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Now where do we buy the game ?!?

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    Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
    Early access to a beta is not nearly enough incentive to support what will ultimately be used as a model to shift gaming in a very negative direction. I simply don't trust EA with full control over their own download service. I don't think anyone should be supporting Origin. Let them learn the hard way to play nice.


    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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      Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
      Isnt this kinda the same situation with steam when it first came out? I didnt trust it back then but now I love steam. Why not give origin a chance? Just wondering
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        Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
        Early access to a beta is not nearly enough incentive to support what will ultimately be used as a model to shift gaming in a very negative direction. I simply don't trust EA with full control over their own download service. I don't think anyone should be supporting Origin. Let them learn the hard way to play nice.

        I don't really have a choice since I pre-ordered the game like 3 months ago...


          So is origin required no matter what? Like with valve games and steamworks?


            I like Steam and I don't want to install any other applications on my machine, I like simplicity. I'll get a hard copy or wait for it to come up on Steam unless there is some really good reason to use Origin.

            Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
            Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


              Well we had to run Origin for the Alpha, I'm not sure about the final BF3 tho.


                Detailing pre-order items for Battlefield 3"]Detailing pre-order items for Battlefield 3:

                There are a number of pre-order offers for Battlefield 3 available. Some countries have already announced their offers, while others will follow. Check with your favorite retailer/digital download service to see what offers they have available.

                By mid-August, you should be able to find all of these items where they are supposed to be available. Here is what they all are and how to get them. We have also attached a handy FAQ on the Open Beta for Battlefield 3 at the bottom of this post.

                Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand

                What it is: An entire themed expansion pack the size of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam.
                Where to get: You will be eligible to download this expansion pack (once it is released) if you pre-order Battlefield 3: Limited Edition at Origin or at any retailer all over the world.
                Available: The release date of Back to Karkand is not yet announced. This expansion pack is not on the disc and is not available on the launch date of the base game. Everyone (pre-orderers and those who buy it separately) will be able to start playing Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand at the same date.
                Cost: At no extra charge with every pre-order of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition. You will be able to buy it separately for $14,99 if you don't pre-order (release date not yet announced).
                More info: In this blog post.

                Physical Warfare Pack
                What it is: A set of three time-based exclusive items and one early weapon unlock for Battlefield 3.
                Where to get: By pre-ordering Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin or at select retailers all over the world.
                Available: Day 1 if you pre-order. You will get access to this content at no extra charge at a later date if you don't pre-order (date to be announced)
                Cost: At no extra charge with your pre-order at Origin and select retailers.
                More info: In this blog post.

                SPECACT Kit Upgrade
                What it is: A set of 8 multiplayer skins, one for each class and side in Battlefield 3.
                Where to get: At select retailers all over the world when you pre-order Battlefield 3: Limited Edition.
                Available: Day 1.
                Cost: At no extra charge with your pre-order at select retailers.

                Dog Tag Pack
                What it is: A set of 10 unique in-game dog tags to choose from. Dog tags in Battlefield 3 serve as your in-game signature, displayed on screen every time you defeat an enemy. You can also claim the dog tag of your enemies via skillful stealth knife takedowns. This pre-order exclusive pack gives you 10 unique dog tag designs to complement the standard range in the game.
                Where to get: At select retailers all over the world when you pre-order Battlefield 3: Limited Edition.
                Available: Day 1.
                Cost: At no extra charge with your pre-order at select retailers.
                More info: In this blog post.

                Avatar Battlefield 3 Gear
                What it is: Battlefield 3 gear for your console avatar.
                Where to get: At select retailers all over the world when you pre-order Battlefield 3: Limited Edition.
                Available: Day 1.
                Cost: At no extra charge with your pre-order at select retailers.

                Shotgun and Beret for Battlefield Play4Free
                What it is: An 870S shotgun and a beret for in-game use in our play-for-free title Battlefield Play4Free.
                Where to get: By pre-ordering Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin.
                Available: Day 1.
                Cost: At no extra charge with your pre-order on Origin.
                More info: In this blog post.

