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Advice for the choppers

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    Advice for the choppers

    I have been practicing a lot lately in the choppers trying to get pretty good with them, and I have improved quite a lot, but there is still plenty of room for improvement. What I need the most help with is using the rockets as a pilot. Advice for strafing ground targets, as well as other helos would probably help the most. I know we have some pretty amazing pilots here on the Lair, so I figured this would be the best way to learn.

    I will say when strafing ground vehicles...aim lower than you than you think you have too. At least that works for me.


      the two lines that balance circle support the circle like so : ---- O ---- are the crosshairs, where ever you shoot rockets will be in the middle of this. Simple but so many people forget this.


        My advise for choppers is that if you see Hawkeye or Chris flying them, run if they your enemy and get out of their way if they are friendlies
        [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
        So all you get is this crappy text]


          Thanks for the advice on ground targets, anyone have any on other helo's?


            The Chinese helicopter is not as agile as the Cobra, but it is slightly faster, and more cumbersome. Bringing it to a stop is harder than the US chopper. The easiest chopper to fly is the US Huey. It is a great practice machine and with one or two good door gunners, you can rack up some assists as well as earn some badges.

            Like mapes said, aim just a little lower than what you think will be a hit. If you are moving violently to avoid groundfire and trying to fire at the same time, your circle on your hud -----O----- is not going to do you much good for aiming, but the lines out to either side of it will give you an idea about how far to lead the target while strafing. By this I mean if you are strafing to your right, you'll want to aim just to the left of the target and vice versa.

            If you are moving rapidly forward you'll want to aim under the target, and going backward...well.. chances are you'll only have a nice view of the sky but in a chopper dogfite you'll adjust.

            Always remember when an AA turret, a jet, or another missle is locking on to you, it takes a few seconds for it to lock on, then when they fire it takes another second--up to three or four depending on distance... so you will NOT want to deploy your flares immediately when the panic buttons light up. You should be aware of your surroundings and where the nearest AA turret is located so that you will have a general idea of how much time you have before the rocket locks on...gets fired... to that you can use your flares effectively. (Another good tip is to actually use the AA turrets and fire them at enemy choppers for a couple rounds to get a feel of how you should react if you were in the chopper)

            The best way to learn is to get on an empty server and pick a target in the air, like a point on a crane or something, and practice strafing while trying to hit a spot on the crane. Also try some evasive maneuvers to avoid fire while keeping the chopper under control and not crashing into everything under the sun.

            I played another flying game where I could fly through the canopies of trees, and I have gotta get out of the habit because you can't do that on BF2 and I keep forgetting that you'll stop dead still and/or explode if you hit treetops.


              Thanks for the tips guys. I will be getting on the server now and since it is pretty much empty, I will probably practice. Next question: What are some tricks to successful bombing runs in jets. I can't seem to hit the broad side of a warehouse


                Originally posted by linemanstud View Post
                Thanks for the tips guys. I will be getting on the server now and since it is pretty much empty, I will probably practice. Next question: What are some tricks to successful bombing runs in jets. I can't seem to hit the broad side of a warehouse
                I used to have it down back when I played, but now I'm re-learning again. Bombing runs used to come easy, but I might be lucky if I hit one out of 10 targets now adays.


                  Originally posted by linemanstud View Post
                  Thanks for the tips guys. I will be getting on the server now and since it is pretty much empty, I will probably practice. Next question: What are some tricks to successful bombing runs in jets. I can't seem to hit the broad side of a warehouse

                  Me either....the only thing I can think of is let MCA fly the jet


                    I want to get that down so that I can put terror into people like madhatter can do to me. I hate it when I can see my own death coming in the form of a bomb I have been practicing a bunch, but I can never do the same run twice. It is either I hit it dead on, or am long by several hundred feet.


                      My advice?

                      Stop being such a copter hoar and let some of us shoot our little b-b guns every once in awhile.

                      Nothing takes the fun out of this game more than when we cant do anything thanks to the fact that a few people on our team do nothing but strafe spawn positions with their copters.

                      I'm only half serious.

                      But it is getting a bit annoying being that I only like copters for their ability to do high altitude airdrops.


                        Originally posted by AngryHamster View Post
                        My advice?

                        Stop being such a copter hoar and let some of us shoot our little b-b guns every once in awhile.

                        Nothing takes the fun out of this game more than when we cant do anything thanks to the fact that a few people on our team do nothing but strafe spawn positions with their copters.

                        I'm only half serious.

                        But it is getting a bit annoying being that I only like copters for their ability to do high altitude airdrops.
                        Halo jumps FTW!
                        A change of Pace.
                        "All the fun of a clan without the BS" - Cain


                          Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
                          My advise for choppers is that if you see Hawkeye or Chris flying them, run if they your enemy and get out of their way if they are friendlies
                          Are we (Chris & I) REALLY THAT deadly?? But seriously for piloting and strafing ground targets as a pilot;

                          The Chinese helicopter is not as agile as the Cobra, but it is slightly faster, and more cumbersome. Bringing it to a stop is harder than the US chopper.
                          First off NOT TRUE, the Chinese, and MEC helos are worse in every aspect than their USMC counterparts, and the AH-1Z will out fly every other chopper in the game, with EASE. The only advantage the Chinese and MEC helos have is a faster ROC(Rate of Climb) that allows them to get the hight advantage and a better AOA(Angle of Attack). This advantage can easily be used against them by simply closing the gap between the choppers (USMC helos are faster), at close range ROC is IRRELEVANT, the only thing that counts is maneuvering, and getting AN AOA, which the cobra is far superior at. If you are a novice pilot and are fighting a Cobra, against anyone with equal or better skill WATCH OUT! One on one you don't stand a snowflakes chance in hell, your best option is to break off if he can't follow you or if you have AA nearby, or engage until he breaks off or has lost you momentarily, than run for it. NEVER turn your back knowingly to a hostile chopper to flee, without backup (Even with backup it is EXTREMELY RISKY) as you are a sitting duck.

                          You want to aim low as the rockets will already have plenty of forward momentum. The higher your AOA the more accurate you will be but the less time you will have to make the shot. Your best bet is to go for a high AOA and then just as you start your strafe but before you launch, decrease rotor throttle for about 1/4 - 1/3 of a second to steady the bird, then fire. You will find you a much more accurate if the bird is stable. Lastly always make a mental note of when you will have to break off and pull up to ensure your escape. (Not hit the ground) as most novice pilots will commit to an attack and continues the strafe until they have eliminated the target, even if the are no longer able to pull up. Remember you can make as many runs as needed, armour or infantry don't really have anywhere to hide and are not very lethal, if your engaging a .50 cal (FAV) your best bet is to break off and hide, then pop up from a different side and strafe him before he shoots you


                            AH HA! What you said about the Cobra being superior in every aspect is NOT true. The MEC chopper has a better gun. Slightly slower, but far more powerful with huge splash for infantry. I just thought I would say something that I can actually be right about with choppers. lol. I have been practicing A LOT on my own LAN and single player. These tips have helped so much. I did not know that you could do a barrel roll in the Blackhawk at under 100 feet and pull it off though. I hope to be up to some kind of piloting par pretty soon here.


                              Flap really hard.


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