted by Donziboy2 View Post
    I would have went with an nvidia mobo instead of intel so you can SLI later on. Or gone ati with intel.

    Just my 2 cents...
    I think a great motherboard was more important than SLI for Cain. That's the problem with SLI. You're extremely limited when it comes to motherboard options.


      Originally posted by juneau View Post
      That's why i always build in my kitchen.

      plus, there is usually no carpet in the kitchen.
      kinda removes a great deal of the static electricity problem.

      I have a gator clip attached to some thick wire that I put around my leg.
      Then I clip it to the pipe under the sink- being that pipes are ground


        I build my computer for an upgrade, yet i never do it. I got an SLI mobo, and an SLI PSU, yet i never upgraded... I am getting lazier by the minute, when I'm 30 I wont even breathe for myself.


          Cain, in regards to the Step Up program, you simply register you card on their wwebsite using the serial number, then anytime within 90 days after purchase you can send your card back in for its full value and pay the MSRP difference on a newer card, so in the case of the 8800GTS, if you paid $249 for the card, and you wish to upgrade to the new 260GTX card, you'd pay the $200 difference (retail for the 260 card appears to be $449) and receive that card after entering the Step Up que and receiving confirmation from eVGA that your step up is processed.
          Its nice to use it if you want the faster card, as the 260 appears to be at least as fast as two 8800GTS cards (which is what the 9800GX2 card is essentially). The 280 is the top dog card, and it may retail for $600, so that is not even an option unless you really, REALLY want to have top end and don't mind paying the premium associated with it.
          Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


            Well I fired the new system up, and that damned video card sounds like a leaf blower !!

            the case and all its fans are so quiet you cannot tell it is running, but that blooming video card is buzzing away out the back, so the case cannot help it.

            I guess I cannot send this card back to NewEgg so I'll take a long look at upgrading it, I cannot imagine a newer card being this danged LOUD...


              Originally posted by Cain View Post
              Well I fired the new system up, and that damned video card sounds like a leaf blower !!

              the case and all its fans are so quiet you cannot tell it is running, but that blooming video card is buzzing away out the back, so the case cannot help it.

              I guess I cannot send this card back to NewEgg so I'll take a long look at upgrading it, I cannot imagine a newer card being this danged LOUD...
              That's quite odd Cain. It's a larger fan so it should be damn near silent. I only hear mine when i'm gaming as rivatuner kicks the fan up a notch.


                That is in fact strange, as the GTS card offers up a more efficient fan than the GT card cooler, so you may just have a dud there. Fan noise is subjective really, so its hard for us to gauge what level you are annoyed with.
                Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                  Maybe it is running full bore?? Once I get the OS installed and so forth I guess I can check and see how fast the fan is running.

                  Maybe I have a dud?? I noticed that when I opened it, this box had clearly been opened previously, the seal on the end of the box was already broken open.

                  The fan is about three times as loud as the other four case fans combined. I can clearly hear it 25 feet away.


                    Originally posted by Cain View Post
                    Maybe it is running full bore?? Once I get the OS installed and so forth I guess I can check and see how fast the fan is running.

                    Maybe I have a dud?? I noticed that when I opened it, this box had clearly been opened previously, the seal on the end of the box was already broken open.

                    The fan is about three times as loud as the other four case fans combined. I can clearly hear it 25 feet away.
                    Check your messages.

                    25ft away !! That's nuts !!


                      I am tempted for one Velociraptor....

                      Sounds like a nice rig Cain.


                        Nice choice on graphics card
                        I have the same exact card. Check your fan speed. Once its in windows it should drop to default 30ish %. It only needs to be running at 50-55% for pretty much any game it can run. Any faster and its just more noise for cooling beyond what you need. When I first start my comp up it runs at full blast but after post it slows down to like 30%. Get Evga's Precision tool set the fan for 50-55% and set it to start on windows startup you will never have to keep speeding it up that way with Evga's tool. If you use Nvidia tool you have to do it every time you startup windows.

                        Btw juneau your telling me a p35 mobo is worth $180? He could have gotten an EVGA 123-YW-E175-A1 LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 750i FTW SLI ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail For 10 bucks more. I was under the impression that p35 is a pretty old chipset. And from what ive seen your in the same boat with crossfire on ati cards as you are with Nvidia and SLI. Intel wont certify SLI on there boards and Nvidia is doin the same for Crossfire.

                        These are just my thoughts and personal choices btw im not beating on your picks cain. Its your money and you know exactly what you want.
                        Ive been wanting to build a new pc for close to 4 months now but with work the way it is i probably wont see new parts sitting at my front door for another 6-8 months. But I have been trying to keep up with hardware as it comes out and im spending 10-15 hours a week reading threw hardware forums and reviews looking at parts ive had my eyes on.


                          So far I have not installed the OS, just powered everything up to see if it works, so hopefully my video card is wide open.. thanks for letting me know that...

                          I'll report back when I get the OS installed..


                            Originally posted by Donziboy2 View Post
                            Nice choice on graphics card
                            I have the same exact card. Check your fan speed. Once its in windows it should drop to default 30ish %. It only needs to be running at 50-55% for pretty much any game it can run. Any faster and its just more noise for cooling beyond what you need. When I first start my comp up it runs at full blast but after post it slows down to like 30%. Get Evga's Precision tool set the fan for 50-55% and set it to start on windows startup you will never have to keep speeding it up that way with Evga's tool. If you use Nvidia tool you have to do it every time you startup windows.

                            Btw juneau your telling me a p35 mobo is worth $180? He could have gotten an EVGA 123-YW-E175-A1 LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 750i FTW SLI ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail For 10 bucks more. I was under the impression that p35 is a pretty old chipset. And from what ive seen your in the same boat with crossfire on ati cards as you are with Nvidia and SLI. Intel wont certify SLI on there boards and Nvidia is doin the same for Crossfire.

                            These are just my thoughts and personal choices btw im not beating on your picks cain. Its your money and you know exactly what you want.
                            Ive been wanting to build a new pc for close to 4 months now but with work the way it is i probably wont see new parts sitting at my front door for another 6-8 months. But I have been trying to keep up with hardware as it comes out and im spending 10-15 hours a week reading threw hardware forums and reviews looking at parts ive had my eyes on.
                            Yes it is worth it. It is one of the best LGA775 boards ever made even if it does use an older chipset. It was still released around the time of the 750i and is a more stable board. Better stability and all around capabilities or SLI.... i know what i would go for every single time.


                              Originally posted by Cain View Post
                              I think I'll take pics of the final box I think ...... Living room is a mess ATM !!
                              Excellent, perfect opportunity for pics then!!!


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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Apache Warrior
                                Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Pidgeot_Girl
                                Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                              • Reply to hey yall!
                                by Sirex
                                :O hey Pidgeot!

                                Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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