So, I may be in posession of an old AMD athlon 64 chip (probably a 3000+ or 3200+ based on the year), and mabey a working MoBo for it as well... trying to come up with ideas for it as all i'll need after that is a case and some ram. BTW, WT, shoot me a P.M. so I remember to grab those cd/dvd drives for you. I had completely forgotten to do that. lol. 
Anyways, Ideas on what to do with the parts? I'm thinking a home media center box, but i'm not sure if the chip would be strong enough for it. I could always use it as a mass network storage device as well... soo many possibilities!

Anyways, Ideas on what to do with the parts? I'm thinking a home media center box, but i'm not sure if the chip would be strong enough for it. I could always use it as a mass network storage device as well... soo many possibilities!