Vietnam BC2 has made me take another look at the M1. You know it's funny I tried the M1 in vanilla and thought meh... I've noticed my aim has gotten better because of the semi auto nature of the M1. Well with the Vietnam mod the M1 with magnum ammo really packs a punch. I like going as recon class using the M1 and 1911 side arm. I find I can deal with most anything. Troops in the open unload with rifle or pistol. Troops dug in.... Nades or arty. Tanks...TNT.
I prefer to think of myself as a forward observer instead of a sniper...... Although you can snipe mid range with the M1... The only draw back is the reload time so get used to drawing that sidearm. Anyone else have fun playing with the M1?
I prefer to think of myself as a forward observer instead of a sniper...... Although you can snipe mid range with the M1... The only draw back is the reload time so get used to drawing that sidearm. Anyone else have fun playing with the M1?