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A Plea to CLRs

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    A Plea to CLRs

    Please stop camping fixed spawns. If you are in squads that are doing it, tell them to stop. If YOU are doing it--stop.

    Stop being jackasses and dicks. Respect the spirit of what it is to be a CLR. Knock it off.


    Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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    Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
    Please stop camping fixed spawns. If you are in squads that are doing it, tell them to stop. If YOU are doing it--stop.

    Stop being jackasses and dicks. Respect the spirit of what it is to be a CLR. Knock it off.

    K3BASFM. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

    Support Cainslair. Donate here! Cain's Lair Forums


      By the by, for those who may wonder, this has come up in various games over time, and in some games has been more problematic than others. The general interpretation over this time is that the following are just fine:

      Sneaking into a base to steal a vehicle and driving away
      Setting up a quick booby trap
      Working your way out if caught behind the lines
      Killing a couple of folks for any of the above

      What has generally been determined to go beyond the limit and therefore becomes not cool is stuff like:

      Sneaking into a base to steal a vehicle, and sitting around with it killing everyone in sight
      Camping an uncappable spawn point (ala BF2)
      Setting up shop in or near an enemy base to kill fresh spawns over and over
      Deliberately hanging around if caught behind the lines

      I hope this helps with interpretation questions for the curious.


      Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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        Edit: I like how you define it.

        Things that are cool:

        Rand does 100 times a match

        Things that Aren't cool:

        It gets done to Rand he doesn't like it.


          That's unfair, phantom. Rand is just conveying what most of us feel but haven't gotten pissed off enough to say just yet. For you to make him out like he is just a spoiled little brat, kicking and screaming because he has a legitamate complaint is childish on your part. Are you 12?

          Back to topic... I had to quit playing the other night earlier then I would have liked to due to some folks camping a fixed spawn... even more agrevating was that one of them was a tag wearing CLR.
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            I edited it:

            I was agreeing with his first post. Then when he added that stealing a tank is cool then I retracted my statement.


              Just so you know Phantom, I put up the clarification post (which is based on what has been agreed to by this community and the admins, including Cain, off of numerous discussions dating back 5 or more years) for the sole reason because I knew someone was likely to post something that throws the whole discussion into the path of "what do you mean by spawn camping?" And there are usually those few who always try to say "well so-and-so does it, so it must be ok."

              So if you want to be snarky, whatever. At least you're not arguing the definition of spawn camping, so I achieved my goal with that post.

              Oh, and if you must know, one of those the original post is directed to wandered off with our tank a few times tonight, and that sort of thing happens against us all the time. This isn't about that, but specifically about capping those fixed white spawn circle areas. I'm not going to call people out on something I do myself--I'm can take my own tactics when used against me. Despite what you may think.

              Last edited by Rand{CLR}; 19 May 2010, 12:18 AM. Reason: Clarification

              Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
              Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


                I am against artificial restrains. If DICE made it possible. I don't see reason not to do it. Whatever area they want us to stay out we have 10 seconds to leave. Isnt the idea of the game to be realistic? Or in real life you are going to ask polite your enemy to leave because you dont like it? Come on guys.


                  Back to the old saying....... Cains Server......Cains Rules......You dont like it....There are a few others to play on.


                    Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                    Please stop camping fixed spawns. If you are in squads that are doing it, tell them to stop. If YOU are doing it--stop.

                    Stop being jackasses and dicks. Respect the spirit of what it is to be a CLR. Knock it off.

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                      Not that I disagree with this, especially on maps like Laguna Alta (conquest), where the bottlenecks ensure you will be trapped in the spawn if the enemy chooses to use such tactics, but I thought making rules like this are contrary to the nature of a "ranked" server.


                        Originally posted by Warhead View Post
                        Not that I disagree with this, especially on maps like Laguna Alta (conquest), where the bottlenecks ensure you will be trapped in the spawn if the enemy chooses to use such tactics, but I thought making rules like this are contrary to the nature of a "ranked" server.


                          I was playing conquest on the one Warhead mentioned and we got caught in the area in question. Needless to say I quit after that. We got molested hard and often. Not much fun in that.

                          Course I was playing with a bunch of asian guys so I didnt expect much in the way of ethics. No offense but I've been playin asian servers for 3 years and there is a difference in play.

                          I've been shot numerous times coming down on a chute from guys near our spawn. Some areas you cant help but get killed because of the choke points. No other way to escape unless you just sit behind a rock or something and not move. But that doesnt help win the game.

                          I really hate for our guys to run hell bent up the hill in one of the maps and kill the spawners. Specially if you're on a lame team and everyone is afraid to move. I've been killed more tryin to help bust out of a situation while everyone else cowers around like women and children. Really pisses me off.

                          But back to the point. I dont like it done to me so I dont do it to others. But since I play on different servers and not always Cains, I have to adjust my play.

                          Good point though Rand. I hope our guys do different than most.
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                            i fully agree... however i think the game itself is severly flawed to prevent this spawn camping from happening.

                            If there were 6 people camping near the defenders spawn, and 2 defenders noticed them... then what happens currently?

                            The defenders get picked off (more than likely) and are stuck waiting to spawn for 10 seconds not able to type and not able to communicate with their team in HC mode.

                            In TF2 if 6 people were helping an engy set up a teleport near an objective it is so easy to relay the message to the whole team via the VoiP. "Engy near PT A behind the 3 boxes"... and then the whole team is aware of this instantly.

                            I personally cannot talk to anyone in BC2 like I can in TF2 in any way shape or form... I also have never heard anyone in BC2

                            I would die from the people near spawn, wait 10 seconds... spawn again and have to type to my team? and hope that while they are watching for enemies they take the time to read what i say, which is information 10 seconds++ out of date, completely wack if you ask me.

                            That is completely wack and they need to jump onto getting a better VoiP system... games in 2003 had better VoiP than BC2.... kinda sad, i mean really sad.... probly even moving into the ultra pathetic rating as far as progress of games is concerned...


                              what about this idea:

                              Within... about a 10 second sprinting radius or so from an enemy spawn, your squadmates cannot spawn on you?

                              The objectives are usually about that far away, and it would give the enemy team a much better chance I think.

                              I still think being able to talk to your entire team, not just squad is the best fix becuz everyone can be informed on the spot of enemy location


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