How's it going guys, you may not know me but you just might know my brother here, Quamin.
Don't worry, I'm 18 :P. Anyways, I'm looking to nestle in here with some people who are actually mature when gaming.
If you want to hit me up, I'll be mostly playing Battlefield 3 (on your server) and Minecraft (I have my own server). Other than that I play CSS, Battlefield 2/PR, Starcraft 2, Company of Heroes, and as far as MMO's go I stick to SWGEmu and Lotro.
I'm hoping to join in the "clan" (btw, I Agree to the rules) but until then, see you on the battlefield
Don't worry, I'm 18 :P. Anyways, I'm looking to nestle in here with some people who are actually mature when gaming.
If you want to hit me up, I'll be mostly playing Battlefield 3 (on your server) and Minecraft (I have my own server). Other than that I play CSS, Battlefield 2/PR, Starcraft 2, Company of Heroes, and as far as MMO's go I stick to SWGEmu and Lotro.
I'm hoping to join in the "clan" (btw, I Agree to the rules) but until then, see you on the battlefield
