So funny thing happens on saturday that takes out my internet... So were having an early easter dinner, just finishing up, when I run downstairs and check the connection (habit... lol). So I'm restarting the modems as I usually do, when I notice they are SOAKED and smelly... I'm wondering how that could have happened, seeing as they are up on a desk. I tell my mom, and she is stunned realizing what happened. The previous owners of our house had a phone line drilled through the floor right above where we put our modems! Our new dog, Lola, decided that specific place to have an "accident"... and took out our internet for a few days... luckily we had an extra modem and I know the WEP address, so we got it back... VOIP Phone modem was crispy though... almost fried the MB on the computer too! Luckily it didnt 
New homework excuse: "The dog peed on my modem!!"
...thats why you havent seen my wonderfully yellow commander name kill you...

New homework excuse: "The dog peed on my modem!!"

...thats why you havent seen my wonderfully yellow commander name kill you...
