Furry passed Darth on the points per minute scale (not really sure what that includes [ie., it doesn't seem to include these bookoo gold/platinum stars and such, but maybe it does]). It's still a toss up as to the better player: I love having either or both on my team/squad. Phantom's dropped below 1 (thanks for inviting me to your squad, pally!). Mine is slowly climbing, but I sucked for so long (plus I'm old and have shoddy reflexes) that I'll never get to their level. Ahh, but will the new Ventrilo twist improve some and impede others? Things might change...it's a new horse race!
At any rate, kudos to Furry and Darth, the masters of CLRedness!
At any rate, kudos to Furry and Darth, the masters of CLRedness!
