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    Not to rehash a thread that was locked (as it will get this one locked) all I want to add is that while I'm sure things were done to try and help the losing team, I think the magnitude of what was going on before you guys tried to help isn't obvious.

    I joined the game when we had 1 flag. We had 1 squad leader who was swimming, hoping not to be seen and I spawned on him. I joined the game and only a few mins later, people started to leave.

    If my name is showing on that screen shot of when you actually received the medal, than there must of been a damn lot of farming going on before I got there. I also remember being farmed multiple times by copters and planes. In my first 10 mins on the map, I must of died a total of 12 times, half to a copter hovering behind the hill near our spawn (which ever we had).

    So I'm sure the thoughts were in the right place once you got the medal, but the damage had been done as we lost probably 5-6 people on the Chinese team in the time I was there. I don't want to think of how it was for the Chinese when you were actually trying to kill them.

    Regardless, I'm glad to see you got the medal. Congrats.

    Maybe now we can put the last 3-4 nights of BF2 gaming behind us and start playing for fun and playing to keep a server populated.
    [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
    So all you get is this crappy text]


      Originally posted by nikaios View Post

      I've been spending some time wreaking havoc from the air as Hawkeye's gunner and I can attest to his desire for fairness in the game. There were several rounds where we intentionally backed off the enemy team not only to make it more fun but to ensure server population.

      I'm sure the intentions were good, but I don't think this was shared by the entire team.

      I also remember Madhatter stoping as a pilot and taking over Commander duties, where we had some fun trying to arty each other (because there really wasn't much else we could do).

      A better idea, to help with fairness, would of been to switch teams as the other was usually outmanned 2 to 1.
      [this is where my funky sig would go. But I don't have one.
      So all you get is this crappy text]


        Originally posted by BigTwinky View Post
        I'm sure the intentions were good, but I don't think this was shared by the entire team.

        I also remember Madhatter stoping as a pilot and taking over Commander duties, where we had some fun trying to arty each other (because there really wasn't much else we could do).

        A better idea, to help with fairness, would of been to switch teams as the other was usually outmanned 2 to 1.
        I don't think I was playing the night that you're talking about. I'm talking about a few days last week. When we did that we actually did swap sides a few times to ensure that teams were balanced. I could give a crap about stats and medals and ribbons - all they are is something to see when you log onto I care about everyone having a good time and ensuring that the server population stays as high as it can be.


          Originally posted by {CLR} Major.Massacre View Post
          I think the real point is here that if you dont have good pilots on either side keeping each other busy, it ruins fun for everyone period. Fair intentions and all. Nothing pisses people off more than a vehicle that can hardly be touched.
          Another clear case of players being blamed for just being too good.

          No one stops anyone from getting into a jet or a helo. And if you suck at those two vehicles, it is certainly not the fault of the people who are good, that the game is ruined.

          The game is ruined because people on the other side suck. When is excelling at something ever bad?

          That would be like me complaining that I don't make enough money at photography because other photographers are better. When the real reason would be that I SUCK at photography.

          It's funny to see people complain about the stress they cause themselves. No one forces you into playing anything, and certainly are not charged fees to play it. You all chose to put yourselves in that situation.

          But it IS absolutely free to complain.

          BF2 is brought back so the community can have one last blast, and it immediately becomes the cause of a b*tch fest.

          Good players ruined the game? Please. Good players made the game. You just happen to suck.

          Last edited by DougBob; 26 Oct 2008, 03:13 PM.


            Can someone lock this thread? It's just going to keep devolving into air vs no air bickering.


              Originally posted by Master_Chief_Alpha View Post
              Another clear case of players being blamed for just being too good.

              No one stops anyone from getting into a jet or a helo. And if you suck at those two vehicles, it is certainly not the fault of the people who are good, that the game is ruined.

              The game is ruined because people on the other side suck. When is excelling at something ever bad?

              That would be like me complaining that I don't make enough money at photography because other photographers are better. When the real reason would be that I SUCK at photography.

