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The server was busy today, BUT...

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    The server was busy today, BUT...

    What is up with the hit registration on the server? Its AWFUL!!!! Please take a look, something isn't right. I played for a long time and with ping of 36 my shots are dead on normally. Today, I could shoot someone point blank in the face 5 times and maybe if I was lucky 1 shot would register. Kinda takes the fun out of it

    Sounds like you are dropping packets between you and the server....


      Originally posted by The_Needle View Post
      What is up with the hit registration on the server? Its AWFUL!!!! Please take a look, something isn't right. I played for a long time and with ping of 36 my shots are dead on normally. Today, I could shoot someone point blank in the face 5 times and maybe if I was lucky 1 shot would register. Kinda takes the fun out of it

      I have the same problem, but for some reason when I'm flying it doesn't do it. I am glad you brought it up because I thought it was just me and I thought.... well I always knew it took a lot of shots to kill someone on here but dang. I figured I'd get back used to it but I don't remember it having to be like trying to shoot a fishing pole when five feet away from the enemy.


        No packet loss. Monitored it for a while: 0% packet loss, average ping of 25ms. It shouldn't be doing that


          Blah, still unplayable. Having over 1000 hours in the game its easy for me to tell when somethings not right. I can play on other servers in Dallas with no problems, just not the CLR server....



            I was using the RPK or SAW ( I can't remember which ) on the SF server yesterday, and I was no more than 30 feet away from an enemy on top of a siloh. I was shooting at him trying different fire methods, and I could NOT hit him and he NEVER MOVED until he turned to shoot me. I emptied a WHOLE MAGAZINE of what.. about 100 rounds.. trying to fire in short bursts, opening up, moving around to maybe get the bug to go away... Nothing worked. He was up there picking off spawners and I emptied one whole LMG clip and started another when he turned and shot me. I dunno but there IS something going on with this because this is not the only instance I've had this happen. For some reason when you are on a mounted gun, though, it doesn't do it. I even turned and fired about the same distance to a concrete pole and the pattern was not wildly spread so I don't understand it. This whole firing instance I'd say I fired about 150 rounds at 30 feet away, never missing the guy but never hitting him and in real time this incident lasted about 90 seconds.

            I was trying to kill another guy and he was chasing me trying to stab me and I emptied another whole magazine and then I finally said screw it and pulled out my pistol. After emtying a whole pistol magazine and loading another one I finally hit him and killed him with one shot.

            I agree, it is unplayable for me too unless I happen to be commander, or there are jets/choppers. I don't recall it ever being this bad but I don't think I've killed anyone with a weapon other than the pistol incident, and then I've killed several with a sniper rifle but only with a headshot. I have not shot anybody with an automatic weapon and successfully killed them. When I am not the commander I can only be ASSAULT and use my grenade launcher to get any kills. It is really annoying.

            If you don't believe me, get on the server this afternoon and get on the opposite team from me. We'll meet up somewhere on the map and you can stand there about 30-50 feet away and I'll prove it...I guarantee you that you can stand there and I won't hit you. Something isn't right.


              I've had no problems what so ever since the server was reopened. And that's with my 130 ping.

              There is a possibilty it could be something to do with your route to the server.


                same problem here.
                I would play more but I cant seem to hit anything either I tried
                the above techniques and nothing works. not sure if its just your server
                its the only one Ive played on.



                  I have the same problem,it seems i take 1 shot im dead,if i try to kill the bad guy,i have to shoot him 26 times at point blank range to kill him,now why is this?I was over at SF.sundayI shot cain and killed him 2 times and counted the took 26 to 30 rds.each time to kill him.I shot at BAR with a sniper rifle 4 times he didnt move,then ran away i didnt kill him!Later he killed me with 1 shot,somebody want to tell me why?




                    Isn't it strange that the admins all play just fine!


                    I KNOW it isn't my connection, don't think it is my route. Why can I easily kill something when on a mounted gun, or in a chopper or a jet, but my MAIN CARRY WEAPON is the only thing that doesn't work. I can use the sniper rifle but it has to be a headshot. I shot a guy on SF in the tower yesterday 10 times, and he finally killed me while I was using a sniper rifle, but I spawned again and shot a DIFFERENT guy while he was idle standing still and POP.. one shot kill. I turned and shot another guy at that flag who was lying down on his stomach on top of the building at the helipad and POP one shot kill. I can aim at the DEAD CENTER of the head and kill them but if it is not dead center, it is a miss. ANY gun that I have unlocked that is fully automatic is useless. I mean it... On karkand the other day while jump starting the server, I was stabbed 20 times by people while I was trying to shoot them.. not moving as they walked right toward me.


                      I am a PKM whore and I hit people fine. Why yes I am an admin.

                      Where do you put the Bayonet?
                      Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                      I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                      Frank Lloyd Wright


                        I know its not my route nor connection either. I can play on other planet based servers in Dallas with no problem. Trinity gaming is a great host for me usually, so it almost has to be something server side....


                          I lag sometimes, but my ping is fine. It's probably my computer's fault though.


                            Well,... I am not an admin and I hit people just fine,... well,... fine given my sorely lacking ability.



                              I played last night and it did pretty good. I killed a few people with the g36c but I am scared to try the PKM again after the other night's shenanigan. I have never seen anything like it.


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