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Battlefield 1943

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    I think for three maps $15.99 is an ok price. ive purchased full retail games that have only come with four or five maps. I personally think $9.99 would be the better price to release it on pc at, IF they ever release it on pc. i agree that they seem to be slacking on the PC side of things, its pretty obvious they are avoiding the release of anything using Frostbite engine on the pc. (not 100% sure about Mirrors Edge, but im almost certain it uses a different engine)

    While i agree with you guys for the most part i think expecting them to release a game for free is going a bit too far (if that really is what you were implying, Ghost). Map packs sure, but not full releases like BF1943.


      I wouldn't worry about the player cap if I were you. Chances are mods will be released that will raise the cap, like almost every game of it's type on PC.

      Edit: Wait, is 1943 only for console?


        Originally posted by Lockbolt View Post
        I wouldn't worry about the player cap if I were you. Chances are mods will be released that will raise the cap, like almost every game of it's type on PC.

        Edit: Wait, is 1943 only for console?


          well I did it. After playing the demo for sometime, I bought the game over Xbox 360 only cause my co-workers are playing it Honestly, it not bad, for 1200 points, about 12 dollars or more (give or take)


            Yeah, i wouldnt get too excited for 1943, bad company is still where its at.
            1943 is very unrefined, glitchy and whatnot. moreso than a usual bf game.

            all you pc only people who love bf are really missing out on bad company. best bf yet by far. I just wish it had the squadmenus of 2 and 2142.

            I love doing this in BF BC. the secondary gunners in the APCs and tanks have the top of their heads exposed, the hatch is not closed. You can run ontop of the armor and knife the top of their head to get their dog tags, or shoot em or whatever, but knifing is the best and gets the most points.
            now what other bf could you do that in?


              Originally posted by Furryappleseed View Post
              This game is suspect imo. Most glaring is that player cap which is blah. Second is the dumbing down of the game with classes now being blended, making the kit selection almost pointless. No medic class because of the regenerating health and unlimited ammo are also some negatives.

              I really don't understand the "accessible" excuse because there are many bf2 servers that are still always full. Maybe its a sign of times and staying faithful to past is overshadowed by the want for most players.

              I will still buy it though, hehe....just hope it doesn't go the way of 2142(dumbed down, horrible game) and get play the first day I get it, then never again.
              sorry for double but whatever.
              most people have a lot of trouble playing 2 or 2142. WAAAY too much going on for the average person/gamer. like the cod noobs, they run around blasting their puny rifles and then get bombed by jets, which they think are unfair. and there are objectives, taking flag/silo, which, though simple, is somehow too much of a task for many to undertake.

              1943 is battlefield for idiots basically.


                That's a sad statement of the "average person/gamer," and is a big indicator why makers keep dumbing down games.

                Anyway, in defense of the "idiots," jets in BF 2 ARE unfair. The only way to bring them down is to be as good as they are in your own jet. AA is utterly useless, and one of the biggests mistakes the developers made was toning them back down after making them better for all of about 2 patches because the jet whores complained too much. They are the single most unbalancing element in any of the BF games.

                Many share this opinion even just on the Lair, and I don't think you can call most of us the "average person/gamer."


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                  I was using that as an example. All aircraft in any bf game really throw people off. I have many friends who have never played any pc games, and they go and pick up bf bc or 1943 for their consoles, and are overwhelmed by map size and vehicles, mostly. Ive seen people new to pc games try out battlefield 2142(the easiest of the pc battlefields) and it takes them quite some time to become a functional member of a team. like, weeks/months. Spotting targets is somehow difficult?
                  Or listening to team commands, like asking for health/ammo.
                  They "fixed" that by taking away health and ammo in 1943..

                  Jets were pretty dominant, but with some quick action, the AA actually did work great. I didnt play when the game first came out, but the recent patches, I dont have any trouble taking down some great pilots.

