From this twitter post:
So, the servers won't be able to run a mix of Karkand maps and release maps. Grrrrrr.
defiantsoul Joe Thomas
@Battlefield Is Back To Karkand a separate theater like Vietnam was in BC2, or a true integrated expansion to the rest of the game?
10 hours ago
in reply to @defiantsoul
@Battlefield Battlefield
@defiantsoul Back to Karkand will be a separate map rotation, much like BFBC2 Vietnam. ^WS
@Battlefield Is Back To Karkand a separate theater like Vietnam was in BC2, or a true integrated expansion to the rest of the game?
10 hours ago
in reply to @defiantsoul
@Battlefield Battlefield
@defiantsoul Back to Karkand will be a separate map rotation, much like BFBC2 Vietnam. ^WS