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Basic Training (Remedial Class)

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    I think this brings up an a more realistic point though.

    There are a ton of newer members to Cains Lair, like me. There are just too many assumptions going on that we should all just simply know better.
    Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out how to change the config layout of my keys to optimize my effectiveness- as one example.

    Another example is that I have a fear of leaving the medic role because I dont know what to do with myself if I am not throwing med kits all over the place when we take a position.

    Another example though, sadly, is that there are people like the idiot last night with the tag wtopace that TKd me three times and then kicked me out of his squad because I was "bringing the score down"

    In defense of that reference, I had been on all of about 2 minutes- spawn killed 4 times in a row, and then when I jumped in a vehicle this person grenaded the vehicle I was in. Of course I was bringing my team down, I spawned on the squad leader who was taking up a fragged position.

    I dont think people mean to be the way that it is, but there is quite a bit of snobbery going on in there right now.

    Just my 2 cents.


      Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
      I think this brings up an a more realistic point though.

      There are a ton of newer members to Cains Lair, like me. There are just too many assumptions going on that we should all just simply know better.
      Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out how to change the config layout of my keys to optimize my effectiveness- as one example.

      Another example is that I have a fear of leaving the medic role because I dont know what to do with myself if I am not throwing med kits all over the place when we take a position.

      Another example though, sadly, is that there are people like the idiot last night with the tag wtopace that TKd me three times and then kicked me out of his squad because I was "bringing the score down"

      In defense of that reference, I had been on all of about 2 minutes- spawn killed 4 times in a row, and then when I jumped in a vehicle this person grenaded the vehicle I was in. Of course I was bringing my team down, I spawned on the squad leader who was taking up a fragged position.

      I dont think people mean to be the way that it is, but there is quite a bit of snobbery going on in there right now.

      Just my 2 cents.
      I just addressed this to some extent in the post you made in the COD forum, but feel free to join my squad again next time I'm on, and I'll try and help you out. Contrary to the impression this thread may give, I enjoy helping CLRs and new players on my squads. My comments in the OP of this thread are general, but the tone was meant more for veteran players than new players. I'm always willing to show new guys the ropes.

      I think I recall you typing; were you using VOIP? That makes it a bit easier to communicate if you have it. I can't really help with key mapping, since everyone is unique there, but I can show you the maps, vehicles, weapons, etc. It also helps to pin your mini map in a static position, because I'll refer to directions.

      On the tk issue, there's always asshats around somewhere. None of us are immune to that sort of behavior. I had some two-star general get upset that I took "his" tank at one point the other night, and he decided to follow me around with a truck to push me into walls and enemy fire for as long as he could. I eventually had to blast him just so I wouldn't die, and of course he punished for it.

      -Rand guys toss bags of ammo all around. Just the same as med kits.

      P.S. Todd, +1 to Twinky. The maps do take some time to learn. If the locations fly by too fast for you, just let us know and we'll be able to explain better.

      Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
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        AngryHamster If people are acting like that then report them in the Jerk section.
        Kicking people from a squad is not in the spirit of CLR.

        I can see where it may get intimidating in there with all the people who have played that game consistently for the last several years. You will even hear some griping about it but the more people you have acting like a team the more fun this game will be. A few good squads will make all the difference.

        If you aren't having fun in a squad then join or make another one. Last night I decided to go into a squad that was ground pounding instead of flying the choppers around. No big deal, no hard feelings it's just the way I wanted to play. If you make your own squad you will be able to talk with the commander and get some orders.

        Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
        Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


          Angry, next time we are both on, lets squad up and we can chat about game mechanics, what to do, where to go.

          As Rand said, Medic or Support play somewhat the same way in that you can toss bags out to people. They are fun classes to play and essential to every squad. So if you are comfortable with the medic, stick with it while you are learning the map.

          Being new to a game that has veterans playing can be quite daunting. They are higher ranked so get different (and often better) weapons. They know the maps, the camping spots, the shortcuts. They are used to the vehicles and know how to take down other vehicles.

          Spend time with each class, playing it over and over for a few days until you get a feel for the classes. I don't like the assault class. I like spec ops and support mainly, playing engie when I'm a commander.

          But again, we can squad up and run around and get ourselves blown up for a hour. I'll show you how to crash a choppper and run your tank off the road...I'm good at that. Or try and get into a CLR squad, as they are usually full of friendly CLRs who don't mind you learning the ropes.
          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
          So all you get is this crappy text]


            Angry find one of the long Time CLRs or an Admin...

            They will be helpful, Rand, Apache, BlackArrow know this game well and will be most helpful.

