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Warner + HDDVD + HTPC = Bad!

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    Warner + HDDVD + HTPC = Bad!

    Finally found the answer to a niggling problem i've had with my HTPC since i built it and i've now found the cause. But there is no fix!

    It started when i tried my first HDDVD. It happened to be a rental of Batman Begins. Popped it in and from the start noticed this slight judder of the image every now and then. I put it down to being a rental disc that's not been treated too well. Picked up my first Blu, 300, and it played flawlessly.

    Somewhere down the line after buying a few more Blu and HD discs i came across Corpse Bride on HDDVD. And there was the damn judder again. Sent for a replacement, no help, judder still there.

    At the point i'm at now i now have 3 discs that judder. Corpse Bride, Poseidon, Return to House On Haunted Hill.

    Now to fix the problem. Update PowerDVD, buy WinDVD9, update drive firmware, update graphics driver, update chipset driver. Nothing helped.

    Staring at the discs one day i noticed 1 common denominator, they were all Warner HDDVD's! Then i remembered that Batman Begins was also! Next thing to check was the video codecs that they use. Nothing strange or different from discs that don't stutter. Then it hits me. Not all image problems are caused by video, maybe it's sound. And there it is. Warner uses a different audio bitrate to pretty much all other studios (640kbps, sometimes 768kbps) for their DD+ tracks. Quick google and it is the first result.

    Why does using SPDIF output on PowerDVD Ultra HD DVD playback cause judder ??

    Hi I have been trying everything to play back HD DVD from hdd using Power DVD Ultra 7.3 smoothly, with zero success. The movie I've been using is "Good Fellas", and it is terribly juddery, however, I recently saw a tidbit which said a certain judder workaround was only applicable when using analogue sound outputs.
    Why is this so ?
    I changed my sound output in PDVD to 2 channel from SPDIF and magically the judder disappeared !

    I don't have the option of analogue sound output right now, is there ANY way to use SPDIF output with PDVD and HD DVD's and NOT have judder ?

    Why would SPDIF output cause judder ? Its not processing anything, just dumping the sound bits to the output, right ?
    The judder occurs only if you select a DD+ track, which is not encoded in 448 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps. I only have judder with tracks encoded in 640 kbps and 768 kbps, mostly Warner titles and non-english language tracks.
    I HATE WARNER!!!!!

    Stop buying their movies lol
    X...Noob Slasher...X


      Doesn't sound like an issue to do with Warner to me other than that they're using "off" bit rates. Sounds to me like someone at either the software or hardware end of things needs to get on their pony!


        Originally posted by ChrisWW11 View Post
        Stop buying their movies lol
        I wish i hadn't now. But the cause wasn't very obvious and i heard/read of no wanrings beforehand. Now i check to see what studio it is before i buy any more bragains.

        Could be Trooper. But if Warner had used standard bitrates like everybody else there wouldn't be this problem. Considering both PDVD and WinDVD have this problem and it's still not fixed, i'm guessing it's unfixable.


          i was thinking that HD-DVD is dead?


            Originally posted by bobytt View Post
            i was thinking that HD-DVD is dead?
            It is, but when you can play both formats you can pickup some really good bargains. is currently selling a large selection for ?3.99 each with free delivery.
            Last edited by juneau; 4 Jul 2008, 07:34 AM.


              Thats also true!


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