                48 Hour Early Access to the Open Beta
                What it is: A 2 day (48 hours) early access to the Battlefield 3 Open Beta starting in September 2011.
                Where to get: By pre-ordering the digital download PC version of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin or by being a first-hand Medal of Honor: Limited Edition or Medal of Honor: Tier 1 Edition player.
                Available: 48 hours before the Open Beta goes public for everyone.

                FAQ on the Open Beta
                How early is early access?
                Early access to the Open Beta is 48 hours before the public is allowed to enter.

                How will my early access to the Open Beta be delivered if I am eligible?
                This will be communicated later. Stay tuned.

                Who can participate in the Open Beta?
                The Battlefield 3 Open Beta will be available to all, on all platforms, in September.

                Can I get early access to the Open Beta by pre-ordering Battlefield 3 on Origin?
                Yes, if you pre-order the digital download PC version of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin. This will also entitle you to the pre-order items Physical Warfare Pack plus the Shotgun and Beret for Battlefield Play4Free -- see above.

                I bought Medal of Honor Limited Edition/Tier 1 Edition and was promised entry to the Battlefield 3 Beta -- is that a different Beta than the Open Beta just announced?
                No, it is the same Open Beta, but as a first-hand buyer of Medal of Honor: Limited Edition/Tier 1 Edition, you will have 48 hours early access.

                What if I bought Medal of Honor: Limited Edition/Tier 1 Edition as a digital download -- do I still get early access to the Open Beta?

                What are the exact dates for the Open Beta?
                The exact dates for the Open Beta will be announced later.

                What if I pre-ordered the digital download version of Battlefield 3: Limited Edition on Origin before they announced the early access to the Open Beta -- do I still get this early access?



                  To be fully honest, I have very little understanding on why the Early Access is only 48 hours. I was not a person who spent 60 dollars on MOH (A game on all account and people sucked donkey feet) but if I had, I would be really pissed right now. 48 hours is NOTHING when you consider that most people don't game the entire 48 hours but only a few hours at most. That isn't an early start, that's a complete joke. It should have been at least a week, if not two.


                    I think is pretty retarded 48h....


                      I seriously don't trust anyone that breaks the rules of a contract and then points the finger at the other party in that contract and acts like they are the victims when they get kicked to the curve for breaking that contract.

                      This is exactly what EA did when Steam dropped Crysis 2. EA breached the contract with Steam. Then tried to make Steam out to be the bad guys.


                        ok the BETA is up 48 hours early... wow.. then again I want to play then game and don't care what I look like in the game.. How often do you say wow I look good dying. Well if your apache maybe .


                          The thing that pisses me off about this preorder stuff, is some of it you cannot get unless you preorder from this or that store.

                          Frankly, it's annoying, because I enjoy collecting alot of things.

                          Edit: Does anyone know if the weapons or anything are unlockable? Re: reach a certain rank and they unlock?
                          Kind of like the preorders for BFBC2 gave you the Thompson off the bat, but others could unlock the gun.
                          "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
                          "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
                          "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."


                            I was planning to get the game from either gamestop or newegg. Just waiting on those discount codes to pop up, But I got a email about a free game, They sure are trying to win people over to this Origin thing.

                            So which one will be better? Mass Effect 2 or Dead Space 2


                              Dead space is a much better game. Mass Effect is just fallout in Space. So, if you enjoyed Fallout then get it. Otherwise get DS, Not as good as the first one, but equally scary.


                                Both to me are very good.... if you don't like jumping out of your chair once in a while do Dead Space. It has been the hardest shooter I have played.

                                Mass Effect is very good on the story line and game play.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  Yesterday, 11:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
                                  I am not playing anything right...
                                  2 Mar 2025, 10:04 AM
                                • Reply to Hi guys!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Mostly playing good ol CoD BO6 on the PS5 (old habits die hard), I'll dabble into a little bit of Fallout 4. But I'm pretty much a weekend warrior, my...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 08:24 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 06:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
                                  23 Feb 2025, 07:31 PM