              It's funny to see people complain about the stress they cause themselves. No one forces you into playing anything, and certainly are not charged fees to play it. You all chose to put yourselves in that situation.

              But it IS absolutely free to complain.

              BF2 is brought back so the community can have one last blast, and it immediately becomes the cause of a b*tch fest.

              Good players ruined the game? Please. Good players made the game. You just happen to suck.

              Nice thing to say to me. Is that why I owned your ass daily in 2142? I didnt get to be 5th in the world because I sucked did I? Your ability in the jet was great but never even reached the top ten in the world did it? Nuff said. Go fly a kite.
              Last edited by DougBob; 26 Oct 2008, 03:13 PM.


                Originally posted by Geddy View Post
                My answer is quite simple to this dilemma,...

                Using the server status page, from here on out if there are certain people on, or certain maps being played, I simply won't play.

                If I am playing and certain maps come up, I'll leave. If that empties out the server, then so be it. I have better ways to spend my time than getting pissed off because of a game.

                same here.
                Hit 'em like comic books, kaboom! pow pow!


                  When I said "you," i meant it in a general sense.

                  As in, "if you go to the post office, you can get stamps."

                  No one questions your pee pee size, Mass. At age 32 you'd(general moniker) think you'd be content, eh?

                  And I only played 2142 against/with you a couple of times. I was busy managing the things you say in the forums as an admin. Because(and I don't think I'm alone here), you started some of the most pointless threads due to someone ramming you.

                  If you kill someone, it's skill.

                  If someone kills you the wrong way, it's ban time.

                  It's called sportsmanship. You b*tch with the best of them. Of course you won't get my point.

                  Last edited by DougBob; 26 Oct 2008, 03:13 PM.


                    Originally posted by Geddy View Post
                    My answer is quite simple to this dilemma,...

                    Using the server status page, from here on out if there are certain people on, or certain maps being played, I simply won't play.

                    If I am playing and certain maps come up, I'll leave. If that empties out the server, then so be it. I have better ways to spend my time than getting pissed off because of a game.

                    Im on the same page.
                    I wont play the Carrier Rape map anymore unless the Ultra Pilots are not on.

                    No offense meant to any of them whatsoever. It just isnt fun to spawn, barely get to any destination, and then die.

                    I commend your skills, but they are individual contributions, not team driven ones. I play this particular game over COD4 for the squad based action.


                      Originally posted by Master_Chief_Alpha View Post
                      When I said "you," i meant it in a general sense.

                      As in, "if you go to the post office, you can get stamps."

                      No one questions your pee pee size, Mass. At age 32 you'd(general moniker) think you'd be content, eh?

                      And I only played 2142 against/with you a couple of times. I was busy managing the things you say in the forums as an admin. Because(and I don't think I'm alone here), you started some of the most pointless threads due to someone ramming you.

                      If you kill someone, it's skill.

                      If someone kills you the wrong way, it's ban time.

                      It's called sportsmanship. You b*tch with the best of them. Of course you won't get my point.

                      Is it me? Or was ramming banned? Pointless? Nope, you lost that one mate. I never b*tched about legit kills. People rammed me because they couldnt kill me(except for the resourceful ones, you know who you are) This coming from a guy who spawn raped with the best of them. Dont talk to me about sportsmanship. You'll lose everytime.
                      Last edited by DougBob; 26 Oct 2008, 03:14 PM.


                        Ok boys and girls, nuff said. Time to cool your jets a bit. (Not talking about the game)

                        We all play here to have fun, lets keep it that way. Trying to kill each other isn't the way to go about it. We all need to be mindful of what is going on around us and be mindful of the new comers. Games and Scores Come and Go, its the people that stay that makes the difference.

                        ~ Locking Thread ~



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                        • Reply to hey yall!
                          by Sirex
                          All sorted now, even updated the email on the account.

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                          7 Mar 2025, 10:03 AM
                        • Reply to hey yall!
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                          Glad to hear you're doing well Apache and congratulations on the business!! Only thing I'm playing is BO6 these days on the weekends!
                          2 Mar 2025, 01:55 PM
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