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Battlefield BC2 BETA Reviews

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    So far, it fixes some of the issues of crashes and mouse control.

    I believe steam users will be update shortly. I had to update mine manually. It wouldnt update but when I right click and "Run as Administrator" I was able to update


      Do we need Gamespy in order to play this?
      Or is Steam enough?
      Can I join buddies via steam?
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        Originally posted by Grisu View Post
        Do we need Gamespy in order to play this?
        Or is Steam enough?
        Can I join buddies via steam?
        You dont need even steam. At this moment you cannot join friends trough steam. But there is inetrnal friends finder, that is not working at the moment. I guess they'll fix it.

        So long i love the game. Its much more difficult then MW2. I had no problems to play with group of 8 friends for hours compared to MW2. The one thing i didnt like is missing of prone. About VOIP , i hear some people talking but i cant figre it out how they do it.

        The game is tipical BF game.


          If they trying to show off video they couldn't have picked a worse map.

          Sound engine is awesome. Watching someone knock down a tree was very cool, but then lag struck and it yo-yoed up and down a few times, sort of lost the wow factor.

          Hate the new UI. Watched someone land a helo right beside a building and the blades of the helo were running though the blades.

          So far, for me, more to dislike than to like.

          Hope it improves a lot.
          A change of Pace.
          "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


            The default VOIP key is LAlt


              LOL Thanks.


                No Prone = No Dolphin Diving

                I can live without the dolphins that ruined BF2 for me.


                  LOL i forgot about the dolphin trick


                    It still ruins the Sniper class...whats the point in having a gillie suit if you cant prone???? I wonder if it is an unlockable option for Snipers


                      Tracer dart = complete awesome.

                      Game is still getting opinions as if it were the sequel to BF2. Would love to see some conquest mode added... although the gameplay is very fast paced for rush mode, it would be nice to see how it handles in that game type.


                        Originally posted by Zantheus View Post
                        It still ruins the Sniper class...whats the point in having a gillie suit if you cant prone???? I wonder if it is an unlockable option for Snipers
                        Hide in the bushes. lol yeah I wish there was prone. BFBC1 also dont have prone.


                          Originally posted by Caddys83 View Post
                          Hide in the bushes. lol yeah I wish there was prone. BFBC1 also dont have prone.
                          OK thx...I was unaware that BC2 did not have it either


                            See Jenan, that's the problem. Those of us who have been playing Battlefield since the 1942 game WANT and expect it to be closer to BF2 than to the consolized Bad Company. It's just not a "Battlefield" game without certain aspects to it, many of which are currently not in the beta.

                            I would expect tracer darts to be far more useful when people pick up heat-seeking missiles. The RPG just won't do the job.

                            By the by, if you want to kill a tank, go Recon and get the Mortar. That thing is both insanely accurate, and insanely deadly. It's the one thing that takes out a tank rather quickly, which is really bogus because mortars aren't quite so accurate in real life, and it takes a luck shot to kill a real tank. Disable? maybe. Kill? Need luck. Right now the mortar is overpowered.


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                              I just played a round and i discovered a couple of things I liked. I like the point system that encourages spotting resupplying. I also Like that when you select a teammate to spawn on you can see what is going on around him before you hop in.

                              Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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                                I don't know if it's intentional or not, but health and supply packs keep working after you've dropped them even if you switch classes.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 02:55 PM
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