                  But seriously, BF2 jets aside, have you played BF BC of more specifically, 1943?
                  1943 is a disgrace to the old battlefields in my opinion. It is just a 12$ arcade game though, so you cant expect too much.

                  Compare 1943 to 2142 or 2, it is so bare bones, starved and stripped down. Yeah, the destructible enviros are freaking awesome, but bad company did them better. and on more levels.
                  The squad selection is random, unless you have friends to invite, then the max number of mates is 4. With no orders or extra squadmember points to be seen, except a squadmember kill assist bonus(+6, useless). I bought it, and now am playing bad company again.
                  It is totally for the average gamer and not hardcore gamers. If you were great at 2 or 2142, you are a hardcore gamer. Not necessarily with time or anything, but your skill level and understanding of games/controls. It might not seem like it to you, but go ask the average game to do what we all did in those games, no chance.


                    Originally posted by Rand{CLR} View Post
                    That's a sad statement of the "average person/gamer," and is a big indicator why makers keep dumbing down games.

                    Anyway, in defense of the "idiots," jets in BF 2 ARE unfair. The only way to bring them down is to be as good as they are in your own jet. AA is utterly useless, and one of the biggests mistakes the developers made was toning them back down after making them better for all of about 2 patches because the jet whores complained too much. They are the single most unbalancing element in any of the BF games.

                    Many share this opinion even just on the Lair, and I don't think you can call most of us the "average person/gamer."

                    I agree with the first statement about dumbing down the games. Games are for gamers. If you're not a gamer, your input should not be used to set the standard for what the rest of us "hard core" gamers want. We love big maps, fast planes, challenging battles, ect. I consider gaming the most noble use of the computer there is. Every other application out there can be performed with a tiny fraction of the computing power of today's machine. But a game is the ultimate test of not only a computer's power but of the gamer's intelligence and reflexes. Games are for the "Uberuser" in all of us.

                    I havn't played 1943 or BC so I have no idea what they are like.

                    In defence of BF2 however, The last patch (1.5) did correct some imbalances. Although everything is still not up to my standards of realism vs playability....things have improved alot. If you decide to go back to the game and see... don't base your opinion on a single week of playing. If you are out of practice, the incredible caliber of players that are still playing the game could overwhelm you. And if you are a noob and get in a game and get totally pwned.....It dosn't mean that the game is too hard to play...It just means YOU SUCK!!! Seriously! I sucked at every game I ever played when I first tried it. If you can walk into a game cold and you don't suck, that means the game sucks. If it's not an enormous challenge just to stay alive then there is no room for improvement. Even as experienced a player as I can still feel a challenge in BF2. That's what makes it a great game.

                    Our society has conditioned everybody to victimize themselves.
                    "It's not your fault, the jets are just too good"
                    What a load of crap!

                    Show some bravery! It's a game, so you die, alot. Who cares?



                      "And if you are a noob and get in a game and get totally pwned.....It dosn't mean that the game is too hard to play...It just means YOU SUCK!!!"
                      While "harsh" or "mean" or whatever negative label you want to give it, what Madhatter said was the truth, plain and simple.
                      About everything in his post. No opinion there, that is all fact. Sorry if that upsets you, but it is just the truth.
                      In my Halo 1 n 2 haydays, when I smashed every local kids dreams of being the best, my motto was "dont get made cause you suck". the end of it is "because you can always get better", of course you dont tell the people you just beat that.
                      "If you're not a gamer, your input should not be used to set the standard for what the rest of us "hard core" gamers want."
                      I want to tattoo this in glowing ink on the inside of every "developers" eyelids. Then they can take all their stupid ideas that they ruin all the games today with and SHOVE EM.


                        Better to die standing, than to live on your knees.

                        P.S. Thanks for the vid Mad.
                        Please like Pocket Radio Player on Facebook to support this little Freeware app.


                          AIX is awesome...


                            Wtf Madhatter!!


                              Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                                I gotta give it up to the enemy team for staying in the game. That is some dedication, or patience, or something that most gamers dont have.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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