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Say hallo to my leel friend !! WT buys a GTX280

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    Say hallo to my leel friend !! WT buys a GTX280

    After four months of searching for a video card to toss until my Summer build (remember that old thing ?) I finally pulled the trigger on a card, and it was not at all what I expected to buy:

    I have been watching the 260 deals come and go, and was fully expecting to go with a pair of 260 cards in SLI at some point, but I gave up on that and decided to get the fastest single card that I could afford, so I found the BFG GTX280 OC for $350 after rebate.

    So why the 280 ?? Well, the 260 is OK at 1920x1200 (native resolution for my 24" LCD) so it stands to reason that newer games will do nothing but make those average frame rates drop even further with the 260 cards, so I warmly welcome (literally, this card gets HOT) the 1.4 billion transistor count card into my case and hope that it stays reasonably cool.

    I wish it would be $300, but it isn't .. and I just had gotten tired of waiting for the new card refresh scheduled for the end of November, so its obvious that it probably wasn't the best time to buy, but ... I did it anyways. 100 day Step Up eases my pain in case a better card comes out.

    I also don't have to buy a better PSU to run SLI, since my current 600w unit will run the 280 just fine. So all in all, it was probably the best card for my particular hardware. Will post pics when it gets here. Ohh, and a free copy of Far Cry 2 ?? bah .. I will trade that for something more appealing if interested.
    Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin

    I have the Same Card and it rocks


      Ghost, what do you think of Far Cry 2 so far ? I really have no interest in it, so I'm thinking of trading it for another free pack-in game with a friend - maybe Assassins Creed or Supreme Commander.

      I really want another strategy game - any suggestions ?
      Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


        Far Cry 2 SP is brilliant WT. Oh and congrats on the new purchase.


          Yer Farcry 2 is Great but it a long game and the card dose not over heat which is a good thing


            440$ is kind a expensive
            you can get it like for 380....


              Good luck trying to get the rebate.. TigerDirect is known not to give you them half the time..


                bobytt, you missed adding it to your cart. The price drops to $399 at that point, and then the $50 MIR drops it down to $349. They are similar on shipping, so its $10 less to buy at Tiger, but I'll wait an extra day or so compared to shipping on the 'Egg.

                Also, TD has gotten in hot water with rebates in the past, so since they were forced to clean up their acts, they are actually one of the more reliable ones.

                I just got two $50 MIRs back from the eVGA 9600GSO card deal, and another $30 from an OCZ 600w PSU deal, so I have $130 to make this a much easier purchase.
                Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                  I see now. Well for you may be its OK TD , but i never liked them , and there is have to be really serious reason to buy from them. And i live in Florida so we have TAX when we buy from them , so for me they are one of the last stores that i am going to buy. By the way , i got recently MIRs from eVGA , MSI, OCZ. I can confirm they are OK brands that honors theyr rebates.

                  Anyway good luck with this 280. But why just dont wait for 55nm card?


                    Coool, are you actually going to play with us? I have never seen you play as long as I have been here


                      WT , you know about MS cashback? I aleready recieved like 400$ back from them. If you use them you can get eVGA or MSI for like 340$ and MS chashback is more relaiable than any MIR.

                      for example those cards are eligable for MS cashback and its around 105$ or so for them....

                      eVGA GeForce GTX 280 GTX280 FTW EDITION 1GB CHEAP!! - eBay (item 130265350640 end time Nov-27-08 07:26:56 PST)

                      US $110.00

             m330279613908&_trkparms=39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A15|240% 3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

                      Seller:techtreasure( 2064520645) Just giving you another opinion... I got mine 4870X2 for 430$ like this. And i got my cashback already 140$

                      and also in Walnut Ca , is the CA shipping center of Newegg i think they may be connected

                      So you can get this one for 340$ and all eVGAs from GTX 2** can be registered to get FarCry2 at evgas website


                        Congrats on the new card.

                        Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                          Ya, the cashback thing may be an option for you, but I don't buy this stuff using my card .. I give the cash to my friend who buys it and then the wife doesn't divorce me for finding out I spend upwards of $2,500 a year on hardware.

                          Trust me, I don't like doing that deal, as he has ALL of my cards registered under his name, so any time I RMA or rebate items, they need to go through him. So cashback works if its your card and your account, but in my case, I do what I can just to get what I get. And also, eVGA won't honor that lifetime warranty on those Ebay purchases. They only honor the card warranty if it was bought from an approved Ebay vendor such as, or similar. Thats a fact verified on the eVGA forums by me before I bought this card.

                          Honestly, I have been doing my homework on this purchase, and I'm sure I could have gotten it cheaper somehow, someway, but at some point you make it easy on the guy laying down $400 on his credit card to make the transaction as painless and easy as possible.
                          Oh if a man tried to take his time on Earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, well I wonder what would happen to this world ? - Harry Chapin


                            you know better good for me , my girl is crazy as me about gaming so we are fine


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                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Sirex
                              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                              Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                              7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
                              by Pidgeot_Girl
                              Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                              2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                            • Reply to hey yall!
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                              Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                              Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
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                            • Reply to hey yall!
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                              :O hey Pidgeot!

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