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Tips and tricks

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    Tips and tricks

    Hey guys. I am new to BF2 so obviously I have a lot to learn still. I was wondering if you guys have any tips that would help out. I do have some questions but I would like to know any nifty tricks you gurus know.

    Tips for killing. Should I always aim for the head even though I wont hit as much or is aiming for the chest better? I seem to put whole clips down range at someone's chest yet dont kill them. Is it just me not aiming well or it simply does take a lot of hits so headshots are a lot better.

    Is there a lot of bullet drop? I was aiming at someone around 200m away with a basic USMC sniper rifle, the m25 I think, and had the crosshairs right on his head and never hit him. The person I was aiming at was lying down and also sniping but not at me. I tried a couple of times and even tried aiming over his head so the bullet would "drop" down on him.

    Also got any other tips that would help a noob? I am playing the demo version for now till I have the money to get BF2 so things may be a bit different then what you play.

    Out of curiosity would you mind playing a round on another BF2 server and see if you still have the same problem with your shots not hitting? I am trying to prove something and the more people the better


      My tip for you is always to Squad Up, your squad members are your life line the'll help you and you will help them. Your squad leader will usaully tell you what he needs from you and are always helpful.
      "CRY HAVOC...AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!"- William Shakespear



        It really depends on which gun where you should aim.

        Snipers - Head lol

        Assault rifles - Upper chest, head

        Machine Guns - Chest and let recoil take it up

        Shotguns - Chest

        Spec ops guns - Head

        although im sure the weapons pros will argue this this is just me.


          Originally posted by {CLR} Naillik View Post
          It really depends on which gun where you should aim.

          Snipers - Head lol

          Assault rifles - Upper chest, head

          Machine Guns - Chest and let recoil take it up

          Shotguns - Chest

          Spec ops guns - Head

          although im sure the weapons pros will argue this this is just me.

          Shotgun - head




              Originally posted by {CLR} Naillik View Post
              I find that most the shots stay in the lower half of the crosshairs so if you aim for the head... the shots hit the chest region. Whereas aiming for the chest you will hit the lower extremities.

              Granted I tend kill people at really long ranges with the shotgun. You get a foot away and you will rip them to shreds no matter where you aim.


                Originally posted by The_Needle View Post
                Out of curiosity would you mind playing a round on another BF2 server and see if you still have the same problem with your shots not hitting? I am trying to prove something and the more people the better
                I do play other servers. I think the main thing is bullet drop so me aiming at their head and stomach makes the bullets land around their legs so its harder to hit. If I aim for the shoulders more it may hit their chest more.

                The problem with squading up is that they may help show you where to go, but there is little actual talking.


                  Originally posted by Mobojo View Post
                  I do play other servers. I think the main thing is bullet drop so me aiming at their head and stomach makes the bullets land around their legs so its harder to hit. If I aim for the shoulders more it may hit their chest more.

                  The problem with squading up is that they may help show you where to go, but there is little actual talking.
                  Really....even with the CLR Vets....I hear nothing but command chatter and other banter like all of the time


                    Originally posted by mapes View Post
                    Really....even with the CLR Vets....I hear nothing but command chatter and other banter like all of the time
                    Well I dont have a mic so they may all be using mics but idk. Not too many people seem to squad up though.


                      There is bullet drop at a distance try aiming about half a head above if sniping and be patient line your shot up dont fire immediatly if up close aim center mass and fire in bursts it will stay on target better


                        I had a lot of fun playing under Apache Warrior and Dougbob's command the other day. Apache is really active on the mic as far as where to go and what to do. Dougbob was typing to me a little, so it was good. I was trying to learn to fly when he was in command so i wasn't too good :P

                        I need to get a mic. Should I just get a mic, or are you guys using full headsets? I should figure just a mic would be ok, right?

                        As for tips, I have none, I'm pretty new to BF2 as well, so I came in here to see if there were some good tips I do seem to have a bit of the same problem with the sniping, though. I usually aim for headshots, but sometimes I'll go for center body mass as it's usually easier to put 2 rounds in the chest than 1 in the head. I was chatting with Naillik about it last time I was in game. I guess it's just a thing of you gotta practice. I just figured since I'm usually a pretty good sniper in most games, I would pick it up quickly. I had a similar problem sniping in COD4, too. Now I've got it down to where I'm pretty good. I love sniping


                          Dougbob makes a good commander, I was SL for about 4-5 maps, Dougbob was commander on 2 of them and in the squad the others.
                          When he was commander, assistance, and spots where never far away.

                          I'd ask over comms how a flag was, i'd either get a ? on the location or dots

                          I'm not insane. I'm just overwhelming!

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                            I like a full headset. But, that is because mine has surround sound.

                            Where do you put the Bayonet?
                            Chesty Puller (upon seeing a flamethrower for the first time)
                            I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters.
                            Frank Lloyd Wright


                              I use a full headset with mic and surround i can hear everything


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                                by Sirex
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                                7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
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                                Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
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