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A serious question aabout BF3

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    A serious question aabout BF3

    I have been real busy with real life stuff and studying for a check ride I have on the 27th so I have been unable to read up on this game much. With the lack of an in game commander and VOIP and a way for a whole team to work together I'm thinking that is just a prettier version of BC2. am I wrong? so aside from the better graphics and vehicles what makes this game more like BF2 then BC2?

    Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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    Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
    I have been real busy with real life stuff and studying for a check ride I have on the 27th so I have been unable to read up on this game much. With the lack of an in game commander and VOIP and a way for a whole team to work together I'm thinking that is just a prettier version of BC2. am I wrong? so aside from the better graphics and vehicles what makes this game more like BF2 then BC2?
    Well in the final release, they will fix the whole squad thing. So no worries there. Commander was and never will be implemented in BF3 so just give up on that. As far as VOIP, there is a chance they will try and make it more BF2 like, but no bets on that.

    But there will be alot more added to the final game and consequent patches will polish it.

    I think the game is going to be great, and a star on 64 player CQ servers. (Specifically Cains )


      Originally posted by slice View Post
      But there will be alot more added to the final game and consequent patches will polish it.

      That's what I'm asking, what will make it more like BF2 instead of BC2.

      Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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        Originally posted by Duke{CLR} View Post
        That's what I'm asking, what will make it more like BF2 instead of BC2.
        Prone, more destruction, Jets, 64 players?


          To me the biggest thing missing is the commander position. Since that's gone there's no UAV trailer, radar dish or artillery pieces. Those strategic points were a big part of what BF2 was and what Bad Company games lacked, and what makes BF3 feel more like a BC sequel.


            Originally posted by BadHabitz View Post
            To me the biggest thing missing is the commander position. Since that's gone there's no UAV trailer, radar dish or artillery pieces. Those strategic points were a big part of what BF2 was and what Bad Company games lacked, and what makes BF3 feel more like a BC sequel.
            Yeah, I do miss blowing up/repairing those assets...


              This isn't a sequel to BF2. This is a pure contender to the Call of Duty market. It is great for me since I liked both COD and their Bad Company series. It might not be best for the BF2 guys but it's definitely on a mind of its own.

              VOIP, What is up with people and VOIP? Text chat is there for a reason. And if you enjoy talking to your friends then the Battlelog Party Chat system worked very well. It's like it's your own TeamSpeak. Since you can be on the same squad when it launches.


                Originally posted by Quamin View Post
                Prone, more destruction, Jets, 64 players?
                Don't forget flashlights!


                  Originally posted by BadHabitz View Post
                  Since that's gone there's no UAV trailer, radar dish or artillery pieces.
                  I believe all those are unlocks for classes. So a well organized squad/team will have all that available.


                    Originally posted by Skud View Post
                    Don't forget flashlights!
                    Were flashlights in BF2 (Vanilla)?


                      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
                      This isn't a sequel to BF2. This is a pure contender to the Call of Duty market. It is great for me since I liked both COD and their Bad Company series. It might not be best for the BF2 guys but it's definitely on a mind of its own.

                      VOIP, What is up with people and VOIP? Text chat is there for a reason. And if you enjoy talking to your friends then the Battlelog Party Chat system worked very well. It's like it's your own TeamSpeak. Since you can be on the same squad when it launches.
                      the Voip allowed people who didn't know each other to be allowed to talk. So if you just joined a squad you could then work together instead of having to find each other on battlelog. This also added an great element for getting people to cains lair.

                      This is the reason why I joined cainslair. I played for a while in vietnam and when BF2 came out played around. Didn't even know there were squads for a while and when I did join one someone here asked me to check a back room by a flag. That team work is what brought me to cains.

                      You also have to understand on the text chat if you were used to BF2/2142 that the chat was static and in the left hand side. The change is hard to get used to as it is on the right and disappears. You also can't chat when waiting to spawn...nor read it .


                        Originally posted by Quamin View Post
                        Were flashlights in BF2 (Vanilla)?
                        Hail no!

                        But seriously, with a few more maps and a few tweaks, the game should be plenty fun. And like you said, the prone, more players, bigger, more intricate maps, cover, etc.,...well, I know i'll be trying to put my time into it!


                          they said that the flashlights will be toned down. First thing I do in game is shine one at apache and see how much he screams .


                            Apache doesnt need a reason to hollar. He just does it out of principle. But some things do irritate him more than others.

                            But he is entertaining, if nothing else.
                            [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                              You also have to understand on the text chat if you were used to BF2/2142 that the chat was static and in the left hand side. The change is hard to get used to as it is on the right and disappears. You also can't chat when waiting to spawn...nor read it
                              I'm with you on this one. I cant see the chat much in this game. And it does need to be on the left side. Who are these idiots that come up with this stuff. That needs to be fixed or I'll never see it at all. And squad chat is too slow to get anything done. I never gave intel on chat. Just too slow.

                              Heck by the time you tell someone something on TS it's usually too late by the time they can react to it.
                              [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


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                                by Sirex
                                All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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