I've already said hi and that I love the server and the majority of players I have came across playing here. With that being said, I have read the rules and regulations and I whole heartedly agree with them. I will be adding the CLR tags ASAP after this. For the intro I would like to elaborate just a bit more seeing as I am new. My name is Marcus and I am a veteran. I was in the Navy for 4 years. I got out to pursue my education. I am currently just a few credits away from getting an associates degree in food and beverage mgt. I live in Las Vegas and will be transfering to UNLV to pursue my bachelors degree. I have no income unless the VA feels generous and sends me money. But seeing as I live here, if I win at the bar, so will Cain's Lair. I will be glad to donate money and support a server that I like to play on. Hmm what else. I love my cat more than I like most people. I like to listen to music. I enjoy drinking and smoking. Cigarettes that is.
I am a huuuuuuuge 49er fan, (since I can remember) My dad is a Cowboy fan and hated the 49ers. This is the reason I fell in love with them. LOL. I don't know what else to say. But if you are reading this, then you are as bored as I am because the servers are down, or you are taking a healthy deuce with nothing else to read. I hope you enjoyed my little thesis of myself lol. Oh, I love to grill. Everything on the grill tastes better. Ok ok, I swear I am done now. Feel free to say hi to me while I own face on Cain's Lair. :P Once again, I love the server! See you in game!
