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Doesn't BF3 feel like a COD Copy?

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    Doesn't BF3 feel like a COD Copy?

    I'm a huge BF series fan. But this new game feels like my COD black ops game for the PS3. Yeah there are some nicer features but they seriously need to make it more like BF2 in the long run.

    I was an early adopter... but I feel ripped off.


    The answer to your question... no


      I can't think of many ways it's like blackops, really.


        I played the Black ops campaign and I didn't like it, and that was the last FPS I've played in awhile before BF3 and MW3. I've said multiple times that I think BF3 wouldn't be as good as it is without CoD. There are so many influences of CoD in BF3. I would rather prefer BF2 gameplay though. That game was more enjoyable imo, because it had commanders, bombs, and balanced AA.

        But as for it feeling like black-ops, I wouldn't know since I never played that online. I simply borrowed the game, beat the campaign, and handed it back in one day.


          I guess I only feel that way because of the squads... how people in COD get in them but no one works as a team.

          Actually where COD excels is the small capture radius of points but BF3 has these massive capture radiuses.. ugh..

          Maybe the recent "patch" has me in a bad mood.


            I played black ops and there are occasional similarities but not that many. Team tactics was never discussed or even a factor in MP black ops games. The focus on BLOPS is individual kill streaks in order to get your perks in. The only time I ever saw team tactics was when a group of us from WoW got on Vent and would coordinate to take over a building and kill(camp) from there to get our kill streaks up.

            I will admit it was fun to drop a nuke a few times (25 kills in one streak). The game is over once it hits and everyone knows who did it. Kind of a badge of honor.
            Delivering bacon goodness one round at a time.


              Or maybe I'm just sad that the server only has 19 people in it... considering it's 6pm central...

              I'm confident that new 5min kick feature is to blame.

              and p.s.... maybe badhabitz could hold me please?


                No, but it does feel more like BC than BF.


                  Yes. I am VERY disappointed with the game. Although I still enjoy it I feel like its a step backwards in order to please the CoD crowd. I like both games, but I want Battlefield back.


                    Originally posted by ryanbatc View Post
                    maybe badhabitz could hold me please?
                    I'll keep you warm and safe at night




                        Nah, it feels like a slower BC2 to me, with bigger landscapes.

                        I miss all the buildings I could blow up in BC2


                          Originally posted by harpy View Post
                          Nah, it feels like a slower BC2 to me, with bigger landscapes.

                          I miss all the buildings I could blow up in BC2
                          I have to agree with you there. I feel misled by the advertising with this one. I thought I was going to get MORE destructible stuff not less. In BC2 and Vietnam you practically level the whole map. Aside from added character animations, dog tag taking, jumping over obstacles, ect. It doesn't feel or look that different.

                          Vietnam was my favorite out of this series so far.
                          Old school or the new, doesn't mean a thing if your heart's not true...


                            I've always felt BF3 was a bit unfinished when released. Because of that, I do expect a somewhat different game in a few years (since it's EA and DICE)


                              As an ex-COD-vet, I definitely think you're correct, Ryan. I have not played BF2 all but 20 minutes. What you need to remember is that EA wanted this game to be a MW3 killer. It did pretty well. BF3 sold 6 million copies in the first week, making it the biggest selling game for EA ever. They did it for competition, not to keep the franchise alive.

                              I'm not complaining though, I loved earlier CODs. And nothing, I really mean nothing, compares to a knife kill in BF3. NOTHING!


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