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Which one?

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    What..... Don't pull either of those...

    I say full map rotation! There's only a handful of maps anyway, and Colbalt's right - you're never going to please everyone. But you could please people eventually if you run a full map rotation hehe. Granted Metro and Peak can be a PITA unless you get the certain flag but that's half the game plan - get to the middle flag and hold and your team wins usually hehe.

    Heck I know I whine about Kargh, Firestorm, and Caspain (caspian is getting better), those being big maps and boring if I can't get a car to get somewhere fast, but others hate the small maps. Eventually Bazzar will come around and it's my favorite map. I'm positive others feel the same when their favorite map shows up.


      *bracing for epic*


        Originally posted by baconoclock View Post
        Now if you want to remove firestorm I would be all for that
        Dude, I am all over this. Operation Firestorm is the weakest map in the game. It's just too bloody far from the uncap bases to get to anything, and the flag points are too cluttered together. Except for that random arty base E off to the side. That one just seems sort of pointless, an afterthought.


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          Throw em all back into rotation with a single round each, that would be a nice change up. Barring that, meh, all the same to me!


            And so it begins....


              I've never cared for peak.


                Originally posted by {CLR} Cobalt View Post
                I miss the Canal map.

                I'm telling you, it's gonna get boring real fast with only a few maps. I think we miss a lot of action on others maps.

                And lets face it, you can never please everyone with a certain map rotation. But you can at least keep if from being boring if nothing else. If we go down to just 3 maps, I dont think that is gonna interest anyone very much.

                And I'll say it one last time. More maps with only one time playing each might be more fun.

                Think about it. You get killed from being mortar spammed in Seine the whole game and then you have to turn around and endure it for another round. Not my specialty. It's a morale killer for sure. Whereas maybe you get the crap kicked out of you one game, but at least you know it will be over and you can try another map out and see if you do better.

                I'm all for a full rotation.

                If we HAD to choose, if you're putting a gun to my head, I'd pick Peak to be pulled. But more maps = better. It seems to be a dying mentality.
                "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
                "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
                "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."


                  I vote for full rotation too!!!


                    lol ... this is a question that should almost never be asked. To many opinions lol


                      Originally posted by [nmzl]f0x View Post
                      I vote for full rotation too!!!
                      Ditto. (more equals better)


                        I like Tehran and the Peak, but mortars aren't as much of a concern in Peak, so I'd pull Tehran.


                          Originally posted by [nmzl]f0x View Post
                          I vote for full rotation too!!!


                            Wait, why would you pull these maps?

                            I'd vote for removing Firestorm like the other 2 people. Rand summed it up nicely. It's too big and too spread out. I never see any big battles in Firestorm, and most people on the Russian side just camp the uncap with snipers in the mountains.

                            If I HAD to choose, I'd pick Tehran. It's not a good 64 player map imo, but it's still a lot of fun. The only thing ruining both these maps is when one of the teams is incredibly bad, but that's another reason I don't like Firestorm, because if you're on the losing side you're stuck in the uncap. And, due to you losing, the Tanks are often stupid people that try to snipe without trying to assault.

                            Peak is too valuable, and gives the most action without getting shot a million times. Only problem with that map is RPGs, and that ruins just about any map imo.


                              I do not like Damavand Peak


                                OK I left damavand and tehran, and added Canals..

                                Firestorm is our most popular map for bringing in new players - it ain't going anywhere !!


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