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More fun and server filling

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    More fun and server filling

    Today was amazing. I missed the squads and teamwork that there is in this game. It was even better because everyone had mics. I took some screen shots of some of the squads, along with a picture of the server at 50 people, although it did get more full later that round. Here they are:

    I don't remember who all was in this squad besides Branflakes, but we had a ton of fun just driving around in the boats on Sharqui.

    Here is our super amazing squad

    Me and Hawkeye make an amazing team, but it was mostly his amazing piloting skills.

    The results of that same heli round

    Tons of regulars on in one squad in one heli

    50 people on the server!!!

    Quite a night. We were going strong with nearly a filled server until two certain people on China side started raping the Carrier. I don't even remember their names, though several CLRs typed up comments along the lines of, "Give us a chance" and "Let's not rape the carrier, please." Luckily, next round at Sharqui, they both got bored and left, but the damage was down to about 25 players or so compared to the previous 50.

    But, besides that, it was a fun night! Got to squad along side and take on several CLRs. I didn't know that Joe was you, linemanstud, so I'll have to remember that next time. Jeffro even got on later in the night. It's great to see so many familiar faces.


      Yeah, I posted about that before. I couldn't get a variation of Linemanstud because of when I bought BF2. It was great fun though.


        Originally posted by Tails_Kitsune View Post
        Quite a night. We were going strong with nearly a filled server until two certain people on China side started raping the Carrier. I don't even remember their names, though several CLRs typed up comments along the lines of, "Give us a chance" and "Let's not rape the carrier, please." Luckily, next round at Sharqui, they both got bored and left, but the damage was down to about 25 players or so compared to the previous 50.

        But, besides that, it was a fun night! Got to squad along side and take on several CLRs. I didn't know that Joe was you, linemanstud, so I'll have to remember that next time. Jeffro even got on later in the night. It's great to see so many familiar faces.
        I had a great time flying with you joe and am always happy to do so. Unfortunately tails is right there were two or three complete asshats on the chinese team for all of dalian and most of sharqi (Not the round Joe posted) The names were SOPEK, Super_Quake2holic, and [DoJo]Ripgut they were constantly raping the carrier, and DoJo seemed to never miss with the tv missile. I know how this sounds but I've played alot of BF2, and PR, and I have never seen anyone this good. Now its possible that he really was "just that good" but I consider myself a fairly capable pilot when it comes to dodging TV missiles and the shots that were made were near impossible. Its also interesting to note that on Karkand(Right before Dalian) DoJo constantly got one-shots with the g36c when several members of my sqaud were at full health. Again while not unheard of it all adds up. Lastly in the first 30 seconds on Sharqi (After we had just lost half the server) DoJo shoots me out of the AH-1Z from a vodnik I have never seen this done before, neither has mapes or any other of my squad members. It just seems like an inordinate about of coincidences to me. Anyways to finish up tonight was a real drag on the server as the asshats ruined the game for a lot of players.

        PS: I have SS of the above named and will email upon request to anyone interested. I just don't have the time to post them on an image site and then post in the forums just so the guy gets a warning. If I have to go to this much trouble he should be gone. /END RANT

        PPS: Just an idea but perhaps the admins could setup a email address for SS for rule violations so they would not have to be posted on the fourms.


          Had quite a lot of fun with you guys last night.

          Vito doesn't look too happy with his mouse in one of those images!


            Yep I think the carrier Rapers on Dalian were Quake2 Aholic and Sopek.... and another person I didn't know ...

            They caused the server to go from 60 players to 22 in less than 20 minutes...

            Guys no spawn raping and certainly no uncap raping, please...


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              by Sirex
              All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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              :O hey Pidgeot!

              Long time no see and congrats on EVERYTHING!
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