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One-Sided? Is it just me?

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    One-Sided? Is it just me?

    Is it just me, or is the server constantly one-sided? I don't mean one side wins with a <100 ticket spread. I mean the server is constantly having one team winning with a >100 ticket spread. It just seems like there is ALWAYS one team getting stomped.
    "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
    "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
    "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."

    This isn't soccer. If both teams are even it would end in a draw...


      Originally posted by K PhaNTOM View Post
      This isn't soccer. If both teams are even it would end in a draw...
      So it's fun playing with a 100+ ticket spread?

      I can't say I have fun either way - slaughtering, or being slaughtered. Becomes a snorefest.
      "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
      "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
      "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."


        it can be one sided but you can have a mini fight at one point over and over.


          Last night was horrible. My team got destroyed every round. I was sorely tempted to switch sides, and I almost quit a few times.


            When I was on earlier my team lost the first 4 and won the next 5, give or take. Completely unpredictable, and only changeable through determination, perseverance (or at least that gives you the chance to find out how bad it really is).


              I was there last night on a squad with Dead-Again and Devilguns, we were getting so raped all night it was ridiculous. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it. It wasn't even close. One round it was like 450 - 0. I finally had to quit because it was so late, but I do notice it's very one sided most of the time. And as was mentioned, I don't like being on the giving end of the rape either. It's not fun either way. The best games are when it's within like 25-50 points.

              There was one epic match the other night where my team was down like 15 points, and it looked like the other team would win for sure, but somehow we pulled through and beat them by 1 point! It was awesome and good fun.

              But I'm not sure what can be done about the one-sidedness of it all.


                Originally posted by Skud View Post
                When I was on earlier my team lost the first 4 and won the next 5, give or take. Completely unpredictable, and only changeable through determination, perseverance (or at least that gives you the chance to find out how bad it really is).
                But by how much?

                It's not such a worry if the tickets are <100.
                "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
                "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
                "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."


                  Originally posted by Schultzy View Post
                  But by how much?

                  It's not such a worry if the tickets are <100.
                  One was around 300...I don't really remember the rest. Once it's bad I kind of stop looking at the tickets, just plod along as usual, looking for kills and flags, or unlocks. I get more satisfaction out of killing opfor when things are like that. The only thing that gets me down is same three maps.


                    Have fun stay longer....
                    Winning is fun.....
                    Good players on winning team stay longer....
                    Losing team has more player swap out....
                    Good players on bad team leave due to frustration.....
                    One team stays better


                      Originally posted by Pumpkin_Jack View Post
                      Have fun stay longer....
                      Winning is fun.....
                      Good players on winning team stay longer....
                      Losing team has more player swap out....
                      Good players on bad team leave due to frustration.....
                      One team stays better
                      This is exactly it. When you have 32 players on each side, it turns into a numbers game. Enhances the feeling. Older (re: smaller) games didn't have such an issue because of the lower numbers. One player made a much larger difference when he was 1/16th of the team, not 1/32nd.
                      "You cannot have 'slaughter' without having 'laughter'"
                      "If I had wanted to show off, I would have been a porn star."
                      "I have a 9in. tongue and I can breathe through my ears."


                        I think this weekend was a bad batch of people. I mean, folks that just joined the game to asshat, or just goof around in spawn, and they where all on the same team. It's pretty sad when you can't cap a single flag on Wake Island, and 1/3 of your team ends the round without a single kill. It most definitely was a bad weekend for one sided games. However, Sunday night was much better. Only issue there was the dang choppers raping the maps at points. Then again, thats been a problem for a while imo. If punkbuster doesn't figure out how to keep cheaters out of the game, I'll likely not play much longer. Not to mention the TK'ing for aircraft. Thanks Dice, for putting that in the game.


                          Originally posted by MajorDeath View Post
                          I think this weekend was a bad batch of people. I mean, folks that just joined the game to asshat, or just goof around in spawn, and they where all on the same team. It's pretty sad when you can't cap a single flag on Wake Island, and 1/3 of your team ends the round without a single kill. It most definitely was a bad weekend for one sided games. However, Sunday night was much better. Only issue there was the dang choppers raping the maps at points. Then again, thats been a problem for a while imo. If punkbuster doesn't figure out how to keep cheaters out of the game, I'll likely not play much longer. Not to mention the TK'ing for aircraft. Thanks Dice, for putting that in the game.
                          Thanks for playing with me this weekend major death. Your right not much we could yesterday. The sides were tipped because of experience more then anything, but those inexperienced become CLR people. We should have tried to get the squad leader of groups and talked them into doing things.


                            Originally posted by MajorDeath View Post
                            I think this weekend was a bad batch of people. I mean, folks that just joined the game to asshat, or just goof around in spawn, and they where all on the same team. It's pretty sad when you can't cap a single flag on Wake Island, and 1/3 of your team ends the round without a single kill. It most definitely was a bad weekend for one sided games. However, Sunday night was much better. Only issue there was the dang choppers raping the maps at points. Then again, thats been a problem for a while imo. If punkbuster doesn't figure out how to keep cheaters out of the game, I'll likely not play much longer. Not to mention the TK'ing for aircraft. Thanks Dice, for putting that in the game.
                            For those choppers: if you get tired of all that air traffic, talk to your squad. Yesterday Mapes was happy to put up soflam, and Cobalt, Tickie and I hooked up squad explosive spec and javelins. If you don't want to mess with soflam, just have a few in the squad tagteam air targets with stingers. When the sky is clear switch back to desired kit.

                            As for folks tking for air, I'm not sure on policy on that, but I'm guessing that's assinine enough to deserve more than a temp kick if the guy keeps coming back and doing it. Report him in "report a jerk" and see what comes of it.


                              oh skud.. we were trying.
                              it was a good heli pilot group.


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                                by Sirex
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