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    hi i just want to ask if any one of you is using COMODO FIREWALL? if you are, may i know the good and bad side of this program comparing to other firewalls ? cuz im using windows firewall right now...

    and peace


    Hey Blu, your thread titles are pissing me off lol... state something about the Comodo Firewall so whoever knows would log in and help you. ok?!??!?!?

    And Firewalls are still used? wow


      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
      Hey Blu, your thread titles are pissing me off lol... state something about the Comodo Firewall so whoever knows would log in and help you. ok?!??!?!?

      And Firewalls are still used? wow
      Well, this comment is a bit harsh...

      Now, to answer the question in this thread.

      I have never used that firewall or heard of them. However, if you are going to use a firewall, I would suggest keiro (or kiero, can never remember exactly how it's spelled). Also, if you are behind a router then it has a firewall and you shouldn't need one at that point. I would honestly suggest turning windows firewall off if you are behind a router as it is only a pain in the butt...


        blah blah blah, harsh comment about firewalls... retells a past experience... blah blah blah....

        Thought i'd cut out the crap and get to the point.


          I've tried it before, but didn't care for it. It's excellent at blocking both inbound and outbound network traffic.... a little too good at it. It never cut me off completely, but I found it to be exceedingly difficult to enable network access to programs it didn't recognize. It seemed to ignore any exceptions and rule changes I made to the configuration.

          Mind that the box I installed this on was running several servers, so it wasn't acceptable, but if you want to run this on a computer used for little more than web browsing, it will block any unwanted traffic, and seemed to be very efficient with system resources. The uninstall worked very well, so I suggest you try it yourself. If you have problems with it, just remove it. But just in case, make a restore point at minimum or a full backup beforehand.


            Kerio is the older standard to which firewalls are judged, specifically version 2.51. The newer versions add bloat and ads if I recall.
            Komodo has been getting solid, if not great, reviews of their software, and they've established a suite of free applications to cover everything that you may need.
            The way I see it, I just don't hit up any website that makes me worry about it (I've been to the end of the intarweb .. there's a sign that says turn around and go back) as my surfing is limited to about 8 tech sites and that's it.

            Just google it and see what you get. If you don't like it, ditch it and go back to the Windows freebie. Vista monitors in/out unlike XP which just tracks your inbound, but nobody really thinks it would protect them anyhow, since its up to the end user to click on 'Block' in the first place.
            Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


              My dad used Comodo for a while, but he had problems where it completely blocked access to the internet, even after he uninstalled it.


                thanks a lot everyone...
                Phantom, dont worry next time ill think hard for my titles.

                and peace



                  Wait are you talking a host based firewall i.e it runs on your windows system..... I guess you could use one of those yuck


                    Originally posted by BluGan1337 View Post
                    Phantom, dont worry next time ill think hard for my titles.
                    Maybe use, "phantom dont click here, move along"


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                      :O hey Pidgeot!

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