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Tips thread.

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    Tips thread.

    I figured that we start a thread where we ask for or we give tips on how to play.

    Some people have trouble with certain classes or vehicles and would like to get better.

    Me for instance, I am a superb dogfighter, but i suck at bombing.

    I am a great special ops, but i suck at using a tank. There are little things you pick up without realizing it that makes each class, each vehicle, and each map a bit different.

    I'll start.

    For you wannabe pilots out there, if you're having trouble shaking someone, go crazy.

    Literally, go crazy. Start flying as psychotic you can. Do what joe did to me, go up high enough and bail. IF you get high enough it is hard to regain control of your aircraft. Sometimes you cant and you die. And the pilotw ill either fall to earth, bail out, or somehow regain control only to be owned by you manning a stinger site if you can find one.

    Another tactic is fly as low and as nimble as you can. Hug the ground. Chances are someone is going to crash, especially if they are right on you. Pilots make mistakes alot. IF he's smart, he'll break off and go high, and then its just a matter of you turning around or hiding behind a mountain.

    If you find yourself in a turning fight, stop turning and go in a different direction. Reverse your turn, go straight up, fly stright in front of you, loop and go backwards. A turning fight is a losing battle for both pilots.

    If you manage to get behind someone, do. not. lose him. and you want to keep a medium distance from him. too close and your missiles will go right past him. too far off and you will lose him and your missiles wont be able to catch him. or he can turn into you and ram you. Keep about 3 plane lengths away from your enemy at the minimum.

    my personal rule of thumb is, if i have him lit up for 3 seconds, he wont escape. the reason being is 3 seconds is all you need to lock on. if you get a lock on and he turns, he's still dead. turn with him. if he makes a sharp bank, do the same. if he goes up, go up.

    If you find yourself being chased by missiles, pray you are far enough away from it. Then all you have to do is turn, go up, or go behind a mountain. you just want that missile to crash into something, or to overshoot you. Mind you, flares only work of the pilot hasnt shot missiles on your locked behind yet, or if he's had you locked for more than 3-5 seconds. Once he has a hard lock on you, that missile will go for you.

    These are just some tips. They make alot more sense when you use them, and when you dont have someone like me just babbling.

    .....also i need help on bombing.

    I'd put this in the NOOB thread that we have up in the stickies....


      Not necissarily for noobs. Some veteran players want to improve their game. And i think it should be that if you ask for tips, you have to provide tips.


        That did help me a little.
        :] Im not that great of a pilot but I want to be.



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