I have been having a blast playing with yall lately. Here are some screen shots of my personal favorite moments.

Its my first admin!

If I had like 5 more mins I would have had my 19 air kills for my ribbon. This is my first time ever doing will in the jet. All of those are air kills and ALL my deaths were from me lagging and crashing into the ground or in one case the other jet.
Thats about it. I get proud of myself really easy when it comes to video games. Hope yall enjoy these pics.

Its my first admin!

If I had like 5 more mins I would have had my 19 air kills for my ribbon. This is my first time ever doing will in the jet. All of those are air kills and ALL my deaths were from me lagging and crashing into the ground or in one case the other jet.
Thats about it. I get proud of myself really easy when it comes to video games. Hope yall enjoy these pics.