            You really, really need to use VOIP to ask questions and get answers, it is much faster than trying to type and read....



              Can you send my wife a note?
              It annoys the hell out of her when she can hear me talking to people on the computer for some reason.

              I'll see what I can do.



                Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post

                Can you send my wife a note?
                It annoys the hell out of her when she can hear me talking to people on the computer for some reason.

                I'll see what I can do.

                LOL my wife used to complain, too. Eventually she just quit...

                Seriously, though, VOIP is very helpful in having an effective squad in BF2. I normally don't read the in-game chat, so I will probably miss it if you type something. Also, you don't normally have time to type when you are in the heat of battle.


                  Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post

                  Can you send my wife a note?
                  It annoys the hell out of her when she can hear me talking to people on the computer for some reason.

                  I'll see what I can do.

                  Like a "Hall Pass" sure, I send out notes to wives and girlfriends all the time !!


                    I haven't used such VOIP intensive games in a while. My wife asked me a question last night and I just happen to open VOIP and tell the squad on Mastuur that I was blowing up the UAV.

                    "Can you bring down the laundry?
                    - I'm blowing up the UAV!
                    - What?!
                    - Huh?"
                    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                    So all you get is this crappy text]


                      Do we report those asshats who are blowing up our own tanks Apc's choppers ..etc in the forums too? I have noticed this on more than one occasion and I've only played 4-5 times. I don't know why they do this, but like on Karkland at the US spawn, they plant c4 on the vehicles after everyone has left spawn and blow them up. I even ran over a guy who was on my team and planting C4 on our Satellite equipment. This crap makes the game impossible to play and have fun. It is one thing to have to keep the enemy from destroying our stuff, but OUR OWN TEAMMATES? Come ON!!!!!


                        Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                        I haven't used such VOIP intensive games in a while. My wife asked me a question last night and I just happen to open VOIP and tell the squad on Mastuur that I was blowing up the UAV.

                        "Can you bring down the laundry?
                        - I'm blowing up the UAV!
                        - What?!
                        - Huh?"
                        Last time I had a headset was with Halo 2.
                        Below is something that actually happend and may explain why she hates the headset VOIP setup. while this sounds like comedy- it resulted in two days of the silent treatment followed by her confiscating the power cord to my XBOX.

                        [From the top of the stairs she calls out to me while I am downstairs in the family room]

                        "Honey, can you please take out the laundry? I dont want your work shirts to be so wrinkled from sitting in the dryer over night that I cant iron them without running them through a rinse and dry one more time"

                        "Whatever- just go"

                        Excuse me?

                        "Get in here and take it"

                        Uh, nice. You can drag your *** up here and be nice to me if you think tha-

                        I got a good position in mind. Lets go and I'll show you how to do it

                        Thats enough- can you please just get the laundry? I'm exhausted from a long day.


                        Dammit- Why do I have to do everything around here?

                        Did you say something honey?

                        Whatever. You are such a !@#$$ and I dont !@$@! understand why the !#% you talk to me that way. You are such a pig.

                        ????!!!! Whatd I do?!


                          I got a good position in mind. Lets go and I'll show you how to do it
                          Oh man, that is priceless!

                          If you can't speak on VOIP, at least have it enabled so that you can hear me and others. But VOIP is so essential to the game...
                          [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
                          So all you get is this crappy text]


                            Originally posted by Cain View Post
                            You really, really need to use VOIP to ask questions and get answers, it is much faster than trying to type and read....
                            I love voip, the communication is so much better and it brings a sense of reality to the game that is lost when you have to stop and try and type a message while your getting a 80 to 200 grain round in the head.

                            I really don't understand how to play effectively without it. The down side is if someone who really don't care is using voip they can be a real downer by talking just to hear themselves talk.
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                              Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
                              ????!!!! Whatd I do?![/I]
                              ROFL, that is so funny cause it sounds like me and the wifey. She gotten better now, but in the early days, holy cow it was hilarious.
                              Like the community? Donate here:


                                Yes, I want to emphasize the OP's 1b - USE A MIC!!!!!

                                If you don't have one, they are pretty cheap, please use one.....ESPECIALLY when flying helos.....


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

                                  Been quite a few of us catching up in the discord the last few days ...
                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Apache Warrior
                                  Sirex should be able to recover his log in and change the password. He would then login and change the password.
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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Sirex!!! I will let him know! He cant remember his log in anymore but he wonders how everyone in the lair is doing, and hope everyone is doing well. Also...
                                  1 Mar 2025, 05:19 PM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
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                                  :O hey Pidgeot!

                                  Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
                                  Good to hear all that wonderful news and I know what its like having...
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