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Okay Another Retarded Question

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    Okay Another Retarded Question

    Just wondering if it has too do with not enough RAM but here is my retarded question. I have one of you in my sights I put the red dot or cross hairs right on you, either for a head shot or upper torsoe shot. I start shooting keeping the sights right on my target at all times and nothing the target is not going down no hits are registering on the sights Then BAM I get nail with one shoot or at least it seems like one shot. Its like my red dot or cross hairs are off and I need to go too the shooting range and sight them in. Any answers too this?

    LOL Ive had that issue in the past too...just keep em low and u will get hits man


      BF2 has been known for bad hit detection. Try exploding a tank shell beside someone and they don't even blink.

      I don't think its your PC or your internet connection, its a BF2 game problem. You'll learn to play with it and where to aim to make a good shot. Then when you go to another game, you will have to learn their hit detection. hehe
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        The hit detection is the problem here. I unloaded many bursts from my PKM last night into other players and the would turu around and kill me with one shot. It's just one of the issues with BF2.

        Killed by CLRs since 2004. WOOT!
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          Another factor is that in BF2 accuracy is reduced when you are standing or crouching. Some weapons are worse than others. The LMGs are the worst, so I usually try to go prone before firing them.


            Even with sniper rifles, you could be pretty close, they arent moving, and you go for a freaking chest shot, and it still misses. That would always get my goat. But then I made a headshot on the gunner of a cobra at 250meters, so it all worked out. I loved that round.


              Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
              Another factor is that in BF2 accuracy is reduced when you are standing or crouching. Some weapons are worse than others. The LMGs are the worst, so I usually try to go prone before firing them.

              Oh sooooooooo thats why I see so many players lay down when they shoot me.


                See I did not know that BF2 had that problem with the hit detection. Now that explains everything, Thanks for explaining that too me.


                  I was wondering if Rand had replaced my ammo with blanks.

                  Seems either I was a horrible shot, or something was amiss.
                  (No pun intended.. lol)

                  Weird hit boxes does explain seemingly invincible players.

                  Get used to it? I want answers. I can handle the truth.
                  ??Click me to donate??


                    Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                    BF2 has been known for bad hit detection. Try exploding a tank shell beside someone and they don't even blink.
                    Or watching your rocket go right through someone or something and explode, harmlessly, behind it.
                    A change of Pace.
                    "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                      Part of what allows BF2 to offer such large maps is a lack of low-level precision.

                      The reason why character movement feels floaty, why vehicles bounce around and why bullets seem to land right on target but not score a hit.

                      It's somewhat the price we have to pay to have such large worlds, though I think they could have fixed it just a little bit (IIRC, 2142 was slightly better WRT hit detection). Makes it really hard to come back to the game, especially after enjoying the much more "dialed-in" feeling of COD4 or Insurgency.

                      Oh well....just gotta lead your targets a little more


                        Let's just say that I don't use a sniper rifle all the time because I see a white puff of smoke on their head after fire (meaning it hit them).


                          With LMGs, always fire no more than 3 rounds in each burst. The PKM is the most accurate LMG in BF2 but, it takes practice. I used to love taking out snipers with it at long range.

                          Where do you put the Bayonet?
                          Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                          I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                          Frank Lloyd Wright


                            Originally posted by Dead...Again View Post
                            Another factor is that in BF2 accuracy is reduced when you are standing or crouching. Some weapons are worse than others. The LMGs are the worst, so I usually try to go prone before firing them.
                            that's so true, this stuff actually the start for bunny hopping haha.. didn't mean u bunny hopping dead..again.. i just saying ppl used to jump and prone at teh same time to get teh accuracy and harder to kill which is pretty annoying.
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