I love playing TF2 on Cain's Lair, and I was first introduced to it late in 2009. Cain's Lair is full of friendly, mature gamers who realize that gaming is way more fun when people get along and don't act like retards.
I am a 16-year old gamer from Prince George, BC, Canada (yes we have electricity and computers here). Currently my favourite computer games are TF2, Battlefield 2 (with AIX mod), Making History 2, and Star Wars Battlefront II. Funny how these all end with '2'
. While video games are definitely my favourite thing to do as a pastime, I do go to school, and I have a part-time job at a coffee/donut shop called Tim Horton's (which is mainly exclusive to Canada, but there are hundreds of American locations as well). For those of you who know tehheat71, I am his friend and classmate. I am also a friend/classmate of ledsplatters.
I love playing TF2 on Cain's Lair, and I was first introduced to it late in 2009. Cain's Lair is full of friendly, mature gamers who realize that gaming is way more fun when people get along and don't act like retards.
I am a 16-year old gamer from Prince George, BC, Canada (yes we have electricity and computers here). Currently my favourite computer games are TF2, Battlefield 2 (with AIX mod), Making History 2, and Star Wars Battlefront II. Funny how these all end with '2'
