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The Juggernaut Has Fallen (Continuous BSODs, can't boot)

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    No floppy.. i've made a .iso before tho

    Not in the position to open it up yet but I will when I have time with the jumper and the battery etc

    thanks for help so far guys ill keep you posted
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      Sounds like 1 mem stick might have died. But far as i know OCZ has a lifetime warrenty.


        I've had those same 2 errors pop up whenever I try to make use of my PC 8500 memory.

        By default they boot up into DDR2 800 speeds. I have to manually set the voltages and timings in BIOS, and every time I do Its BSOD time.

        Though my memory states a voltage of 2.2 and timings of 5 5 5 15, If I run anything higher than default It craps out.

        I'm pretty sure both my sticks are good since they run just fine when left at default. Might save you some headaches trying to figure out which one is bad. Seems to me that those errors are windows fault, not the memory.


          ben you need to do a memtest to check for bad ram, (Most likely issue), and if all of your sticks check out then try to boot off of a *nix disk to determine wether its a bad driver or wether its hardware. If you can boot to a stable *nix distro then its probably hardware.


            The RAM is Corsair. The real common type.

            I've tested all 4 sticks. 7 passes, at least. No errors.

            I do however have a very very bad symptom now.

            Before I tested the RAM and it was going into desktop there was a very very high pitched noise. So high, only one of my ears could hear it. It was that high.

            I couldn't tell what component it was coming from. It was very weird. The closer I stuck my head into the box the softer it would get, and if I walked away a few feet it was louder. It was the computer because as soon as I turned it off it shut off. It wasn't like an outlet or anytihng, it was definitely coming from the box. Terrible sound, gave me a headache. it could probably be a fan clogged with dust perhaps, but I'm thinking more that it's the harddrive going. If it's not the memory, it has to be something else wrong. I'm unsure what to do at this point but if I figure anything out ill post
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              its probably a bad driver ben. Have you done any updates recently?


                You can also try booting from a live CD to see if its hardware or software


                  It's not a driver... no new drivers...

                  I tried the repair option in the windows install disk, which boots before windows, and before it could find anything to fix it BSOD. So it's hardware. To my knowledge
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                    I would look for this problem on the EVGA forums. I think I have heard of symptoms like this before.

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                      Trying to think what it could be with the high pitch noises. PSU noises are normally quite loud. GFX card noises are also generally quite easy to hear. I wonder if a mobo capcitor is on it's way out?

                      I have to say this looks a lot like hardware and not software.


                        The high pitch your talking about, is it steady or wavering?
                        juneau is dead on with the noise.
                        If its that high a pitch it wouldn't be coming from the PS, since that would be a 60hz pitch that is pretty audible.
                        Basically if it's a mobo cap going out like juneau mention, it wouldn't be power, since that is already regulated in the PS.
                        Since your having a lot of issues with memory, I suggest you try testing the memory in another PC. I find it hard to believe all that memory is going bad unless you had the voltage set a little too high during you OC.
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                          If you're worried about the cap's in your computer. Take a look at them, see if any of them are buldging outwards a little bit, look for small black marks that shouldn't be there (burnt out components), things of that nature.


                            Well I had been on my old computer for the last few weeks because I haven't had enough time to actually sit down for a few hours to figure this out.

                            As I said before, I tested each of the RAM sticks for at least 7 passes on memtest86 and they all came back clean.

                            The way I had left it, it still had the last memory stick in, and when I booted up, to my surprise, no blue screen. Also the high pitched noise is gone.

                            I stuck another stick in there to get dual channel running and its still running fine with no noise. It's been running for about 2 hours now... I'm going to attempt to run crysis to see if that gets anything ..

                            I hate it when computer problems fix itself, because usually its not fixed, its just lying dormant... ...
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                              Was it turned off the whole time?
                              Did you BIOS battery hold your settings or did they reset to default?
                              Has the temp in the room cooled down some?
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                                It was off the whole time...

                                I did nothing with the battery yet

                                Its been in room temperature

                                I just ran crysis and tf2 for a while and I can't get it to blue screen

                                Gotta go mow the lawn - when I come back I'll put all 4 sticks in and see how it runs
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                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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