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Tips and tricks

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    Originally posted by DennisM7 View Post
    I use a full headset with mic and surround i can hear everything
    I'll remember that when I knife you....


      Full headset is a must....


        Originally posted by (DSP)-Bar View Post
        I'll remember that when I knife you....
        You can try but i will wager to say i will get you first


          Originally posted by DennisM7 View Post
          You can try but i will wager to say i will get you first
          Famous last words.


          Killing CLRs since 2004. BOOSH!
          Support Cainslair. Donate here! [url][/url]


            Originally posted by DennisM7 View Post
            You can try but i will wager to say i will get you first
            lol... You better be careful or I will bring my shovel.

            Wouldn't want you to have to dig your own grave would we ?


              Originally posted by Mobojo View Post
              Hey guys. I am new to BF2 so obviously I have a lot to learn still. I was wondering if you guys have any tips that would help out. I do have some questions but I would like to know any nifty tricks you gurus know.

              Tips for killing. Should I always aim for the head even though I wont hit as much or is aiming for the chest better? I seem to put whole clips down range at someone's chest yet dont kill them. Is it just me not aiming well or it simply does take a lot of hits so headshots are a lot better.

              Is there a lot of bullet drop? I was aiming at someone around 200m away with a basic USMC sniper rifle, the m25 I think, and had the crosshairs right on his head and never hit him. The person I was aiming at was lying down and also sniping but not at me. I tried a couple of times and even tried aiming over his head so the bullet would "drop" down on him.

              Also got any other tips that would help a noob? I am playing the demo version for now till I have the money to get BF2 so things may be a bit different then what you play.

              i would recommend always use your iron sight, i always do it even if the enemy is close to me. 95% of the time i use iron sight instead of crosshair. i got used to it while playing Red Orchestra
              Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                +1 to headsets, squads, and using iron sights.

                Also, remember that you will take a serious accuracy hit if you shoot while standing. Crouching improves accuracy a bit, but if you can its usually better to go prone before firing.


                  Ok, so how in the world can I hit anything with that blasted Ak-47 and 101? MEC and China are the only teams it ever lets me join.
                  CoD4 Ak-47 you can actually kit someone at 20 yrds away normally with accuracy. But that Bf2 Ak-47 cant hit the broad side of a barn!

                  Anyway, I'm expecting a lot of "You cant. Get another gun."


                    WHOOAA WHAT?

                    Bf2 Ak-47 cant hit the broad side of a barn!

                    truly a shocker ! I can not believe my eyes..

                    I prefer the AK-47, ONE million times then any other gun in bf2. Not only is it Cool in the movies but also in Bf2, the problem is you need some practice aiming. It's a' toy for big boys

                    It's deadly, accurate... ooohhh with the grenade launcher man is it deadly

                    AK-47/100 > LAMe Cod4 M2 or AK

                    BTW normally I don't reply with this many smiley faces nor with the format, but I guess you got my reaction when I first read it.


                      The AK in BF2 is one of the best guns. If I could customize any class for all the teams. All of them would use the AK/M-16 defaults. Only one class would be different and that is because I love the shotguns (Pump FTW). I just wish they had made some city maps for the Chinese. The Chinese needs a good Kark type map.


                        Originally posted by (DSP)-Bar View Post
                        lol... You better be careful or I will bring my shovel.

                        Wouldn't want you to have to dig your own grave would we ?
                        the challenge is set i will knife Bar before he gets me


                          Originally posted by DennisM7 View Post
                          the challenge is set i will knife Bar before he gets me

                          Watch your six


                            Watch your 7..


                              Originally posted by GeneralSnake View Post
                              Watch your 7..

                              Check your four


                                one step ahead of you.
                                Here is a video tip. Kind of.
                                That is Bloodmyth of our very own Cain's Lair.
                                He does correct for bullet drop. And, he has the best sniper rifle, so his is going to be more accurate than yours.
                                Notice one thing, even though fire was coming his way, he didnt get up and run. He finished his shot first. Even if he took a few rounds, he still got the kill.
                                If you were to get up and run, you would probably catch a few more and die, without the kill.


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                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Sirex
                                  All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                                  7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                                • Reply to hey yall!
                                  by Pidgeot_Girl
                                  Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                                  2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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