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Just my luck...

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    Just my luck...

    So.. I start the game off being assault and learn that it's not the most ideal class. So, my friend comes over last week and plays my game as support, and does well. I take the reigns, and do much better than assault. Next I learn the Scar-H is so OP. So, I finally unlock it as an engy and got my first upgrade.

    But, I learned tanks were the way to go when I quickly started rising my k/d from .1 to .8. Yay tanks! Now I have thermal vision and all that good stuff. But, I also like jets, and finally saw that you do get a "bomb" (or guided missile) as one of the last unlocks.

    So, every round I can, I grab a tank and a jet, and get fairly good at them.

    Now, what is my problem then?

    The Guided missile is garbage. The range on the AA is completely ridiculous, and it's far too easy to hit jets in this game with AA. I know, because I'm fairly high in leveling my AA as well. The guided missile also completely changes your screen into a black and white vision, so you lose control of your jet and the controls get some use to.

    The main problem/ It doesn't even disable an enemy AA when it hits them. Nope. It doesn't even destroy a tiny little buggy. That's the only thing it can disable in one shot. Now, with everyone that touches a vehicle being an engineer, with how ridiculously overpowered the repair tool is, the AA still dominates me.

    I've tried heat seekers, rocket pods, and now the guided missile, and it's all garbage. Jets, now, are officially useless. There is no need at all for them since the AA does ALL the work unless the AA is a moron that thinks it's a tank, or doesn't know what AA stands for.

    My problem with tanks? Well, really none, except the American tank ridiculously too easy to hit compared to the T90, and the fact there is almost no need for the other classes in the game since the engineer can do anything and everything except revive, heal, and replenish ammo. But, there's enough support for ammo, and no one ever revives in this game (a complete 180 from BF2 ironically).

    So, for a purpose of my QQing, I got a question.

    What the hell should I upgrade next? I'm loving the SCAR-H, like everyone else, and it was my favorite gun back in BF2-SF. But, unless I get a T-90, I feel almost completely useless on the battlefield. I mean, I'm pretty damn good in jets, but damn, they are useless to helping the team imo.

    I was surprised at how fast an AA track disabled my tank I was driving. So perhaps they might be op.


      I have seen the AA Track kill many tanks. Now I would like to see if an AA take out an Abrahms for real.

      Where do you put the Bayonet?
      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
      Frank Lloyd Wright


        Most my playtime has been with Assault. I love being a Medic!


          This was my first week, and once I got the defib unlock, it was put to good use. I bounce between engineer and assault (medic), so if you need a personal medic on the battlefield, find me!


            I just unlocked rocket pods Don't tell me they are useless already!

            I rather like bombarding flags like helicopters do!!
            Also, regarding AA taking out jets, just use stealth, evade them, and use flares :P Good to go!


              Just check out my Eng. score as compared to the other classes.
              I'm a tank killer, not much good for anything else. And yes, I cant tell you how many times i've been knifed or shot trying to kill a tank. You get focused in on doing your job, and loose sight of watchin out for foot soldiers.

              I'll go up against a tank by myself if I have a big enough rock to hide and run around behind. Buildings are useless to hide in when shooting tanks. They just blow hell out of em and you're left in the rubble.

              But thats the class I play. I tried support for a while but the weapons werent all that good. The UMP is ok for close quarters but not for range. And with the maps we play for aircraft and armor. Not much use to em unless you camp a flag.

              At least the Eng. has an M4A1 in this class, unlike BC2. So it aint to bad of a defense weapon at distance. I also see a lot of guys using the 240 and the 249's.

              Like anything else, it depends on your squad. I die quite a bit more with a crappy squad because you cant depend on em for help. I think me and Phantom teamed up and just us two did more damage than 2 other squads put together. It makes a difference.At least when he aint playin sniper.

              Sorry to get off track, but the Eng. class is good all around if your squad has some good Sqd. perks to go along with it.
              [COLOR="#008080"][/COLOR][SIZE="5"][COLOR="LightBlue"][B]Not everything that counts on the battlefield is countable.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                Originally posted by Quamin View Post
                I just unlocked rocket pods Don't tell me they are useless already!

                I rather like bombarding flags like helicopters do!!
                Also, regarding AA taking out jets, just use stealth, evade them, and use flares :P Good to go!
                Hehe, Rockets were never the problem. It's incredibly easy to aim the AA's cannons, and thus, it's incredibly easy to kill enemy aircraft. It's very realistic, and it's fun to use, but incredibly overpowered.

                BTW, Rocket pods are a lot better on conquest I've heard, probably because when an enemy spots a tank, you get a friendly little icon that says "TANK IS HERE" so you just aim for that. It's gone in HC, so you have to physically see the tank inorder to shoot it. However, you get 14 rockets, and even if all 14 hit, you'll disable a tank at best. Guided... hah. I thought this thing would at least disable in one hit. Heard it takes about 4-5.


                  :Assualt isnt the most ideal class??????? /Boggle Granted my kd ratio isnt the best... but ive got a ton of flag cap ribbons and defense ribbons, am in the top 3 for kills and besides the occaisonal spawn to drop ammo or as rocket bot to take out the tank thats wastin me all ive played is assault. Also the issue with the Anti air in this game.... they are especially vulnerable to infantry imo. People need to remember this is a TEAM game. I call for air support all the time, ie Frog come take out this damn tank at Delta If your air call for some infantry support to take out that aa gun. or get the attack chopper to take it out. Granted that only works in a perfect world... but isnt that whats Cains server is all about? Personally the most fun I have is when im in a squad that is working together, its like seeing a beautiful piece of artwork, it takes my breath away. Escpecially when a good sqaud runs up against another good squad. For instance playing grand bazaar the other morning and Juneua and a couple other Clrs were moving on Market where Jed, Frog, Fooler and myself were set up. We probally went back and forth for 20 minutes trying to kill each other it was one of the best fights ive had in BF3.


                    I love when you have to think even harder for a point and its heavily contested. (all except annoying choke points).


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                      by Sirex
                      All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                      :O hey Pidgeot!

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