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ATI makes me SICK!

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    Originally posted by bobytt View Post
    Well juneau for every 1 happy person with 4870x2 i can show you AT LEAST 10 that are cursing ATI. Its just the way how ATIfanboys live these days they have to suffer their love to the red.

    And by the way , my ONLY bad HDD since i start to work with computers is last december one WD 150GB Raptor
    That's probably more to do with the fact that more gamers have ATI cards than Nvidia. Hardly anybody has a GTX260/280. I'm still ok with my 8800GTS but if i had to change right now it would be to either a 4850 or a 4870. I don't need the power of a X2.

    You also need to remember that the X2 has been out what? 2 weeks at most? Did the 9800GX2 work flawlessly on release? Nope.

    Btw, did you install the display driver and CCC separately? I've heard this fixes a lot of issues.


      Originally posted by juneau View Post
      That's probably more to do with the fact that more gamers have ATI cards than Nvidia.
      Thats nonsense

      last 2 years NV outsell ATI 3:1


        Originally posted by bobytt View Post
        Thats nonsense

        last 2 years NV outsell ATI 3:1
        Yea, and back in the old AGP socket days AIT was crushing Nvidia... nvidia 5500's couldn't keep up with ATI's 9800's at the time IIRC....
        Last edited by {CLR}geneSW; 24 Aug 2008, 03:07 PM. Reason: spelling errors


          Originally posted by {CLR}geneSW View Post
          Yea, and back in the old AGP socket days AIT was crushing Nvidia... nvidia 5500's couldn't keep up with ATI's 9800's at the time IIRC....

          Well if we going to go that way lets do it.

          NVIDIA was owning ati from NVIDIA banshee all the way to GeForce 3Ti then ATI came back for few months with radeon 8500, then NVIDIA took it back with GeForce Ti4600 untill Radeon 9700Pro then NV came with this crap 5800, but shortly after this came 6800 which destroy ATIs next gen card 9800Pro

          Then ATI came with X800

          which was slightly better than 6800

          They were good for 7-8 months , then NVidia came back with 7800GTX and the first possibility for SLI which

          Then ATI came back for about 8 months with X1800XTX/ X1900 series

          Then NV came with 8800GTX and since then almost 2 full years NV was the king on the hill with 8800GTX , 8800ULTRA , 8800GTS , 9800GTX ,
          ATI produce couple of failures like HD2900, 3780 , 3780X2 which was not that bad but NVs response crash it , 9800GX2


            Originally posted by bobytt View Post
            Thats nonsense

            last 2 years NV outsell ATI 3:1
            Last 2 years. But hardcore gamers and tech geeks like to stay up to date and always buy the latest gear. Which means right now they're buying ATI cards, not Nvidia.

            ATI actually haven't done too bad over the past 2 years. They only got such a bad rep because of their new way of performing AA which set them back 12+ months.

            Starting to think you're a bit of a Nvidia fanboy boby.


              Originally posted by juneau View Post
              Last 2 years. But hardcore gamers and tech geeks like to stay up to date and always buy the latest gear. Which means right now they're buying ATI cards, not Nvidia.

              ATI actually haven't done too bad over the past 2 years. They only got such a bad rep because of their new way of performing AA which set them back 12+ months.

              Starting to think you're a bit of a Nvidia fanboy boby.

              last 2 years was HORRIBLE for ATI..... only HARD CORE fanATIcs bought ati cards, or most of the really poor people.

              ME? LOL during the years i had as many ATIs as NVs. Actually since VooDoo Rush i had every TOP 3D card on the market....
              Right now i am with 4870X2 , but as soon something better is out ill change it.


                What do you do with your old cards when you get a new one every 6 months or so? Almost always they are very nice cards when you replace so, so there is a curious mind here.

                I am not trying to free load or anything, I just have never been rich enough to do anything like that.
                "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist."
                - Dom Helder Camara


                  Well , i sell my old hardware in different forums , with some loss. Some of them with huge loss , but lets say that's my equivalent of smoking or drinking..

                  I don't smoke , i don't drink. So thats my little thing that make me happy.. And doesnt damage my health as the oder things that people love to do


                    Originally posted by bobytt View Post
                    Well , i sell my old hardware in different forums , with some loss. Some of them with huge loss , but lets say that's my equivalent of smoking or drinking..

                    I don't smoke , i don't drink. So thats my little thing that make me happy.. And doesnt damage my health as the oder things that people love to do
                    What res are you gaming at boby? Wasn't the GTX280 good enough? Send it my way.


                      1920x1200 with all filtering on. Was OK. But cant resist buying new HW....


                        I have always been an Nvidia person, don't forget who brought us those new maps for PC for free


                          hey look, x1950xt running on vista 64 with no driver problems...
                          Theres nothing especially bad with either company. Hate the card, not the company!


                            Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                            I have always been an Nvidia person, don't forget who brought us those new maps for PC for free
                            Someone's falling for the trap.


                              ATI 8.9 drivers (still beta?) correct a number of issues. Here's a thread detailing the settings and some CoD4 screenies to reflect the changes:

                              Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                                tested , its ok driver


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