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Some awesome attack heli gameplay

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    Some awesome attack heli gameplay

    Man was I glad to see that chopper handle like that. Back in the saddle, oh yeah!


      Originally posted by The_Needle View Post
      Man was I glad to see that chopper handle like that.
      Not me brother. These things are WAY too powerful against armor. Pilots as good as this one are going to be really hard to stop. The overall speed of the helo is far higher than BC2 and combined with the stopping power of the rockets, they're going to be a bit overbalanced until the first patch.


      Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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        Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
        Not me brother. These things are WAY too powerful against armor. Pilots as good as this one are going to be really hard to stop. The overall speed of the helo is far higher than BC2 and combined with the stopping power of the rockets, they're going to be a bit overbalanced until the first patch.

        No worries, if I'm in armor, you got a shell headed to your cockpit and you'll be out of the sky in no time


          Originally posted by Quamin View Post
          No worries, if I'm in armor, you got a shell headed to your cockpit and you'll be out of the sky in no time
          Yeah, good luck with that.

          Nobody swats more helos out of the air than me, but I'm not thinking it's going to be even close to easy given what this video shows. One thing to look for is angle and direction of attack. Not once did this team take down a tank from the front arc where the tanker will easily get them. Most of the time, the armor is down SO fast that the tanker wouldn't be able to bail, let alone get away. The attack helo in this video is far more powerful than they were in either BF2 or BC2.

          The inexperienced or distracted pilots will be the same as in those games. The good pilot is going to be VERY hard to shoot down unless they're busy blowing your buddy up.


          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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            Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
            Yeah, good luck with that.

            Nobody swats more helos out of the air than me, but I'm not thinking it's going to be even close to easy given what this video shows. One thing to look for is angle and direction of attack. Not once did this team take down a tank from the front arc where the tanker will easily get them. Most of the time, the armor is down SO fast that the tanker wouldn't be able to bail, let alone get away. The attack helo in this video is far more powerful than they were in either BF2 or BC2.

            The inexperienced or distracted pilots will be the same as in those games. The good pilot is going to be VERY hard to shoot down unless they're busy blowing your buddy up.

            In the beta I had Great luck with that, however it really depends on the map. Trees help so much, staying in cover and not just laying down fire to draw attention to one's self. I always watch for the attack chopper, even before anti tank infantry. I just hope the Anti Air armor is more effective than in the beta...


              It will be interesting to see the sort of hierarchy of danger in this game vs. BF2. BF2 boiled down to something like this:

              Jet Missile > Jihad Jeep > TOW > Mines> Enemy Tank > Unseen C4 Dude > Helis > APC > AT Infantry

              In this one I get a feeling that jets are going to keep each other busy, and I'm hopeful AA is good. The TOW placements that I saw aren't optimal, so that remains to be seen. But Helis jumped quite a few spaces.


              Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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                The TOW sucked... it was way underpowered. You had a more power with an eng kit or hitting it with your head.


                  Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
                  The TOW sucked... it was way underpowered. You had a more power with an eng kit or hitting it with your head.
                  Then you weren't hitting in the right place. I'm talking BF2 TOWs here, not the BC2 version. The BF2 TOW had more sheer punch than a tank shell, and if you hit one of the vulnerable points you could cripple a tank pretty easily.

                  Assuming the tank was coming toward you, you could hit it on the front underside if it were climbing a hill, at the join of turret and body, and if you were lucky, that sweet spot on the front plate that resulted in a double-hit bounce.


                  Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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                    Was it me or you can't do barrel roll in BF3 heli


                      Originally posted by goldenfooler View Post
                      The TOW sucked... it was way underpowered. You had a more power with an eng kit or hitting it with your head.
                      i dont know about this. there were some maps where using the right tow emplacement racked me up some serious points vs armor. Especially if they had to cross water.


                        wow he flew that chopper so smoothly.. like butter!


                          it kinda unfair but obvious that air will always beat ground vehicles.
                          Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                            I shot quite a few helo's down with one of the rockets they have. Cant remember which one it was but it was one of the first one's you get as eng.

                            If you work as a team on a chopper that is causing havoc, you can counter the flares if you got 2 guys locking on with one firing to get the flares and another one firing right after. Worked in BC2 with some success.

                            It depends on how good the squad is and how good the chopper pilot is. I did see some jet jockeys avoid a missile mid air though. Pretty good flying.

                            Now about that particular pilot, he has the right idea. Keeps low and doesnt slow down long enough to get a lock very long on him. He kills the tanks and move along. Doesnt spend a particular lot of time messin with infantry. But on the other hand, he didnt have much air opposition either. Get some decent pilots after him and he might be in for a fight. But he is good.
                            [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                              Originally posted by Caddys83 View Post
                              Was it me or you can't do barrel roll in BF3 heli
                              I think I did every kind of roll to get away from something but just couldn't hit crap.


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