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Audio Spotting

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    Audio Spotting

    Soooo.... I need some help to explain this, as I just found out about it tonight. I have tried searching for info about it on Google but all I ever seem to come up with are massive flame wars about spotting in hardcore vs. vanilla.

    I am behind the times on this, and want to stress that I know I am stupid and should know this stuff... and had no idea that audio spotting exists in Battlefield. My big questions:

    1. What triggers it? I am guessing gunfire, but what about for vehicles? Because a tank makes so much noise, does it auto-spot itself by moving, or is it only when it fires its guns?

    2. What is the range? Does it basically mean that if a single enemy hears a gunshot, I am spotted on the minimap of all the players on their team? I mean I can hear gunfire across the river in Karkand, but unless you are close enough you can't really tell EXACTLY where it is coming from.

    3. Do the silencers on all the weapons completely nullify it? Or if you are close enough (like in another room adjacent to one with an enemy) will it still set it off?

    4. Do the stupid 'auto-shout' things set it off? Even further - Do they still say things automatically (when you toss a nade in a building and hear 'Grenade' from an enemy) or when they put the commo rose back in did they get rid of this? I thought that was the point of the commo-rose, but I still seem to hear stupid things that give enemy positions away. It is just hard to tell if I am hearing these things because people are hitting them on the commo rose, or if it is auto-played... Harder still when you don't hear what your own player is saying (at least this is how it was with the automatic ones in BC2, I do hear when I say things via commo rose like in BF2, but not sure if I am still spouting off automatic stuff).

    5. Does it still exist in hardcore, and is it modified? (This is the question I have searched a ton for on Google and have never figured it out)

    1. Unsuppressed gunfire from vehicles or carried weapons.

    2. I think the range is the entire map.

    3. Yes, silencers keep you off of the radar.

    4. Audio cues might tip you off, but it won't trigger the radar.

    5. Yes, it's in hardcore. You just don't get 3D spotting, meaning it will still show on the radar/minimap but you won't see any orange doritos out in the field.


      1. Unsuppressed fire is the only way you won't appear on a minimap while firing your gun. You can be spotted by people who are looking at you. If you are infront of me and I'm going for the knife, everyone can see your red triangle on their minimap. Tanks show up only when they are firing their weapon or being looked at by someone. Soflams cannot spot people by looking at them instead you need to press Q for it to spot. MAVs spot everything in sight but you won't get +10 if you did not press Q to spot individual people.

      2. Range is entire map however since everyone is on the first zoom, rarely will anyone far away see you.

      3. Yes, but don't confuse suppressors for flash suppressors, these do not do anything but ruin your accuracy.

      4. Soldiers do not yell out often. They however always yell if they are being suppressed or are throwing a grenade. They make no noise when reviving someone or even requesting a pick up.

      5. What he said, why would you use google when you got us? Combined play time of 50,000 hours.


        Phantom = NERD!!!!!!


          Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
          1. Unsuppressed fire is the only way you won't appear on a minimap while firing your gun. You can be spotted by people who are looking at you. If you are infront of me and I'm going for the knife, everyone can see your red triangle on their minimap. Tanks show up only when they are firing their weapon or being looked at by someone. Soflams cannot spot people by looking at them instead you need to press Q for it to spot. MAVs spot everything in sight but you won't get +10 if you did not press Q to spot individual people.

          2. Range is entire map however since everyone is on the first zoom, rarely will anyone far away see you.

          3. Yes, but don't confuse suppressors for flash suppressors, these do not do anything but ruin your accuracy.

          4. Soldiers do not yell out often. They however always yell if they are being suppressed or are throwing a grenade. They make no noise when reviving someone or even requesting a pick up.

          5. What he said, why would you use google when you got us? Combined play time of 50,000 hours.
          Quite familiar with regular spotting, but the audio thing was mentioned with talk about weapon add ons and supressors, and I had no idea this existed... I always just kind of assumed if someone heard me shooting and knew where I was they were following their ears, like me. It wasn't in BC2 was it?

          As for Google, I wanted to avoid the shame of someone throwing up a 'Let Me Google That For You' link with answers on the first page...

          Thanks everyone for the insight, looks like I may give silencers another try... I still don't like any add-on that reduces any weapon stats other than drop and deviation...


            also move around if you don't have a silencer, you will disappear from the mini map after a few seconds.


              You disappear about 2 seconds after you stop shooting. Unless someone Q-spots you while you're shooting, of course.


                IIRC some weapons will still show up even if you have a suppressor. Can't remember where I read it, though.


                  That was a bug and should have been corrected in the last patch.


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